Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 794: : Sleeping here and not leaving

So, the barbarians started a wave of tattoos for all.

This thing belongs to the tradition of barbarians. There is no slight resistance to it. Everyone is in favor of it, not to mention that tattoos can also add attributes.

And it's not an "extra attribute", but a powerful boost beyond the main attribute.

Even a fool will not refuse, not to mention that the IQ of a barbarian is much stronger than that of a fool.

Especially those old savages with old eyes who are dim and slumped on the sun loungers all day. They usually call them to fight. They wave their hands weakly and say they are old, let them go hunting. But let them go for a tattoo, immediately open their eyes and shout to help me up.

In the main shrine of the system, barbarians knelt in front of the idol in groups, and then used the chip to choose the tattoo they desired.

Before they came, they had browsed the types and information of the tattoos on the chip, and matched many tattoos with the help of the chip to choose the one that suits them best.

Report the tattoo you need to the main **** of the system. The strong energy light immediately shines at the designated position. After a bit of itching, the light dims, leaving a delicate energy pattern on the body surface.

"Afraid of washing?"

"Aren't you afraid of getting fat?"

"The Lord of the System said that I was not strong enough to choose a Thor set, not even the lowest-level components."

"Don't think about eating a mountain giant in one bite, step by step from low to high, you can take a tattoo anyway."

This is not a pigment, but a pure energy imprint. If you want to change it, you can directly erase the energy imprint without leaving any traces, and there is no residual problem like the gene fortification drug.

"So powerful, this [echo trample] tattoo is too strong, my lower body is full of power, ah ah, who will fight my lower body for three hundred rounds."

During the battle, the ground was trampled on, violently impacting the enemy, causing the enemy to fall into a brief coma.

This tattoo is no longer powerful, but shameless.

There are many similar situations. There are millions of tattoos that the system master can choose from. Although they are all E-level and D-level skills, they can be used at the right time to exert incredible effects.

The barbarians who worshipped the Lord of the System all laughed and ecstatic.

Fortunately, no one dared to pretend in the temple of the main **** of the system, and all rolled out.

The barbarians in the back were even more irritable and kept urging the others to hurry up.

In order to hurry up, the kneeling of one person became ten ten, and then one hundred and one hundred.

In fact, tattooing does not have to be performed in the temple at all, but Tamil always emphasized the sense of ritual, so he took off his pants and farted.

Outside the shrine, the line was already dozens of miles away, and barbarians continued to come from all directions, adding the end of the line automatically.

Over the years, barbarians have developed a good habit of lining up.

It's not how high their quality is, but the people who cut in the line will be served by dozens of pairs of old boxers. Over time, no one dares to cut in.

Just as the barbarians were having fun, the other races couldn't sit still.

The hill dwarf first came to the temple and said that he was also a faithful believer in the Lord God of the system. When should he arrange it, then he would not leave.

After all, many of the tattoos improve physical fitness, strengthen strength and physical strength, and increase combat skills.

The dwarves love to forge equipment, but the purpose of ironing is not for fighting.

The elves, goblin, and tidal frogman also rushed in, and for too long they did not show up, they were almost forgotten.

Don't forget, we signed the contract for peaceful coexistence when we were in Xianzolin.

Humans are naturally not far behind.

However, in the case of Eve's absence, human beings did not have a top character.

The dwarf patriarch can roll up a quilt and sleep at the door of Tamil's house, try another person, and be sure to be taken away by the barbarian guards.

Soon, Tamil received Ive's communication request.

"His Majesty, I heard that the Lord God of the system has given a fetish, which can make people have a lot of power in a blink of an eye, or a pure fire fighting ability!"

Eve wasn't a question, but a statement of unquestionable facts in a slightly majestic tone.

Although she was also unbelievable, the truth was before her.

Many organizations and forces associated with the Silver Hammer family sent messages asking her to say yes.

After all, the temple is now rounded by barbarians, and there are dwarves, elves, goblins, and tide frogmen standing in line. God knows when it will be human.

Ive knew that the biggest thought in those hearts full of humanity is not "when will it be to humans", but "when will it be to me".

These are all intended to make use of the relationship, ranking first.

It's a pity that Eve is studying in my Qing Dynasty world and knows nothing about the kingdom.

Even if she knew it, she wouldn't talk nonsense, nor would she disturb His Majesty for some insignificant people.

The will of His Majesty the King is beyond doubt, let alone defy.

No matter anyone, anything.

The moment you stand on the opposite side of His Majesty the King, whether you are right or wrong, is unforgivable.

So ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ive initiated the call as an individual, let Her Majesty not forget about himself.

Tamil nodded, "Yes, praise the Lord God of the system, thank the Lord God for generously giving us divine power, I think this is the legendary **** pattern."

Immediately, Tamil identified a dozen tattoos for Eve.

"Look at these tattoos? With your strength, you should be able to carry this set of fire-testing Phoenix tattoos. This tattoo cannot be performed in the public. You'd better choose a private place."

Eve looked at the properties of the dark fire phoenix, and her small heart throbbed.

The back is almost completely covered by the black phoenix, the tail feathers hang down from the waist, and the hips are completely contained, and it extends all the way around the legs to the ankle. The wings of the fire phoenix are wrapped around the arms. Protected, Phoenix's head covered his left cheek, like a delicate mask.

On the appearance alone, this black phoenix is ​​impeccable, even if Eve, a person who does not have a cold on tattoos, can't help craving.

In addition, this tattoo has powerful attributes.

Dark attributes and fire attributes are a double bonus-this is Eve's true attributes. She is not a pure fire attribute, but also has a dark attribute talent.

It is very powerful against attack power and speed increase. The annihilation dark flame condenses and shoots into a feather arrow, which makes up for the long-range attack that Eve has always lacked.

As for the power to annihilate the dark flames-the subtle Mars can cause fatal burns. Once contaminated, it will certainly burn the enemy's soul into nothingness.

The defense and recovery capabilities have also been greatly improved. The attributes are very comprehensive and there are almost no defects.

Most importantly, the tattoo states: Tattoos can grow, and to a certain extent, they can be substantively formed into energy armor.

Eve looked at her black cat suit.

It's time for a new model.

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