Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 792: : Teenagers get a tattoo

For nine days, Xi Tong has been studying the Eternal Spear and Thor's Hammer, and has produced many results.

Thor's Hammer is also enshrined and becomes an elf under the main **** seat of the system.

The Titan Kingdom immediately revised the teachings and added a story about His Majesty Tamil defeating Thor with his bare hands and defeating Thor's will.

Because of the advent of the gods, believers have mastered many divine arts or artifacts, especially the information transmission, which has a qualitative leap compared with the past.

The news of Tamil and Thor fighting and spreading across the continent like wings has spread, all the counted forces know the essence of the Lord God of the system.

Well, everyone is clearing the thunder god's will-bearer. You're better off, and you will be the thunder god.

The most important thing is the appearance of Lao Long.

The gods who experienced the last advent of the gods are naturally no stranger to it, and many gods still hate them.

Knowing that the old dragon had become the mount of Tamil, many gods immediately understood that even though he repeatedly valued the main **** of the system, he still underestimated him.

"The barbarians are recognized by the will of the world."

"The old dragon was subdued by him, which is definitely the acquiescence of the world's will."

"There is no doubt that this time it is no longer a war of gods, but a confrontation between barbarians and us."

We mean the gods.

The savages had to fight against the gods.

This sounds strange, just like an ant needs to urinate taller than an elephant.

However, with the approval of the will of the world, the nature is different, not to mention, there is a mysterious and incomparable system **** behind the barbarians.

"Who is the main **** of the system sacred?"

"When was the Lord God of the system born, why haven't you heard of it?"

"Did he have him in the last battle of the gods?"

"What are the characteristics of the main **** of the system? What is the system of divine power?"


If Xi Tong knew the problems of the gods, he would surely spread his hands, indicating that he did not know.

What are your characteristics? Of course it is the road of XXism in the new era.

This is a problem with your own divine power system.

First of all, the cornerstone of his divine power system is his hands. Everything he has now is worked out with his hands.

Of course, this is the only one in this family that has no semicolon, and it has no reference significance.

In addition, it is its own cultivation method--the power of the five elements of yin, yang and five elements, plus the cultivation of the three essences of qi and spirit.

If you change individuals and cultivate so much power at the same time, it will definitely be a waste.

After all, human energy is limited, and the external resources are not endless.

But Xitong is different.

With the perpetual motion in hand, Xitong has the most energy, and all kinds of energy can be self-sufficient, not to mention the world of single energy such as the world of flames and prisons and the world of black ice.

To sum up a system of divine power, that is, there is everything, nothing is missing, and you can add content to it at any time.

Just like King of Pirates, your highlight is mine in the next second.

However, for believers, the simpler the practice is, the better the appointment is. After all, the life of the believer is short and the energy is limited.

In the last war of the gods, certain gods taught believers to devote only one skill to their lives during their training.

Such as the knight's vindictive chop.

It is through the split of the weapon that the fighting spirit is out of the body to attack the enemy.

Some knights only practice this trick in their lifetimes, soaked in centuries of years, their skills are close to the road, a sword is split, the sword gas is vertical and horizontal, and they can open mountains and rivers.

The cultivation system of the believers under the Lord of the System has also taken shape.

Elves mainly based on Jinwu, Snow Maiden, Supreme Treasure, and Thor's Hammer, choose an elf, get the seed of strength, and then continue to cultivate the power of the seed.

Needless to say, Jinwu's strength is backed by the World of Fire Prison, and he has 3,000 rules-level abilities. When it comes to the details, it is absolutely second to none.

Under this genre, there are two gods of war, Nezha and Longyang.

The Snow Maiden and the Demon Clan are the same roots. They were separated by Xi Tong and became two independent individuals. The Xuanbing World is behind them. The rule-level abilities are not as much as Jinwu, but they are also rapidly enriching With.

The fighters in this genre are Esdes, the owner of the Demons.

Supreme Treasure, Golden Monkey Little Six's axe, something similar to the vision of knight faith. The axe can be large or small, and can change its shape according to the user's mind. Although it is an illusion, it can be blessed on the weapon to enhance the combat effectiveness.

There is nothing strong in this genre, but the axe is definitely second to none in the weapons that barbarians love.

Most importantly, Xi Tong got the wreckage of Pangu axe in the fairy sword world.

Although this artifact was completely destroyed and its power evolved into many artifacts, Xi Tong still enshrined its wreckage, trying to conceive a new force.

Although Thor's Hammer is the latest to join, it has a strong family foundation and rich dowry. Although it has no world to rely on, it has many ways to use the power of Thunder—whether scientific or unscientific.

"Ding! This system is open for new features, please host check."

Tamil immediately opened the system mall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and even saw the shiny [tattoo] option.

Different patterns on the body give users additional attributes and abilities.

Basic attributes: four-dimensional boost, three-speed boost, dual defense boost, etc.

Special attributes can be small skills, can also be summoned spirits, more tattoos of the type of exercise, can also play a role in non-combat state.

Tamil looked hot.

Tattooing, which is also the tradition of barbarians, is old.

In ancient times, shamans of barbarians used beast blood and herbs to mix, cast spells, and then draw various patterns on the warriors.

These patterns are not only the distinction between clan and tribe, but also the determination of strength. Each pattern has a powerful bonus, which is a strict hierarchy of strength.

It is a pity that with the passage of time, this old craftwork is gradually withered and lost, and the tattoos of the barbarians are more decorative, reduced to pure symbolic meaning, and lost special functions.

At least, Tamil wouldn't.

Now, this traditional craft is reappeared.

Tamil looked at it casually. One of the lowest E-class tattoos is an abstract pattern of cat's claws. It is tattooed on both hands, which can increase the attack speed by 5%. When using two-handed attacks, there is a chance to cause a tearing effect, making the enemy bleed.

One of the most advanced S-class tattoos is Lei Zhen Kyushu, which led the Thunder Force to bombard the body's 9X9 range, randomly dropping 9 lightning bolts every 0.1 seconds for 1 minute.

Most importantly, Thunderstorm Kyushu is a set of tattoos. All the parts can be combined into a Thor set, which can summon Thor armor and Thor warhammer.

Tamil scratched his head, and said secretly in his heart: I seem to have seen this somewhere.

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