Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 793: : Poverty limits imagination

Tattoos have been drafted by Xi Tong for a long time, but the previous materials were lacking and fragmented. They could not be placed in the same category as "equipment", "props", "pets", etc.

But with the Thor's Hammer, the mystery of substantive energy was obtained, plus the 10086250-layer design drawings, the tattoo system came into being.

The Thor armor worn by Jess before was actually a superposition of 10086250 layers of tattoos.

Each layer of them has irreplaceable value and function, just like high-precision parts in machinery, which are indispensable.

However, the complete machine can be split into different modules to play their respective functions, and when combined, they can produce a complete set of effects.

This is the origin of the tattoo system.

There are acupoints and meridians in the human body that can hold energy, control the flow path of energy, and affect body function through different routes.

This is the most basic practice and the most commonly used practice, and it is also the iconic practice system of the lower martial arts world.

However, no matter how exquisitely the acupoints and meridians are blown, there is still a fact to be overcome--difficult to get started, slow to improve, and limited capacity.

Difficulty in getting started is a problem faced by almost all methods of practice. There are none of the warriors and no one of the magicians. There are only a few special practice methods in the world. There are often only one.

Qualification is the threshold that restricts the practice of martial arts. In addition, it is the limitation of age. For example, people often say "bone stereotypes" and "golden period of martial arts".

Slow ascension is also the most criticized in the practice of the low martial arts world. It is not as good as firing a pistol, but it has also indirectly caused the decline of the practice.

Let's look at the practice of electrification. That's called a crash course. I do the same day walking without injections and medicines. It is painless and safe. I can go to work that day.

The last problem is the bottleneck-no matter whether practicing martial arts or practicing with electricity, it is difficult to break through the polar world.

Condensing internal force, opening acupuncture points, widening meridians, and running through the governor ...

The human body is like a bottle filled with dirt. The practice method of the Low World has been spinning in the bottle all his life, like a yellow cricket, and a series of caves have been drilled in the muddy soil.

Even if the cave is played with flowers, can it exceed the volume of the bottle?

So, how to draw a line on the surface of the bottle?

The conditions of the Low World are limited, and the dojo can only be used in the shell of the spiral shell, but Xitong is completely unnecessary.

Perhaps poverty limits imagination.

In Xitong's impression, the practice should be meditation practice.

The Titan continent is not-the magician relies on meditation, the warrior relies on fighting spirit, and fighting spirit training does not have the concept of acupuncture points and meridians at all. It is purely a discipline of will. The will is stronger, and the controllable energy naturally rises.

The world of fairy swords is not-the art of cultivating immortals is purely mantras, mantras, amulets, and arrays, and tuna is at the tip of the iceberg at best.

Xitong received the practice of the son-in-law, Fuxi and Chiyou, but none of them has acupoints and meridians.

Xi Tong was still in doubt before, but after getting the Thor's Hammer, Xi Tong suddenly woke up, as if the frog jumped out of the bottom of the well.

Yes, Thor's Hammer has allowed Xitong to see a new cultivation system, or a true cultivation system.

Thor's world has an ancient method of practice-engraving special lines on the body, using these lines to absorb the energy between heaven and earth, and let them run along a special energy circuit to achieve different effects.

That's right, this is the "tattoo" function that Xitong puts on the system mall.

The energy circuit engraved on the surface of the body is indeed exactly the same as a tattoo.

For example, you want to transfer the inner strength from Dan Tian to the palm of your hand, and have the energy of shelling to play the effect of cracking the stone.

First, the internal force must flow fast, and second, the internal force flow must be short.

If the speed is too slow or the line is too long, before you finish reading the note and shake before you finish, people will run away, or a sword will choke you to death.

However, going straight is fast, but the strength is very weak, and the power of hitting out is like cotton.

This must complicate the route, various spiral strength, loop strength and so on, and then strike a balance between speed and strength.

But what about tattoos?

Branding an energy circuit directly on the palm, it's done.

The tattoo is in one step, it hurts for a few minutes, and the blessings last a lifetime. However, the practice of inner strength has various kinds of bones and tempers.

Good or bad, don't judge yourself.

If you want footwork, you have tattoos on your legs and feet. If you want boxing, you have tattoos on your palms. If you want defense, you have tattoos on your chest, hips, and crotch.

If you want to enhance your eyesight, hearing, and smell, you can tattoo your eyes, ears, nose and nose.

Even the five internal organs and even the bones can be imprinted with energy patterns, but this energy pattern is more advanced and more difficult to imprint.

In addition, how to stitch tattoos on the limbs and torso, and how to connect the energy lines inside and outside the body, are the most important.

After all, there are very few places in the human body where the energy lines can be branded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is like drawing a picture of the river on the eggshell, which is a test of ability.

But this is not difficult for Xi Tong.

What he lacks is not the accumulation, nor the resources, but the fire of the stars that caused the cause of 燎原.


Rice can be eaten slowly, and exercises can be slowly practiced, but if you don't get a tattoo, sorry, don't say that you are a believer in the Lord God of the system.

In addition, the energy lines on the body surface can be continuously stacked and produce special effects, and finally reach the level of Thor's armor, almost comparable to artifacts.

According to the "memory" in Thor's Hammer, Thor's armor is at best the level of "Exoskeleton", and the world also has "Gundam" energy armor.

Xi Tong is not greedy.

The energy texture is enough. Expanding the energy texture to an "exoskeleton" level, or even a "up to" level, is what will happen in the future.

At the same time, Tamil started buying tattoos in bulk.

Just like the tattoo stickers played by elementary school students, as long as they stick to the body, they can leave special lines on the body surface, and then activate the tattoo through the Terra stone chip, so that it has special attributes.

Activation is a key process and a process of turning decay into magic.

Need to constantly adjust the position of the tattoo, link the degree of coordination between the tattoo and the body, only in this way can the strength of the tattoo be maximized.

Only by connecting the chip, the fit of the tattoo can be brought to 100% through the control of Luo Tianyi.

Others, such as Thor's top Lingwen master, are 100% fit to European home luck, and 90% or even 80% are super-level.

It is good to be able to draw a spirit pattern with attributes. It is a basic operation to tattoo the tattoo once it is not washed.

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