Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 800: : 1 will be a success

Leading the ranks were Shilipo sword school disciples.

As the chief disciple, how can Riyu not charge on the front line.

I saw him waving a hand, and Feijian at his feet immediately spun three circles to the front.

"A world cut!"

The original four-foot-long sword body skyrocketed suddenly under the infusion of the strength of the split rain, and became a forty-meter-long sword, which immediately fell under the guidance of Jianjue.

Forty meters, it is four kilometers for the rock giant.

Seeing the other person out of such a big guy out of nowhere, the rock giant couldn't shut his mouth in surprise, without waiting for the other's big guy to poke on himself, plucking the ground with his hands, sinking down like diving.

It counseled.

A man does not suffer from loss, not to mention the continuous flow of people and horses. If he does not leave at this time, he will not leave when he wants to leave.

However, the Rock Titan has forgotten one thing.

When I dived, I put my head on my feet, my head was inserted, but my buttocks were still sticking out.

"Damn, this monster is going to run."

"It's a terrific geomancer that treats the earth as a lake without splashing."

"Give me!"

Puff puff!

Dozens of flying swords blasted into the ground instantly, and when they landed, they formed a star formation that blocked Yuanling.

This hand cooperates with tacit understanding, and is skilled and does not even require eye contact.

It is also with this kind of superb fighting power that they can swept the world of Fire Prison and Xuanbing.

However, they did not know that they were facing the most powerful deity in the world.

A large array of dozens of flying swords only took effect for a moment.

The body of the rock giant's dive also stopped for a moment, and then it burst.

Dozens of flying swords were overwhelmed. They were smashed into iron **** and debris in situ, and the crystal powder was swallowed up and hidden by the yellow sand before it could drift.

The owner of Feijian all spurted blood under the connection of spirits, and flew to the entrance staggering with Yufengjue.

Running the road, the Shilipo sword school is also in full swing.

They profoundly understood the reason why Qingshan stayed without worry.

When the situation is not good, the soles of the feet are greasy, and the wind is clamoring. As long as they leave the battlefield, the Huimen will recuperate for a period of time, which is another good man.

Because of this moment's pause, Feijian, the fissure of rain, succeeded in catching up with the rock giant and hit the heart with precision.

The rock giant was stiff for a moment.

It suddenly felt that the whole world was frozen, all beings looked at themselves incredibly, and looked at the huge weapon that pierced their bodies.

No pain!

The Rock Titan admits that he has overestimated the opponent. This level of attack will not even accompany himself, even the stone skin on his body.

But shame!

He was stabbed in that position.


The rock giant roared and turned again.

A spit of blood from Riyuyu spurted out, and he was shocked to find that the body of his flying sword was suddenly broken by the other party.

Lying down!

More than 10,000 moms sold approval in Li Yu's heart.

He has used countless flying swords in various ways. However, it was impossible for Riyu to think that flying swords could be crushed and that place.

Well, is this the chrysanthemum opening cap that adventurers often say?

Niubi, can't afford to mess up, goodbye!

It's a pity that the angry rock **** is extremely scary.

A huge arm rose from the yellow sand, like a big hand of fate, slammed heavily on Riyu with the inevitable necessity.

Fissure felt the dense cracking of bones and the crushing life that followed, felt the collision between the body and the mountain, and even felt his flesh and bones were stuck on the surface of the mountain like paint, and penetrated deeply into the mountain. Misty scene.

I ca n’t hang it on the wall.

In the sky full of yellow sand, the rock giant roared and roared.

The physical death is not the end. It also captures the opponent's soul, puts it into the source of quicksand, and feels the pain of hundreds of millions of yellow sand rubbing the soul.

It wants the ants who blaspheme their bodies to perpetually sink and not to survive in friction and friction.

However, it's gone.

The moment the flesh collapses, the soul disappears.

It searched carefully but found nothing.

Or, the other side has no soul-this is similar to the abyssal creatures, their souls are all sacrificed to the Lord of the Abyss.

Or, the opponent's soul has been led by the rules and returned to the world when it came.

Thought of this, the rock giant is extremely frightened.

There are also rules of reincarnation in this world, but they are rough and imperfect.

Although it has been recognized by the will of the world, it is to some extent equivalent to the incarnation of the world and can control everything, but the control of samsara is extremely weak.

The cycle of reincarnation is like the tofu hanging on the hair, and it will break when touched, even if it is only 蹭蹭, it will cause unpredictable chaos.

But the rules of samsara's reincarnation are so powerful and outrageous that they can even lead the soul across the world.

The opponent's world must be very advanced, and only in this way can the unbreakable law of samsara be born.

Immediately, the rock giant was bitter.

You are so advanced, wealthy, and powerful, why should you stare at the bitterness in my dirt nest?

The rock warrior's fierce warfare went straight to the bullfight, and the Shilipo swordsman disciple above was like a paper plane in a hurricane ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ wobbling and fluttering.

"Slumped, so powerful."

"Just looked away."

"Slap Brother Yu for a second, can you be strong?"

"This world is too difficult, all the mobs entering the door can be seconds."

After all, retreat is impossible.

Powerful monsters are bound to drop treasured items.

Even if one is poor and the other is white, this body is a priceless treasure. If you carry it back to elders and non-elders in Europe, you will definitely be able to make a lot of contributions to the division.

Alas, this world is right, it is a treasure house.

"Brothers, work harder and rush down to a foothold. There will be people behind."

Therefore, Shilipo sword sent his disciples to call companions and vowed to win the stronghold below.

The space channel can't be moved here. If there are always powerful monsters wandering around the channel exit, the division door will definitely scold their advance team.

Not to mention getting rewards, it's good not to hang them.

Therefore, even if the pile has to pile up this monster, even if it costs so much, it will not hesitate.


Ten minutes later, Shilipo sword sent Aihong all over the place.

The advance team lost 10,000 troops.

The guy on the opposite side is too strong and incredibly powerful. No matter how many disciples go down, they are just like meat buns hitting dogs.

Good luck just ruined the flying sword. Anyway, he picked up a life, and lost one or two hundred pounds of bad luck in it.

At the entrance, there are almost white bones and blood on the street.

The most frustrating thing is that all the equipment was lost, one was poor and the other was wasteful, and even the bottom line of wasteland was gone.

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