Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 827: : The plot of the **** of war

The Lomut Empire, the southernmost country in the civilized world, has a large territory, a large population, a wealthy country, and a strong people. It has a strong sense of existence for thousands of years.

Some gods speak in vernacular, relying on kindness and kindness to influence the world, and some gods have few words and use only spears and shields to preach.

Believers in the God of War are the latter and are among the best.

They never engage in guilty truth, goodness, beauty, they always believe in the simplest but also the most authentic, the roughest and most useful.

That is war!

How to train your soldiers so that they become qualified fighters, great fighters.

How to train their commanders and make them commanders and reapers of victory on the battlefield.

In this respect, the **** of war is an expert.

The way of cultivation, the way of governing the army, and the way of governing the country are three in one. The emperor is also the highest commander and the highest clergy of the army.

The God of War knows that there is no contention. He does not need the worship of believers. He only needs the worship of the emperor alone.

Anyway, all emperors have one thing in common, that is, the pursuit of supreme power and the desire to unify the continent.

This process is doomed to use force to go to war. The **** of war is the only reliance of the great emperor.

Even if you occasionally encounter an emperor who does not like to expand when he is drunk, it is okay for the three armies to move ahead, but only for the next emperor to save his family.

Therefore, the **** of war supports the empire without selfishness, and the emperor also believes in the **** of war from the heart.

Because of this, there is a saying in the Lomut Empire: the emperor is the emperor, and the **** of war is the **** of war.

The Lomut Empire was originally a huge military camp, and villages and towns were based on military camps for site selection, planning, and construction.

For thousands of years, the empire has always practiced militarized management. Military officers have been in charge of the army, and civilians have been ruled by the horses. Farmers have been engaged in farming and training.

The craftsmen do not need to train or farm, but they are busy making weapons, armor, military uniforms, chariots and other things all year round.

In the Lomut empire, when three people took to the streets, they must walk in a row. As long as they walked, they would find a specific step and spacing spontaneously.

Therefore, the Lomut Empire was never congested, although their streets were not wide.

No matter when and where, as long as the horn of war blows, the people around will spontaneously put on armor, pick up weapons, and rush to the battlefield.

It is a pity that several countries around the Lomut Empire are large and strong, and they all have a solid backstage. Lomut has been held in the southern part of the continent for thousands of years.

For this reason, although the Lomut Empire has been fighting and fighting with neighboring countries every day for 10,000 years, the scale has been controlled to a certain extent and has not led to a comprehensive war.

Because both sides understand that the end of a full-fledged war can only end together.

Now that the gods have descended, the **** of war has also opened the way to the world, and countless reborn spirits have descended from the world of war gods, among which are the heads and members of many ancient families.

It can really be eternal after death.

This further stimulated the enthusiasm of the believers of the Lomut Empire.

They believe that under the protection of the **** of war, the empire can completely rule the continent and become the only one in the world.

However, the God of War doesn't think so, because the enemies to be confronted are extremely powerful, and there is no attack, and it is invaluable to remain undefeated.

Strategically value the enemy and tactically despise the enemy.

The **** of war is not a brainless man. He never believes that the beast **** will surrender to a barbarian for no reason.

If everything is exhausted, and you are defeated in a one-on-one heads-up, it's nothing to surrender in order to survive.

The problem is, the beast **** gave up almost everything without resistance.

Glory, life, world ...

Everything is given up.

Even the barbarians slaughtered its people indifferently.

The strength of a barbarian is definitely not that simple on the surface.

Seeing the arrival of the barbarians, the **** of war was full of zeal-the horn of war had sounded, and it was time to reap faith and the spirit of the hero.

At the same time, Tamil drove the ship's maiden-oh no, looked down on Lomut's capital and several satellite cities around it on a warship.

Unlike the beast **** ’s point-to-face expansion, the **** of war has a believer ’s foundation. The towns and villages where all believers live, as long as there is his temple and the battle flag in it are all under his control. His world.

This is similar to the expansion of the Birdman in the Cut Red Eye World.

"The world of the God of War has covered all the towns and villages of the Lomut Empire, and the actual area under control has reached one tenth of the Empire."

"Where there is someone, there is the belief of the God of War. It is difficult to deal with him in the same way as against the beast god."

Ive briefly analyzed the situation.

If you send troops to attack the city separately, you will need to send a force of tens of millions, and it will take a long time. The most important thing is that you will be caught in the ocean of the People's War and you will be out of reach.

Of course, this is not a problem.

The Caucasians are best at doing this kind of thing, providing them with supplies and equipment. They must be happy to turn the Lomut empire into a pile of soaked scorched earth.

Eve's father, Monde, shook his head.

The Silver Hammer family is from the south of the mainland, and their ancestors were clergy, so they have a deep understanding of religion and many secrets that are unknown to outsiders.

"This is the situation the God of War wants to see most."

"His divine power comes from war. The more intense the war, the stronger he will gain."

"At the same time, horrible wars are the easiest to give birth to the spirit. When the spirit enters the kingdom of the **** of war, it will be trained and then become a powerful and pure war machine."

"The powerful spirit, even the ability to kill God, is not lost to the median God."

Tamil took a deep breath as he looked at the sprawling towns and the magnificent capital of the Lomut Empire.

This is a dilemma ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The capital has a **** of war sitting in the capital, which connects two worlds, and countless heroes are in it. The difficulty level is nightmare and hell.

Other cities are easy to conquer, but every time a city is occupied, the **** of war will get infinite benefits, which is completely an act of capital enemies.

How to do?

At this moment, Tamil finally understood why the **** of war taunted himself with fear and made an agreement with himself.

This is simply a dilemma.

The Tauren Chieftain also understood the situation at hand, but he kept silent.

There are more smart people present, and he needs to be reminded.

Thinking about this, it is better to figure out how to fight later.

Orcs of this generation are destined to be slaves and cannon fodder, and the coming battle is the end of their lives.

It is only hoped that their merit can be recognized by the system's main god, so that the next generation of orcs can be qualified as "humans".

Immediately, the Tauren Chief raised his head and looked at Tamil's slowly raised right arm.

Lord of the low version system

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