Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 799: : 1 silly big man on the ground

Thousands of Zhangfeng, thousands of miles of yellow sand.

The terrain was undulating, and the rustic ridges fluctuated.

This is a world of yellow sand, but also a world of loess.

It is no longer the turbulent river that is flowing in the river, but the rolling yellow mist-the soil-based spiritual power condensed into a liquid.

As for the confluence of Baichuan, it is the Hanhai Yellow Sand, a spiritual power condensed into the earth.

No one knows where this huge earth-based spiritual power came from, nor does it know where it is going. It only knows that 100,000 years have passed, and Shahai has not seen a single point increase or a slight drop.

Various strange creatures hide in the loess, swim in the soil soup, and fight in the sea of ​​sand.

Those who are small and weak, occupy one acre of pond and dominate the hegemony, and those who are fierce and powerful go back and down the river to compete for the vast peaks and occupy the billion miles of sea.

The rock giant is the most powerful being in this world.

No creature knows how long it has gone through. All they know is that the rock **** was born before all things, and life did not exist. It already existed.

Therefore, some souls regard it as the embodiment of the earth and worship as ancestors.

The rock **** never displays and never asks for anything, just like a Buddhist practitioner, everything follows.

That's because it has completely mastered the world and merged with the will of the world.

The whole world is its own, and it doesn't make any sense to discuss expanding the territory and grabbing resources.

However, it is not wantless.

On the contrary, its desire is extremely fiery.

It requires resources, faith, no matter what type, even a little bit, it is extremely eager.

Because its world has fallen into a bottleneck, whether the earth aura flows from the high mountains into the sand sea, or sinks from the sand sea into the center of the earth and then gushes out from the mountains, the total amount does not increase.

Even if there are creatures dying every second, and there are creatures born, even if there are discrepancies in a short period of time, the long-term is still the same.

However, even a drop of resources and power from the outside world can be regarded as growth.

Perhaps no one else can feel the growth of a drop of water falling into the ocean, but it understands.

Not only that, it also has a strong hunch. The opportunity for world breakthroughs and ascension lies in the continuous inflow of external resources and energy.

In the battle of the gods ten thousand years ago, it made great profits, and the origin of the world also rose to the front line.

It is a pity that it is not the ultimate winner. It has not been able to eat chicken. Otherwise, its world must break through its limits and transform to a higher level.


A roar came from the ground.

For a moment, the peaks and peaks were like gathering, and the waves were like anger. The whole world was shaking and trembling in this roar.

As for the creatures shrouded in roar, all of them disappeared in a flash, and turned into the purest energy to return to the origin of the world.

Other creatures who fortunately retrieved a life also curled their hands and feet. Even so, they still couldn't restrain the rapid expansion of the fanatic heart.

The mind is constantly shaking and shaking, and the strong willpower radiates and spreads into the distance with this wave of trembling, and eventually merges into an unknown place.

The rock giant has been silent for too long, so many new life forget its majesty, question its existence, and even give birth to alternative ideas.

It was not until this moment that sentient beings found themselves so ridiculous.

This great existence of the rock giant is invincible, and all glory belongs to it.

At this time, a little silver light shone in the orange-yellow world, and the dense silver light seemed to be starry and disillusioned.

The creatures of the rock world don't know what the stars are-their sky is always shrouded in mist and haze.

So, they all looked dumb.

And intuitively, these lights are displayed as the power of the rock giant.

Behold, when the rock giant appears, even the sky embellishes it with bright stars, praising you, the greatest **** under the starry sky.

However, the rock giant does not have the slightest sense of glory, and some are infinitely frightened.

Aura of the abyss!

Damn abyss, they're here again.

Afraid is not afraid. The abyss creatures eroded this world tens of thousands of years ago. At the critical moment, it came forward, repelled the abyss army, gained world recognition, and achieved its status today.

However, regardless of the outcome of the battle with the abyss, the loser will always be the one on the battlefield.

The abyss army will temporarily slaughter all living beings, pollute everything that fulfills them-peaks and mountains, rivers, sand and sea ...

After the death of the abyss army, a strong abyss atmosphere will be left behind, the soil will be dirty, the grass will not be born, and it will not be scattered for thousands of years. From time to time, ignorant creatures will be eroded by the power of the abyss, causing harm.

It's like a crazy dog ​​rushing into his home, winning or losing is uncomfortable for himself. Even if he is smashed by a stick, he will inevitably be splashed with blood.


The most important thing is that the bottleneck of the rock world is imminent, and it will soon break through. The abyss army is coming at this time. Even if it wins, it will be seriously injured, and the world promotion will be delayed indefinitely.


The rock giant rushed out of the ground and turned into a mighty giant with a height of 10,000 meters.

However, this is only the part above the chest of the rock giant, because no exposure or description is allowed below the chest.

The dazzling light flows through its diamond skin, and the magnificent edges scatter the light ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is full of bright light, and the world of yellow sand has finally added a bright color.

He waved his arms, trying to catch the shining light in the air.

It has to ask the other party why it was so irrational to go to the Rock World. Did it forget its failure 30,000 years ago?

However, the silver light in the sky suddenly bloomed, and eventually merged into one, forming a huge space channel.


The violent sound of breaking through the air was like a sound of waves. The yellow sand in the air began to beat rapidly, and it broke and collapsed in the crazy beating.

The sword crossed the place, as if the tail of a comet, pulling out a kilometer of horsepower in the air.


The rock giant was stunned.

Because the sudden appearance of the spirit is completely different from the abyss army.

They are living, living humans.

Although the rock giant can't recognize each other's origins, the race can't be mistaken.

But these humans are too huge, right?

Thinking of his failure on the Titan continent, the rock giant was a little stunned.

It seems that the believers have heard that the **** of that system is the Titan Protoss.

Damn, I was approached.

The rock giant backhand touched the peaks and ridges behind it. It would use the power of the world's will to completely destroy the opponent.

However, it does not work.

The world will not be able to lock the other side at all, just like the abyssal creature.

Damn it!

At this time, the people in the air also found the big guy on the ground.

"Hey, look. There is a silly big man on the ground. Guess, is it a man or a ghost?"

A person next to him interjected immediately: "Regardless of whether it's a person or a ghost, let's take it first, and the big guy at a height of 100 meters just happened to come and watch the gate."

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