Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 811: : The same is true of the Holy Buddha

Prince Xi felt his heart was about to move.

Previously, he had always used the piano profession as a means of controlling people's hearts, and he used little or no piano music to kill enemies.

This is determined by origin.

As a prince who was raised in a deep palace, never played on the battlefield, and always pretended to be weak, he presented to the eyes and eyes some of the methods of palace fighting, conspiracy and trickery, and the operation of open flames as distant as the other world.

However, the monster in the rock world made him understand that the enemy he was facing was also non-human.

They are unpopular, not even thinking.

This kind of stubborn nod only exists in the legend, and it is definitely not your character or virtue to make it nod.

Only power!

Rocks vibrate, and even are on the verge of collapse, and their bodies are unstable, so they give the illusion of "nodding".

This effect is not possible with rough knocks, but with sound.

As a pianist, I've dealt with voices all my life, but I didn't think of it for the first time.

As soon as the weapon design drawing was in hand, Prince Xi immediately understood the principle.

He did not show his ability as a violinist in front of people, but this did not affect his private study and improvement of sonic weapons.

It consumes less energy and is reduced by almost two-thirds.

The effective attack range is larger-effective killing is within 30 meters, and it quickly decays beyond this distance, while the original version is 10 meters.

The original sonic weapon lasted for about 3 seconds. After 3 seconds of continuous firing, it took a few seconds to pause, and the modified sonic weapon of Prince Huang's improved continuous attack for 10 seconds ...

The first sonic weapons were put into actual combat.

The prince and his staff carried heavy energy devices on their backs, holding a long metal cylinder in their hands, which looked like flamethrowers.

After the rough and thick rock monsters were discovered, a dozen or so people with sonic weapons immediately formed a fan shape, surrounded the rock monsters, and immediately opened their firepower.

The round mouth at the front end of the hand-held cylinder immediately appeared an intensive bundle of sound waves, a bit like the engine sound of an airplane when it took off, and a bit like the peak of the Qiantang River.

In short, it is a sound that transcends human hearing and even exceeds human hearing.

Under the fire of more than a dozen sound waves, the four-meter-high rock monster tumbled restlessly, but unfortunately it was large and round, and its legs were so short. It rolled a step. Humans have already taken seven or eight steps. All the time, he kept the formation surrounding the set fire.

With a roar of evil dragons and incompetent anger, the body of the rock monster finally began to "soften" and "deform", just like the grease on a hot pot, even showing a fluid flow.

The 10-second tick was instantaneous, but humans came up with the ancient three-stage tactics, and the firepower never stopped, giving the monster no breathing space at all.

Wow ...

Dazhu and Xiaozhu are as dense as a jade plate, but the picture in front of them is not so poetic.

The rock monster collapsed almost instantaneously, with no extra processes.

It's like a piece of wood that has been bent to the limit. There is no click after clicking.

An earth-colored bead the size of an egg was spinning to try to get into the ground, but someone had already rushed up with the shovel, and a crazy digging took it out.

"Not small! Embryos larger than those with sesame mung beans are much more valuable."

"Come on, this one is worth our daily mining income."

"Many production facilities, the least we need now is manpower."

The production and improvement of sonic weapons immediately passed to Xi Tong ears.

This is what Xitong hopes to see-the science and technology of the Conqueror World is too low-level, and it is still at the stage of nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion has only just come into contact, not even the level of the earth.

But they have the advantage that they are very sensitive to military technology.

For example, a billowing thing.

After the Earth people saw it, the first thought must be "This ball is big and round, it is better to sprinkle a little cumin."

When the people in the conqueror world saw it, the first thought must be whether they can be killed if they are thrown out. If they can't hit people, they will put some explosives in them.

What should I do if the shooting accuracy of the new weapon is 1 cm?

Normal people must be thinking about how to improve the aiming, calibration accuracy, and correct this 1 cm back.

Scientists in the conqueror world are less troublesome.

Is it difficult to add a detonation effect to the bullet? Didn't everything resolve the explosion killing radius of 1 meter?

Like the design drawings of E-level sonic weapons, in the hands of this group, they immediately reached the D-level or even C-level standards.

Of course, there is credit for the prince, but other people's strong hands-on ability can not be underestimated.

Therefore, Xi Tong was curious as to how the technology of Transformers would mutate in their hands.

Xi Tong doesn't mind giving Prince Li more technology, as long as he can play these technologies out of flowers and bear fruit.

A millet is planted in spring and 10,000 grains are harvested in autumn.

At this time, the figure of the bumblebee fell from the sky, landed steadily 100 meters away from Xitong, and then took a few steps to kneel in front of Xitong.

"Master, this is the core of the recycling just now."

The big box is full of indigenous creatures, the big one is like a basketball, and the small one is just as sesame and mung bean.

Most of them were killed. See the mottled sword marks above, who can see at a glance.

There is also a part that is alive and conscious, and is constantly drilling down, trying to enter the soil ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xi Tong glanced at the bumblebee, his eyes seemed to fall directly on his core through the thick armor .

However, the bumblebee confronted each other calmly, without hurting anything like that.

If you think about it, the Hornets have got Xitong's enlightenment and Luo Tianyi's indoctrination, and they have long since transformed into a new race-at least mentally.

The indigenous creatures in the Rock World are not monolithic. There is no national concept or racial identity. All creatures are bright selves. How could they be sad for the death of a “kind”.

Xi Tong nodded, then released the earth beads.


It's like stepping on a basket of eggs, all the cores are fragmented, and the pure energy dissipated is swallowed up by the earth beads.

Incidentally, there is also a trace of spiritual ideas impregnated with the will of the world.

Although trivial and imperceptible, it cannot be ignored.

After all, this is the last existence of the world will, and it is also the source of the growing world will.

After the absorption was exhausted, the earth spirit beads spewed out Jin Jincan's mist, which pervaded the area of ​​Xitong's body.

Immediately, the ground was like boiling water, shaking slowly.

One round after another the cores arched out of the soil, and looked at the creatures in front of them with crystal eyes.

Although the bumblebee is huge, it is no different from the sandy rocks, and beside Xi Tong, it is the rotten grass under the moon.

The new-born stones are all looking at Xitong. At the first moment of their birth, Xitong's figure has been deeply branded into their soul and origin.

Xi Tong turned and watched the harvest of his seed, haha ​​laughed.

The Buddhist scriptures say that the small flowers are falling wildly, and the Diyong Golden Lotus is just the same.

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