Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 830: : Earth Stompger

There is no attack on civilian facilities, nor does it injure civilians by accident. Everything in the station can be attacked freely.

After all, everyone in the Lomut Empire was a staunch believer in the **** of war. Once they heard the horn of war, everyone would spontaneously take up arms.

This is an empire for all people, with no one outside the war at all.

Even if the women and children of the Lomut Empire did not bother to put down their weapons and innocent the enemy when they came, the enemy turned out to reveal the despicable acts of sneaking tusks.

There are no fetters, no restraints, all of them are fighting with swords and swords. Both barbarians and orcs can freely vent their violent warfare and bloodthirsty desires.

The war spread quickly, but still couldn't keep up with the iron hoof pushed by the orcs.

A roaring bearman, a furious lion, a mud man who jumps up and down on a boar ...

Orcs of all kinds flooded in the capital of the Lomut Empire.

Behind them, the walls of the Lomut Empire have been in operation for thousands of years, and hundreds of generations of kings have worked tirelessly to build them, and have hired magicians to bless various defense formations.

By the way, the king who ordered the building of the wall was named Machino. In honor of him, the empire named the wall that would never be attacked as the Cappuccino line of defense.

The capital is full of raging smoke and ruins, but this line of defense still stands proudly. It is a defense line that will never be broken.

On the ship maiden, Tamil looked indifferently to the battle.

In fact, he wants to jump down and kill more than anyone, but unfortunately, as a mature king, it is the most basic common sense not to take risks.

Furthermore, with the status and influence of Tamil, once they enter the world of the other party, they will definitely be targeted as never before. If there is one, they will lose all.

For example Thor.

Full of self-confidence and confidence, they still capsized in the gutter.

"So, they can only rely on themselves?"

Seems unreliable.

Through the crevices of the fog of war, Tamil saw the heroic spirit of Dafa, and even saw countless enemy soldiers spontaneously following the heroic spirit, forming a queue to counterattack the barbarians and orcs.

At the same time, there were heroes with bows and arrows appearing at several commanding heights in the Empire's capital.

They are like death on the battlefield. They keep harvesting by name, and each arrow must be a life.

The magic cannons and magic crossbow around the capital's inner city and the royal palace also began to show their might, killing orcs that landed in the inner circle.

Looking at the statistics of the war damage in the chip, and the increasing speed of the war damage, Tamil frowned.

The Tauren Chief considered it over and over again, and finally said, "Her Majesty the King, maybe I can solve the predicament in front of me."

"Give me the Bloodhoof Artifact, I can use the power of the Artifact to tear the earth and destroy their capital."

"I have just observed carefully and remembered the location of the Temple of the God of War. As long as the buildings here are destroyed, a mouth can be ripped in the other party's control."

Demon gods outside the domain can not directly control the world of the Titan continent, they need special media, such as the flag, totem, idol, etc. that unite the faith.

Tamil also knew this, and the barbarians and orcs who had been dispatched to it before were for this purpose.

However, these buildings were guarded by the soldiers and spirits of the Lomut empire, and they were not leaking.

Some powerful heroes even use the temple as a bait, siege points to help, and constantly kill barbarians and orcs.

Tamil was annoyed.

Why do n’t you say this early? If you say it early, how could you be seriously injured?

But thinking of the other person's awkward identity, he instantly understood his concerns.

"The Lord of the System has one sentence--don’t use it for doubtful people, do n’t use it for anyone else. There is also a sentence--Jun treats him like arms and feet, and treats him like a confidant.”

After that, Tamil threw the Bloodhoof artifact to the Tauren Chieftain.

The tauren took the artifact with excitement, fell to the ground with a consolation and knelt down to Tamil, and then leapt forward, flying freely under the blessing of the power of the totem.


The tauren chief, who had become taller than the city wall, raised his right leg high and immediately stepped down.

The blood hoof artifact on the foot immediately gave birth to a strange light, and outlined a special rune. The strong light dissipated around, as if projecting, the blood hoof was magnified ten or hundred times.

When the giant hoof stepped on the ground, the whole world was silent for a moment.

In the air, Tamil felt a strong wind, and his messy long hair was blown away.

Looking down, the Tauren Chieftain seemed to have released a nuclear bomb under his feet. The earth seemed to be on the surface of the water and instantly rolled up thousands of waves.

Under the effect of the artifact, the soil and rocks around the blood hoof were broken into material existence and returned to energy.

The huge earth ripples spread out in all directions, but the force of the shock wave was under the control of the Tauren Chieftain, and most of it deflected to the front position, and went straight towards the city wall.

The world power of the God of War can only be attacked against the energy body. It is in front of blood hoofs, and the power of the impact of the earth waves directly rushes to the capital across the edge of the world.

The towering city walls were like urchin's building blocks that instantly exploded into the sky and never fell again.

In front of the Tauren Chieftain, a ditch that was 100 meters wide and several kilometers long stretched straight away. The temple at the end of this straight line was like a gunpowder barrel under the buttock, and it instantly rose to the sky.

The soldiers defending the temple were annihilated in an instant, and the heroes here were also severely damaged-if it were not for the end of the strong waves, he would be the first hero killed in this battle.

Tamil was stunned in the sky.

This is the power of blood hoof to create artifacts?

too horrible!

That's how the name of the Tauren Chieftain trampled the land.

Thinking of this, Tamil immediately put his hand into the waistband and fumbled out his own self-deceiving ruler. A little to the chieftain of the tauren, he saw his body expand rapidly.

Ten times, one hundred times-this is already the limit of self-deception, and then forcibly grow, the power consumed is not proportional to the gain.

The tauren chief looked at his expanding body unbelievably, and suddenly gave birth to the illusion that "the world is so small".

Before, I still felt that the capital in front of it was magnificent and vast, and I could not see the margins at a glance.

It now appears that it is just a slightly larger sand table and bonsai.

The huge right leg was raised high, and then trampled under the attention of countless creatures.

After seeing this scene, all the creatures looked away in fear.

At that moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ they all developed an illusion.

This foot seems to cover the sky.

As if stepping straight towards his heavenly cover.

In front of this foot, all his dodges are useless, and the only result is a broken body.


The earth is like a lake, splashing with waves.

The overwhelming impact was straight forward under the control of the Tauren Chieftain, and by the way destroyed everything along the way.

The Tauren Chieftain is like the source of the earthquake. While trampled on the emperor, he circled around the capital and ploughed the land to destroy the defense of the Lomut Empire.

The orcs in the city suddenly understood what was happening, and then they roared one after another, passing the position of the temple to their gods.

:. :

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