Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 812: : From 5 hairs to 1 piece

The creatures in the rock world are all generated by the heavens and the earth. Originally ordinary stones turned on the wisdom, and they became the core.

However, the reincarnation rules of the rocky world are too low-end, and the breeding of good and bad creatures is different. Although there are pearl-like jades, most of them are Kariya sandstones.

If it is on the earth, this kind of garbage life will not live at all, and the kind of dying goods will reincarnate in a blink of an eye.

But the rock world is different.

The life of the stone is too long, almost endless. Except for a large number of casualties during the last invasion of the abyss world, there is basically no concept of normal death.

The old batch of immortal, limited origins are more stretched, and the consequence is that the quality of the new creatures is even worse, let alone the sesame mung bean-like body, and even dust-level ones have appeared.

After Xi Tong mastered the Rock World, the first thing was to connect the six reincarnations.

With six reincarnations is like quality control, the core of each new student is round and round.

As for the heads, each has the size of a penny coin-this is almost the size that other cores can cultivate for thousands of years.

That's right, the practice of stones is very slow, and ignorant consciousness is even slower in the absence of exercises.

The earth spirit beads spray out pure aura, and the earthy yellow light rolling like mud surrounds all the cores, instilling and feeding.

Soon, these cores grew to one dollar coin.

They have reached the limit. It is estimated that they will crack or even burst if they are fed. It must be digested for a period of time to lay the foundation.

One-by-one point-by-point, opening up the psychic, and implanting them with the Terrac energy chip, instilling various knowledge for them.

In the rock world, the newly born stones can only instill the essence of the sun and the moon, the aura of the earth, and slowly accumulate cultivation.

From ignorance to self, it can take hundreds of years, and slowness can take thousands of years or even a lifetime.

But with the combination of point and chip, coupled with the Terra Stone energy chip network and the real world time flow rate of 10: 1, in less than three days, they can reach the level of children in a baby garden.

such as……

"Aligned to the right."

"Look forward!"

The cores either roll or jump, and quickly form a neat team.

Xi Tong looked at the 100X100 square matrix with satisfaction.


The cores sat on the ground and sucked in the soil, their body size quickly expanded, and then a little bit of the human silhouette was derived.

This is what the chip has instilled in them, and it is also their credo that they will pursue their lives in the future-life should be like this, and it can only be like this.

Then there was the fabrication of Transformers.

And then it was changed from appearance to real.

In just one day, these 10,000 cores have become a complete course, and they have become one of the Transformers with a height of 50 cm to 60 cm.

Can run, jump and sing rap.

The only flaw is that the body is a bit small, I will eat more soil in the future, and I can make my debut in two years.

At this time, the sound of the system appeared.

"Master, the battle of the gods is up, do you want to watch?"

On the Titan continent, Tamil began a vigorous extermination movement to ban all illegal sacrifices and religions.

How is it illegal?

All religions and deities except the main **** of the system.

Although everyone is doing this, everything except his own **** is a false **** and heresy.

But everyone murmured in their backs, and no one dared to shout out loud. It was even impossible to act like Tamil in the name of the country.

No matter who you are, how powerful a country is, as long as you dare to speak out about God, the only end is destruction.

For example, the king of Shang Yang who rushed towards the portrait of son-in-law.

God has 10,000 ways to destroy mortal nations. God likes to play with valuable opponents.

Therefore, even a religious lunatic is afraid to do such a thing. If the mind is really hot, it is not the others who are the first to stop him, but it is the **** of his own house.

After all, it was hard to cultivate a force, waiting for long-term gains, no rush.

However, Tamil just shouted.

He swelled.

The positive experience of shaking Thor's thunder gave him the idea that "God is just like that."

The hand-blade rock giant made him feel "this is really the weakest god."

Most importantly, God's gains are too great.

From selling holy water to selling skills, Tamil has always been poor and bitter, hahaha, now he finally feels the feeling of getting rich overnight.

Obsessed with intoxication, unable to stop.

Therefore, the Tamil Royal Procurement, the seventy-two cities were pulled up, the thirty-six walled villages were attacked at night, and more than a hundred gods were slaughtered, and various feats and ordinances were seized.

The gods are still discussing with Thunder God on how to send troops, how many people and horses each family sends, how much divine power they give, and how to allocate them after the war.

Thor's family has great career and great pride.

Anyway, it has the advantage of world size, and the poor players can also pretend to be tyrants here, waving their hands once again to lower the 800 Thor's Hammer, which has spawned a large number of will bearers.

Losing the Eternal Spear, Thor was so painful that he couldn't eat or sleep well, and roared all day long, and that voice was almost concussing himself.

In order to get revenge on Snow Hate, he took back the Eternal Spear at all costs.

Thor is also giving full play to the true nature of the big dogs ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How much artifacts and potions are given? The gods are so shocked that their livers are slamming, one by one, they ca n’t wait to give Thor a knee.

Thunder God has already pledged 90%, but the gods are quarrelling because of the remaining 10%. When they give money and people, they only think less, and when they make good, they think they don't have enough.

But at this time, a little **** interrupted the quarreling gods.

"Sorry, the courier has arrived, and you continue."

The gods are still wondering, another **** withdraws.

"Mother God called me home for dinner, you continue."

"I have to go on a blind date and talk back."

One **** after another withdrew, and the remaining gods noticed something wrong.

"My temple in the northern continent was burned. Damn, it was done by savages."

Fortunately, his eggs were not put in a basket and were not simmered in a pot.

The gods finally understood what was going on. The gods who just exited are estimated to be small families and small businesses.

When he heard the words "barbarian", Thor snarled.

"Go to war! I will invest ten times more! And, I do n’t want an inch of land, I do n’t want a believer!”

"I just want the head of the barbarian king!"

"Oath in the name of my **** Aoding!"

The gods passed unanimously. Compared with the last century of discussions between the gods and the millennium melee, this communication was extremely fast, efficient and harmonious.

People like Thor have written this, and they can't be too small.

For a win-win war, you don't have to spend too much capital. After all, the larger the investment, the greater the return.

Just like Zha Jinhua, holding three A's in his hand, in the case where it is impossible to lose, even if he smashes the pot and sells the iron to shoot the fruit and shoot the campus loan, he must follow the card.

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