Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 787: : Give me a golden body

"Master, Tamil is recognized by the will of the world."

Xi Tong, obsessed with the action of "gun wiping", immediately looked up and looked at the Titan continent.

It turned out that after the ruler nodded to Tamil, a mark was imprinted on Tamil.

Through this mark, Tamil is able to communicate the will of the world at any time, and it can be said to be truly "carrying from heaven" and "upholding God's will."

The ruler gives not only a short name, but also the benefit of real gold and silver, that is, it can be made larger and smaller at will, and the multiple is 5 times.

Speaking of which, this artifact is also good enough, except that it has become bigger and smaller, it has no merit, and it is no wonder that the defense was consumed 10,000 years ago, leading to the unbridled coming of the gods.

But then think about it, if the power of the ruler is so stingy, why is Thor the **** of desperation, even throwing the spear of eternity at risk?


Aside from doses, it's a rogue to talk about toxicity, but aside from the basics to talk about multiples.

Just like a dog, giving it a 5x boost can still not beat an elephant, but if it is a dragon, giving it a 5x boost, Altman dares to tear it up for you.


Dragon ancestors also have the same mark, but it is 9 times.

In other words, the real ancestors of the Dragon tribe are only one-ninth as they are now, at best they are about 1 meter.

However, this multiple can be improved. As for how to improve, it depends on the mood of the ruler.

The ruler nodded to Tamil and disappeared.

No one knows where it came from, and no one knows where it goes, but everyone knows that it is everywhere.

Because it is the world.

Without the blessing of the will of the world, Tamil could no longer maintain a height of 200 meters, and the effort was reduced to 10 meters in a blink of an eye.

The ancestors of the Dragons looked at the imprint of the miniature of the world on Tamil, and simply stopped pretending.

The body flashed, and the huge body shrank like a leak.

Although the front chest and hind hips still have a lot of pain, but it feels slightly more than just now.

"Barbarians, I saved you, and you saved me. We don't owe each other."

The old dragon's short claws knocked on the ground.

It is a pity that the ground is not only hard, but also has no texture. The nails have pitted one after another on the ground, but there is no echo of "咚咚咚" in imagination.

The old dragon was not embarrassed, he showed the mark on his body and continued.

"We are all chosen guardians of the world. It is our mission to protect this world. We are related to the world and we are all proud."

Tamil did not answer, but did not refute, continuing to digest the impact of the mark on him.

Fortunately, the mission of himself and Lao Long is to protect the peace of the world, prevent the world from being destroyed, and destroy those extraterrestrial demon gods, which do not include the system god.

The two tasks do not conflict.

When he said this, the old dragon straightened his neck and looked around. Wherever his eyes were, the dragon eagle, griffon, and flying dragon all shrank their necks and shivered.

This is both the suppression of strength and the dominance of pedigree.

In front of the old dragon, they have no ability to resist.

Tamil frowned.

At this time, Lao Long said: "According to the rules of the human world, I am the patron saint of your country, my golden statue ..."

However, when Tamil rose up suddenly, his body suddenly became larger, and a heavy punch closed the mouth of the old dragon and smashed it into the earth by the way.

"You listen!"

"Even if there is a true **** in this world, that is the system god!"

"And you are just a reptile that has been favored by the world. It has not been able to dominate the continent for tens of thousands of years, enjoying unique resources, but still unable to resist the attack of the demon from outside."

"You are simply worthless waste! That's why the world chose me."

Tamil's palms spread out, and a bolt of lightning jumped in his palms.

"I forgot to tell you that I have another identity, and that is the Dragon Warrior!"

The old dragon was completely angry.

After the Titan Protoss disappeared, it became the top creature in this world.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, all the powerful beings of its contemporaries have died and died, and the Dragons have become the only powerful beings in the world, and they have also surpassed the powerful existence of God.

Its dragon cave houses the remains of hundreds of ancient gods, each of which is its loot.

Therefore, it is extremely proud. Even in the face of Tamil, which is also recognized by the world, it is still arrogant.

The supremacy of the Dragon race is already in its bones.

However, it forgets that this is a world that speaks with fists, and it also forgets the fact that it has been hit hard.

It wants to be angry and growl.

However, only a series of **** coughs were brought.

Not only was the blood spurting from his mouth, but the wounds on his chest were also shooting, and the wounds under him were flowing.

The body has reached the verge of collapse, forcing the use of force, it is estimated that before it takes effect, he will explode and die.

One punch!

One punch!

Tamil is like a human-shaped pile driver, holding on to Lao Long's head.

Lao Long could still cough a few times at first, and then his head and half of his neck were choked into the soil, and he couldn't even cough.


The bright dragon yin rang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As soon as I saw a flying dragon broke free of Long Wei's suppression, he flapped his wings to the sky.

The flames in his eyes were not anger, but warlike ignorance.

Strictly speaking, the flying dragons under Her Majesty Tamil are all born on the planet Terra, and they are excellent descendants screened out by the nuclear radiation mutation of the green dragon-derived blood.

Although the old dragons are also their blood relatives, they are pretentious and not close.

Before the old dragon could suppress them with strength and long Wei, but when Tamil showed his skills and rubbed the old dragon on the ground, these two things were not good.

As a result, one dragon after another rose to the sky, and the dragon eagle and griffin also returned to their positions.

Tamil rubbed his sore fist.

Although protected by a brutal iron fist, and did not contusion the bone fracture, the bones of the old dragon were too hard. Even without the protection of the scale armor, the powerful anti-shock force still made Tamil unable to bear.

After a close contact, Tamil gained a preliminary understanding of the strength of the old dragon, and the idea of ​​the dragon warrior became more and more fierce and increasingly high.

Tamil finally remembered that this was the main task. As soon as the knife was cut, the ultimate reward package was reached and the big carousel would be reopened.

Feeling increasingly murderous around him, Lao Long finally persuaded.

"Otherwise, discuss it ..."

Tamil grinned, showing his white teeth, and there seemed to be a metal-specific light flashing on the teeth.

"It depends on your price."

Well, squeezing the benefits first, then killing them again, the reward is doubled.

The old dragon inserted his head down again, and said in a dull voice.

"Gold me a gold statue, you are on top of me, you are riding on me and I am holding you."

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