Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 791: : How to break color

On the screen cast by blue light, a character model is quickly constructed and rendered, and it is completed from scratch in a blink of an eye.

From the outline, it is a female character, but because he is not wearing clothes, Xi Tong can't recognize the specific character.

"Her Excellency, do you see anything?"

Xi Tong shook his head, "Who is this ????"

Luo Tianyi: -_- |||

"His Excellency, do you think this is a virtual character or a real one?"

Xi Tong finally understood Luo Tianyi's intention.

She was discussing philosophy with herself, but it was another philosophy.

"Of course, the chip network is all virtual characters. This is also used ..."

and many more.

If before, it must be a virtual character, but Luo Tianyi just got a new module that can convert energy into matter.

The chip network was originally a network of energy, the world of energy, and now this world can materialize.

Under Xitong's gaze, the character model changed a little bit, becoming clearer and more real.

Xi Gong nodded at his fingertips. It was soft and flexible, and his body temperature was not missed.

"You characters are solid. They don't have a heart and stomach. They are a puppet at best."

Luo Tianyi did not agree.

"This character doesn't need to get energy through eating, the digestive system is simply a burden."

"Like the practitioners of food style drinking, eating grains and cereals will only make the body dirty. The purpose of their cultivation is to get rid of the shackles of the stinky skin and complete the detachment of life."

Xi Tong was persuaded, and he had to admit that Luo Tianyi was very reasonable.

Moreover, the character in front of him reminded him of one thing-Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying is a pure energy body, but it is a real thing and the foundation of a practitioner.

Although the character created by Luo Tianyi is not Yuan Ying, there are still many similarities between the two.

Most importantly, from this moment, Luo Tianyi has the ability to create things.

The network fluctuation just now is for this reason-Luo Tianyi has evolved again.

"My Excellency, I intend to materialize the world I created before."

Materializing all the worlds such as "Resident Evil" and "Nine Songs in Heaven" is equivalent to creating a new world.

Without a perpetual motion machine to provide unlimited energy, Luo Tianyi would have no such idea.

Xi Tong nodded. "Then try it. Let's start with the world of" Nine Songs in Heaven. "

After all, the world of Resident Evil is too thin, with limited plots, pale backgrounds, and hollow characters.

It's okay to go in and fight the little zombies and exercise a sense of fighting, and nothing else can be expected.

Soon, all historical figures in the world of "Nine Songs in the Sky" received energy infusion, from to reality.

After doing this, Luo Tianyi stopped decisively.

"Hi Supreme Executive, according to my calculations, materializing these characters requires the equivalent of 1 crystal. However, raising them to the corresponding strength will cost ten times and hundreds of times."

"Also, new problems will arise after the strength is improved."

Crystal is the unit of energy, the energy contained in 1 cubic centimeter energy block.

However, in contact with the Thor world, especially after the capture of two Thor's hammers, Luo Tianyi redefined the crystal. The energy contained in a Thor's hammer is set to 1 crystal.

One crystal is roughly equivalent to the energy contained in one lightning.

The energy of a lightning bolt is huge, but for a perpetual motion, it is nothing but a cow. After all, the Atlantis perpetual motion gains energy by cutting the world, which is equivalent to directly extracting the origin of the void.

Luo Tianyi did not continue, not because of throbbing energy, but because of this, there will be many unstable factors.

For example, the individual strength is too strong, reaching the limit of the "world", once the force is used, the situation of broken void will appear.

Therefore, the "world" must be strengthened, but the "world" is too large, and materialization must be completed in stages and regions, not overnight.

But according to Luo Tianyi's calculations, before the grand plan was completed, the world was destroyed.

Xi Tong glanced at the world of "Nine Songs in the Sky" and saw Wei Zhuang's thin sword.

Uncontrollable energy escapes from the pores of the body, just like the big porcupine, constantly destroying the surrounding space.

Broken, repaired, disillusioned ...

Wei Zhuang showed an incredible picture around his body, and a backlog and rejection from all directions helped him up.

It's like a balloon being plunged into the water.

Xi Tong twisted his chin slowly and said, "The rules are not perfect."

Similar situations have appeared in other historical figures, because of the infusion of energy, the world of "Nine Songs in Heaven" is instantly chaotic.

Let's put it this way, the illusory world of "Nine Songs in Heaven" is like a pile of tiled iron sand, materializing those historical figures, like throwing hundreds of magnets into the iron sand.

Even if they did not want to interfere in the operation of the world, they would still cause irreparable damage to everything around them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Seeing that nothing could be done, Luo Tianyi immediately chose to return.

Xi Tong pondered for a while.

"Otherwise, you just need to instill energy into the world of" The Nine Songs in Heaven ", just like the heaven and earth aura, and constantly integrate into the mountains, rivers and seas, and the moisturizing material makes the world change."

"At the same time, these energies can be absorbed by the creatures, just like cultivation. Historical figures absorb ten times faster than ordinary creatures. In this way, they can also highlight their extraordinaryness."

"At the same time, some special strongholds in the world, such as cave heaven and earth, will be more dense in energy and more stable in space."

"When the strength reaches a certain level, we can no longer draw energy from the outside world, and we must go to these blissful areas to continue to break through. In this way, the influence of historical figures on the secular world is minimized."

After speaking these thoughts, Xi Tong was shocked by himself.

Isn't this exactly the world setting of self-cultivation novels, as well as the resurgence of Aura.

What is it called?

However, Luo Tianyi was very obedient, and according to Xi Tong's approach, he began to instill energy into the world of "Nine Songs in Heaven" in all directions without dead ends.

Slow is a bit slower, but victory is stable.

In this way, about nine days and nine nights, the preliminary materialization of the world of "Nine Songs in Heaven" was finally completed.

Of course, just after materialization is completed, there is still a long way to go from the real world.

Many other details are exactly the same as in the real world, but Lasagna and Reproduction are not installed.

All beings are solid.

The words of Confucius came up in Xi Tong's mind—the appetite was also good.

These four words are exactly the direction Luo Tianyi needs to work hard in the future.

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