Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 786: : Who gave it to me

The energy of the first strike was completely gone. Thor knew that the shot was completely irreparable and could not be remedied. The eternal spear's 100% hit rate was flawed.

Now, his only thought was to destroy everything in front of him.

That tiny creature, and the humble reptile.

It's them, it's all because of them.

"Dead to me!"

Thunder God pushed hard, and the spear and the old dragon wearing it fell down at the same time, hitting the ground severely.


Lao Long felt his body penetrated and hurt that kind.

It also felt that the lance pierced into his body was slightly trembling and rapidly expanding. The icy gun body began to have a slight energy dissipation, and the muscles close to the gun body felt a slight current.

It is a wonderful feeling that has never been experienced before.

The unique sensation that keeps the body convulsing and the brain blank.

It seems to feel the separation of soul and body, the separation of life from itself, and the growing shadow of death in the sun.

And all this stems from the spear with a devastating amount of lightning power inserted into its body.

When the spear swelled to the limit in the body, it was on the verge of an explosion, and the amount of thunderous electricity was about to be released ...

The old dragon felt a touch of his head.

Thor: ...

Old Dragon: ...

Lao Long asked himself, since the day of his birth, the top of his head is an absolute restricted area, and even a hair cannot stand on his own head.

Although there is no embellishment on his head, in the eyes of Lao Long, this is the most sacred place in the world, and the majesty that cannot be blasphemed.

However, not long ago, a human palm touched here.

Today, this palm is here again.

Laolong's teeth clucked, and because of too much force, several tooth decayed and cracked.

It remembers!

It recognized the smell on this hand.

That's right, the palm of the hand.

Unfortunately, Laolong's pupils erected in a straight line slowly spread, and the sharp light began to scatter.

Last time, it was able to growl and scream to find the other party's accounts, and it even made a ruthless swear word.

However, since then, the other person seems to have disappeared and never appears again.

Today it appeared again, and within a few minutes' distance, Lao Long was powerless.

However, at this time, the old dragon heard a roar from the bottom hissing.

"Do not!"

The sound was deafening, like 10,000 thunders blasting in his head at the same time.

However, before the voice had spread, it was crushed and erased by the will of the world, and turned into a trivial subtle existence, then dissipated in the wind.

At the same time, Lao Long felt that the stern gun in his body was gone, and what followed was emptiness, loneliness, and cold that could not be described in words.

At this time, the old dragon came to his senses, and the spear that rammed in his body was gone.

It was not taken away by its owner, but it just disappeared out of sight and completely disappeared.

The old dragon who returned to God immediately turned his head and looked around for that abominable palm.

However, nothing was found.

Thinking of this, Lao Long breathed a sigh of relief.

How about finding it?

What to say?

Looking for revenge, or revenge?

Lao Long knew that he was saved by the dumb, otherwise, he had turned into a fan of powder at this time and completely disappeared from the world.

Although the current situation is bad, but at any rate, he took a life.

Most importantly, he showed loyalty to the will of the world.

This is definitely the biggest gain.

Thanks for that **** human.

But how can I thank him?

Thunder God roared unwillingly, and made all kinds of harsh words, but did not have the courage to cross the Thunder Pool step.

Although he mastered the coordinates of the Titan continent and opened up the space barriers, at most he cast spells and scolded them.

Jump in?


During the heyday of the Titan Continental World, he jumped in and died.

What's more, stealing the existence of his eternal spear is also an unknown variable.

Whether this is a ghost of the world's will, or other dramas and gods are involved, it is not a good thing for him.

So he wisely closed the space channel.

On the other side, Xi Tong stared blankly at the wounded old dragon.

The scales are peeling off, penetrating damage from the chest to the tail, and the raging power of the thunder and lightning in the body.

From time to time, a series of electric sparks escape from the body surface, which constantly brings the scorching smell of barbecue.

If it was an ordinary thunderbolt, Lao Long Ren Ren would have passed.

But this is the divine power, and it is inspired by the artifact.

Although it only escaped a little, and did not completely erupt, but even so, it was enough to become the epidermal anthrax of the old dragon, constantly killing its life and eating away its flesh and blood.

If it wasn't for the old dragon's majestic physique and arrogant life, at this time it is estimated that he is already cooked and can be eaten with a little cumin.

You see, this old dragon is big and round, and it has gone to scales, opened belly, and the meat is already cooked, otherwise ...

At this moment, the system is insincerely suggesting Tamil.

You are a dragon warrior!

I am the Dragon Slayer System!

Don't forget your responsibilities and mission.

However, Tamil did not listen to the system's confusion.

He slowly crouched down and checked the status of the old dragon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and then stroked his palm on top of the old dragon's head.

Old Dragon: ...

The next instant, the old dragon's body shone with dazzling electric light. The thunder and lightning power that had previously been poured into it from the Eternal Spear was all called, converging from the limbs to the top of his head.

Just like cupping, instantly remove things that affect the physical and mental health of Lao Long.

Although in the process Lao Long shot a few more shots of blood, his breath was even weaker, but the root cause of the disease was gone. As long as he carried it today, there would be no worry about life.

Feeling that the old dragon's increasingly powerful aura and vitality, the system repeatedly asked: Do you still want to slaughter dragon coins?

However, Tamil ignored it.

Although I don't know why Lao Long appeared here, the fact is that the other party helped him to block the deadly killing tricks and gained valuable time for him.

It was also in this brief moment that Tamil thoroughly refined (stolen) the spherical lightning and turned it into himself.

Barbarians have clear grudges.

The grace of dripping water is reported.

Tamil could not do the same with his salvation benefactor.

As a result, the system immediately made a 360-degree turn under the command of Xi Tong.

Ding! You have passed the trial of the system, demonstrated your valuable qualities, and completed the hidden task [Trial of the Heart].

As for the reward of hidden tasks, of course, they chose to hide.

Well, Xi Tong didn't think about it at all. He was playing a thunder gun now.

Fortunately, some people still remember Tamil.

The self-deceiving ruler descends from the sky, and the fuzzy and transparent figure is a little cohesive and true.

The straight ruler turned slightly, as if nodding to Tamil.

However, Tamil was full of question marks: Who bent this thing?

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