Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 826: : Unless you can eat it

Looking at the blood-jawed ox-hoof in Tamil's hands, Xi Tong wondered, did he win?

Orcs are too good, right?

In Tamil's words, it's not that they play well, but that they play too poorly.

However, Xi Tong does not consider the Tauren Chieftains to be greedy for life and fear death, and it is impossible for him to be taken to life because his son is subject to others.

There must be unknown reasons.

Soon, the Tauren Chieftain was branded with the Terrac Energy Chip, and everything was presented to Xi Tong.

"So it is!"

Cows, like foxes and turtles, belong to innate psychic beasts. They possess the talent of divination and can perceive the trajectory of destiny-although it is only a tiny bit.

For example, in the Oracle inscriptions, "tortoise" refers to tortoise shells, and "bone" is cattle bones.

The Tauren Chieftain's ability in this respect is also very outstanding, so when the world channel opens, it feels an ominous sign.

Before, my eyes were staring at the meat on the plate, but I didn't know that I was also on the dining table, let alone that the dining table was placed on a cutting board that was much larger than that.

As the war progressed, this ominous sign became clearer and heavier, eventually leading it to make the most difficult choice in the life of a cow.

Tauren Chieftain, superior god, 8-star peak, has 9-star potential.

In fact, to be able to successfully complete a rule and achieve the cultivation of a higher god, all have the potential to win 9 stars. The difficulty is that there is insufficient information and insufficient accumulation.

Therefore, it will make Zhizhi faint.

However, because of this, it was blessed by misfortune, and approached the thickest thighs of the heavens and earth, although it was indirectly holding the thighs.

Tamil holding the blood hoof to create an artifact, it was really bleeding and bleaching, killing millions of orcs in an instant.

"Who else!"

Hearing the words of His Majesty the King, many savages present echoed "Who else", and their mounts also roared and roared.

Finally, after three beeps, no orc dared to stand.

At this time, a harsh laugh came from the sky, and the person who spoke was thousands of miles away, but it produced a near effect.

"We're still fighting, the beast **** has already landed first. It's funny!"

"Hahaha, is this an orc who will never be a slave?"

"Coward! Softie! It's ridiculous!"

Hearing this bitter taunt, many of the outbreak of orcs could no longer restrain themselves, and they growled and stood up.

Then the blood hoofs landed and they could no longer stand up.

"Hahaha, good job, this is the real orc!"

"What about your bones and blood? Did they all disappear with this coward?"

"Stand up, ha ha ha ha, be a coward for life, or a glorious hero, even if only for a few seconds!"

The orcs who did not want to be slaves could not stand the temptation and incitement, growled and stood up, even if they died, they could not stop their surging blood.

However, Tamil has no sympathy.

One kills one and two kills a pair.

After all, when I first started, I played the law of eleven smashers, and they were so **** their own race, let alone a foreign race.

In the end, Tamil played directly.

The blood hoof in the left hand and the right hand deceive themselves. The blood hoof falling in the air swelled tenfold in an instant, which not only trampled those who jumped into powder, but also connected the people around them.

If possible, Tamil would like to kill as many orcs as possible.

Unfortunately, now is the time to hire people, thousands of extraterrestrial gods and invasions invade, and their own manpower is already stretched, and it is a good thing to be able to take the orc's income.

Of course, it must be the orc who is truly surrendered, and not the kind who always jumps back with noble ideals.

Tamil turned and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Next, it's you!"

The voice laughed wildly.

"Well, I am waiting for you in the southernmost part of the mainland! I am the **** of war, and I am here to dig a grave for you."

Tamil slowly shook his head. "Keep digging, and be careful, because you will use it soon."

After speaking, he raised his hand and summoned Transformers.

However, this time the Transformers appeared different, but a huge ship shape-a ship floating in the air.

"Everyone, board the ship!"

The barbarians left some members to clean the battlefield and treat the wounded. The others all greeted their mounts and boarded the battleship.

There was a flash of light at the entrance of the battleship. After the barbarians and their mounts crossed the light, their size was reduced tenfold immediately. That is to say, the actual load of this huge kilometer-long battleship was ten times and one hundred times its appearance.

Not to mention the loading of barbarians, it is more than enough to captivate the orcs.

The orcs also formed a queue and walked towards the majestic battleship.

The closer you get to the battleship, the more the Tauren Chieftain can feel the greatness of this world. The opponent is definitely not a barbarian who wields a bone in his imagination, but a group of ...

The Tauren Chieftain doesn't know how to express in words, but can only comfort himself with "eating and covering".

Lao Long wondered at the warship that was one lap larger than himself.

How did it fly?

Why is there no divine wave in it?

At this time, the battleship moved, and it quickly lifted off. After rising to a certain height, the sword rushed to the south like a sword.

So fast!

Only a brilliant light tail is left in the air!

Although this speed is not as good as that of the old dragon's god-level ability to sweep the sky, but it also belongs to the rare world in the secular world.

In just half an hour, the battleship reached from the northern end of the civilized world to the southern end of the civilized world and appeared in the position where the **** of war landed.

The **** of war is not as poor as the beast god. He has a deep foundation in this world and is the official belief of a superpower.

Therefore, the God of War performed his miracles in Alexandria, the capital of the Lomut Empire.

At this moment, the entire Lomut Empire fell into a frenetic atmosphere. Both religious and non-religious people fell to the ground reverently and offered their faith to their gods.

After all, this is a religion that has been passed down for thousands of years. The creed of this religion has already penetrated into all aspects of the empire, and has penetrated into people's lives and customs.

Moreover, war is originally the easiest thing to cause people to lose their minds, and it is also the root of evils that human beings cannot eradicate.

This is also the spirit of the God of War.

War will never die, and the only way to eliminate it is another war.

So he will never fail!

Whoever wins ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ remains his follower.

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

It is war that is equal in strength, but not equal in strength. It can only be crushed.

The huge battleship stopped slowly.

In front of it, the thick fog of war hangs from the sky, shrouding the intersection of the two worlds, and it is like the iron barrel that covers the capital of the Lomut Empire.

The battle flag flew and the barriers were severe.

With almost no concern for the **** of war, the people of the empire spontaneously hung the battle flags issued by the temple, enshrining the unique symbol of the **** of war.

Therefore, the power of the **** of war expanded faster and occupied a wider area.

He didn't even send a soldier and a soldier, and easily gained hundreds of millions of devout believers who could die at any time.


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