Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 825: : Very Newbi's Bloodhoof

The old dragon paced slowly, and walked a little bit between the positions of the **** and the beast **** camp.

He did not dare to step into the beast **** camp, but the same, the beast **** did not dare to step out of the camp.

In order to reach the level of the higher god, Xiu's life is extremely expensive, and he dare not take risks on his own.

As a result, several slave gods, including the sons of the beast god, all became abandoned.


A bite of dragon breath sprayed on the son of the beast god.

Without the power of the world as a backing, the small enchantment encircled by the banner suddenly burst, and the full power of Dragon's Breath was sprayed on the god, causing a series of angry growls.

It's a pity that Lao Long doesn't care at all, just like a cat playing a mouse, teasing these stranded unlucky ghosts.

The beast god's camp is only separated by a line, but the difference in this step has become an intractable horizon.

The tyrannical bear suddenly swelled from the form of the god, and instantly became smaller after attracting the sight of the old dragon to a high place. He wanted to swipe under the sole of the foot of the old dragon. As a result, the sharp claws of the old dragon struck the spine and nailed it firmly. .

It wasn't Lao Long's opponent originally, not to mention the lack of the support of this world's power, and its strength is getting better and better. If it wasn't for Lao Long's energy, it would be crushed to death.

"Humble ants, are you challenging me?"

When the old dragon's claws were crushed, he immediately heard the crackling sound of cracking bones. The tyrannical bear quickly changed from **** to normal body shape, but his bones shattered, like a leather bag filled with water, and collapsed softly on the ground.

"Next, who is it?"

Laolong's golden vertical pupils swept away from the gods, his sharp eyes were like files, and the dignity and pride of the prey were smashed and broken a little.

A light projected from outside the area, condensing into a ghost image of the beast god.

This phantom has one-tenth of the fighting power of the beast god. In the past, this phantom alone can lead the rise and fall of a race and the development of a world.

But today, the beast **** surprisingly lowered his head.

"I want to talk to the **** behind you."

Tamil sneered, showing his wild white teeth.

He reached into his waist, took out the artifact of this world to deceive himself, and aimed at a slave God.

Seeing this from God, the name immediately wailed.

I want to know with my buttocks, it is not a good result to be targeted by the artifact.

It begged to look at the beast god, however, the beast **** did not look at it.

From the huge body of God, it quickly became smaller like a leaked balloon, and the screaming cry became like a mosquito, eventually disappearing completely.

Tamil snorted, "It's me who controls your destiny!"

"False god, what qualifications do you have to face the main **** of the system!"

A look of humiliation appeared on the face of the beast god.

That's right, it wants to be soft, but even if it is soft, you need to find the boss on the opposite side, not to a errand boy.

Unfortunately, Tamil's words made him understand his situation and his own positioning.

It is indeed not qualified to discuss the conditions with the system master.

There was a low roar, and the beast **** said angrily: "Barbarian, there are tens of thousands of gods attacking you at this moment, and there are hundreds of gods in control of the world. Even if I do nothing, dragging you is victory . "

Immediately afterwards, his words turned sharply, "Let people go, I can have a truce with you for 100 days. This is my biggest concession."

However, Tamil once again wielded the artifact, and another one was transformed from **** to dust, disappeared, and then the second, the third ...

When there was only one child of the beast **** at the end, the beast **** clenched his fists, and the big bell-like eyes were filled with blood.

Tamil waved his hand, and the son of the beast **** immediately shrank tenfold, and then shrank tenfold again in the next second.

This time, the beast **** finally persuaded.

This battle has made him deeply feel the depth of the water, this level of war is not at all like his small arms and calves can participate.

Although the beast **** is an orc, it does not mean that he has no brain.

On the contrary, the tauren is a race full of wisdom, so it can stand out in that world and become a **** recognized by the world.

The world is connected, and the monk can't run the temple by himself.

If tens of thousands of extraterrestrial demons can't win the Titan World, when they resist this wave and start a counterattack, who can sustain it?

When attacking, the gods and monsters outside the region saw the benefits together, and they were barely able to work together, but when the situation was not good and they started to run, who would hate them to run fast?

It is also a capitulation party. The first capitulation and the last capitulation are always different.

"Chief of Thunder Bluff, Slayer of Earth, King of Beasts, Walter Newby is willing to submit to the King of Great Barbarians!"

The ghost of the beast **** knelt slowly, at the same time, at the junction of the world, a huge blood-stained ox hoof stepped on, which was the same big hoof with three feet breaking open the cracks in the world.

The divine power dissipated, and the image of the giant hoof faded slowly, replaced by a burly figure.

Without the blessing of divine magic, the body can reach 20 meters, almost a level with the mountain giant.

This is the true body of the beast god.

Although it is full of animal hair, it still can see the beauty of majestic strength. The masculinity is sprayed all over and over. Even without strong strength, the appearance and body of the light screen is not difficult to unify the world of one side.

After the beast **** came on stage, he quickly moved to the edge of the camp, and then, with the attention of countless orcs, lifted his foot across the line.

Stepping over this step is equivalent to handing over your life to the opponent's hands, and becoming a fish maw on the chopping board.

However, the beast **** has no choice.

Even today, she flinched, closed her doors and became a turtle.

But what about one year, ten years, one hundred years later?

God has an almost endless life, and the memory of hatred is just as old.

On the opponents of this series, the revenge is inevitable and the strongest. The difference is only morning and night.

The world channel has been opened. It does not mean that it can be closed by closing. There is only a thousand days to be a thief.

At this moment, the beast **** is extremely remorseful.

Why was it that the brain was so hot that it started a world-class war?

After all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is a life-and-death fight with the world as its bet. The winner takes all, and the loser has no bones.

Tamil looked at the Beast God with satisfaction.

Strength reached the peak of 8 stars, with the blessing of the world will, this is definitely not a avatar or a stand-in.

If the beast **** really abandons everything to play the golden cicada shelling, Tamil can only say a word of admiration.

In the next second, the connection between the beast **** and his world was completely cut off, and the artifact, the blood-stained hooves at his feet, also automatically peeled off, and slowly flew to Tamil.

Controlling the artifacts of creation is tantamount to controlling the will of the world.

When the orcs in the camp saw this, they all fell down on their knees in silence and offered their piety to the new gods.

There are also some strong orcs who refuse to accept this result.

However, before they act, huge blood hoofs descend from the sky, crushing them into the dirt.

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