Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 831: : Ship Lady package night is not expensive

The **** of war is majestic and imposing.

Unlike other gods who grow up to a certain height and return to the true world, he will always be so sharp and shining.

Like the sun, burning is his only mission. Once he loses light and heat, he is no longer himself.

A ray of light flew into the palace from the outside, like a weary bird in the forest, returning to the sea.

The **** of war raised his right arm, and slowly opened his palm with his bracers and gloves, and then clenched tightly. The light shone a few times in the fingers and fell into silence.

That was the light of the spirit.

Three minutes later, another light returned.

Then two and a half minutes, two minutes ...

The **** of war gave a faint sound, and his voice was full of surprise.

The spirit was dying faster and faster.

The next moment, a series of heroic rays flew over at the same time, and they all died at the same time.

After talking with Ying Ling, the God of War finally understood what happened.

"Beast god, coward!"

The **** of war did not expect the beast **** to be the first mutiny, let alone the other party to survive after the mutiny, and live so nourishing.

The creation of artifacts is related to the will of a world, and it is the core of controlling the world. This kind of thing, no matter which **** will be closely guarded, will not leave the body, how can it be handed to outsiders.

Not to mention the imprisoned beast god.

However, this kind of thing really happened, and it really happened.

Then, more than ten rays came at the same time.

The **** of war couldn't sit still, he stood up arrogantly.

At that moment, the whole palace shook slightly.

The palace was immobile, and there was no sign of the veil swaying by the doors and windows. This kind of shock was purely spiritual, just like a small space burst into excess gas and became swollen.

The **** of war disappeared instantly, and the palace instantly lost its congestion and became empty.

Outside the capital city walls, the beast **** bended happily, with a pair of big ears listening carefully to the orcs groaning and roaring, distinguishing the temple location in the fog of war inside the city walls.


A ground fissure shock wave that spans hundreds of meters and stretches for tens of thousands of meters is like a ground dragon, destroying everything along the way.

Wherever it goes, everything is powdered, and even the earth is energized and liquefied, as if the sea is full of fury.

Feeling the arrival of the shock wave, the barbarians jumped up and flew for a short time under the blizzard, or called their mounts and flew in the air.

This kind of scene is not strange to the orcs. At the moment brought by the shock wave, they have jumped ahead of time, avoiding the edge, and even moved long distances with the force of shock.

Just like a group of masters of tide, mastering the waves skillfully, traveling around the world.

As for the people and heroes of the Lomut Empire, they were all like dry ducks, and they were shot dead, broken, and buried alive.

Even if there is still a breath, chopping down a few big axes, it's almost the same.

The power to create artifacts is irresistible, at least most of the spirits are vulnerable in front of them.

If they leave the scope of their defense, they will inevitably be able to escape birth, but the problem is that behind them is the temple of the **** of war.

They have people and things that must be protected, and they have no reason to step back.

This is a choice between life and death, and all heroes choose honor.

Just as the **** of war sent Yangmou to invite Tamil to break the game, he has encountered the same situation now.

Spreading your hands outside will only be eaten by the other side, like cabbage, and corn.

But if the people were withdrawn, millions of barbarians and orcs would demolish the capital into ruins in an instant.

The key to breaking the game is on the beast god.

These are hybrids and beasts who are facing rebellion.

Well, it was originally a beast.

The **** of war waved, and the fog of war in front of it suddenly changed violently, separating to the sides, like the sea in front of Moses.

Across the city wall, the two great gods looked at each other remotely, but the beast god's size was too large, and the **** of war had to look up.

However, he didn't even look at the beast god.

A kneeling god, no matter how tall he is, is a humble one.

Therefore, the God of War stood up, straight into the clouds, staring at Tamil on the battleship ahead.

"Barbarian, how dare you confront me!"

The God of War looked proud when he said this, his head was raised slightly, and a sharp breath seemed to be sailing out of the sea, straight into the sky.

If the fog of war is to cover everything up, people can't see the true meaning and can't appreciate the sharpness, then he is at the other extreme at this time.

Show everything to the world, let all the inspiration of life be their own towering and mighty shore, to achieve the purpose of humiliating soldiers without fighting.

After all, siege is down and heart is up.

Unfortunately, Tamil shook his head.

"You, you are not worthy!"

On the basis of what you want to single out, you can single out, win your blood and earn no loss, there is no hope of victory anyway.

not to mention……

The sounds of air breaking from far to near, the second, third, and fourth ships were hovering in the air steadily, and the hatches opened, and numerous cavalry cavalry descended in the wind.

Millions of Caucasian dog cavalry were carried here by dozens of ship maidens, and so were the beans.

Then there were the dwarves, elves, tidal frogmen, and even five races like Goblin were carried over to a legion.

The Lomute Empire boasted that its capital had never been captured or even attacked. Well, today we will give them a hundred carnivals and let all races come and go.

Recruiting a ship maiden, how much it can cost, and more conscience than recruiting Transformers, Transformers charge by the minute, 0 toss dragon coins, the ship maiden package is only 5,000 a day and night.

Not only that, Tamil sent news to inform several neighbors of the situation in the Lomut empire.

Those neighbouring countries and the Lomut Empire confronted each other, hated each other for thousands of years. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even God could not reconcile their contradictions. After all, most of these contradictions were planted by God.

At this moment, the border must be fighting.

Several rays of light blasted from the north, and the God of War's face became a little gloomy. Obviously, he had learned the news brought back by the spirit.

He roared, and his feet stepped in the void, his body was like a cloud arrow, and he shot at the shipwoman where Tamil was.

When a person is in the air, the brilliant light shines out of the body, and after solidification, it turns into a set of steel blue armor and a heavy halberd.

Seeing this scene, Tamil was very happy.

When the opponent is out of the Ares world, it is equivalent to throwing himself into the net. Not only will he be suppressed by the Titan world, but he will also be killed by the artifact.

However, the Tamil Detective took out his deceiving ruler from his waist and found that many abilities were invalid to the **** of war.

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