Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 848: : Silent War

The old dragon fell like a comet to the ground, swiftly rushing to the edge of the sea of ​​thunder, at the same time a breath of dragon sprayed out, forcing the thunder force to hit a row of soldiers.

The group of soldiers did not even hum, and disappeared directly in Dragon Breath.

The other soldiers immediately raised their spears, but, before the devastating beam was approaching, the old dragon fluttered a pair of wings and the sky-sweeping wings launched, appearing in another position instantly.

The light dominates the suspended air, and the body is full of great light, and the hazy light and shadow are shrouded in his body, as if to enlarge the figure a hundred times and a thousand times.

Magnificent salutes sang in the heavens and the earth, and blessings were applied to their own members-except the Lord of Darkness.

The dark dominator is not as coquettish as the old counterpart. He sinks his feet slowly to the ground, as if the water beneath his feet is not the mud.

Immediately, strands of dark power wandered and lingered in the earth, as if the roots of a tree, spreading a wide range in the blink of an eye.

A string of dark forces twisted and climbed along the soles of the feet, around the feet and around the chest of the Thor soldiers.

Quiet, but deadly.

The soldiers in Zhongzhao all fell on their knees with dark faces, palms pressed against the chest or holding the goggles, the armour clattered with arrogant force, it was sour.

Black gas, like a plague, spread quickly in the camp. All the dead were eroded by the dark forces, and the whole body was dark. This move was also called the Black Death.

Not black silk.

Death masters followed, and all black-dead enemies stood up with green eyes in their eyes, waving their weapons jerkyly, then turned and attacked the friendly forces beside them.

Several dominate various methods, each showing their magical powers, fully displaying their old-fashioned ancient gods' methods and details.

They are very confident in the war that has begun, but not in themselves, but in the system **** behind Tamil.

Before, the main **** of the system defeated their world with millions of tens of millions of "Titan Protoss".

Now that the war has begun and Thor has invaded, the Titan army of the Lord of the System will certainly not stand idly by.

However, Thor quickly responded.

The power of the Thunder instilled from Thor's world soared instantly, and went into the ground three feet, bombarding the ground in the area into a crystal-like glass.

The dark master was smashed from the soil by a heavy hammer, and not only his bones were broken, his limbs were incomplete, but his body was full of smoke.

At the same time, several special armor armored spirits rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder, grabbing weapons and storming the dark dominator that had just appeared.

The old dragon waved the wings of sky sweeping and appeared on the battlefield in an instant. His two claws lifted the dark master away.

The generals scolded a few words and were about to retreat from the sea of ​​thunder, but Tamil's self-deceit pointed at them.

Several generals shrank and leaked instantly, their bodies became smaller and smaller, and the road that could have been completed in just a few steps has now become a natural sound of life.

Tamil yelled: "I don't know if the hero is fearless or big-headed, so La La rushed into the world power of the hostile world."

Purely looking for death!

However, when the Thor's Expeditionary Force controlled the situation and organized the formation, Lao Long and other top powerhouses all retreated.

No way, too strong!

In front of them, it ’s okay to play with some harmless little tricks. They really want to go shirtless. One counts one. Even if they do n’t die, they have to peel off the skin.


Thunder thundered throughout the day, and the thunderbolt bounced on the ground and returned to the air, and once and for all, Zhongli radiated thousands of rays, delineating the shape of Thunder God's mighty shore.

Thunder God originally wanted to shout two words of persuasion, but he swallowed back to his mouth.

Because the savage had a spear in his hand, a spear he knew so well.

How long has this been? The Eternal Gun actually recognized the Lord.

Most importantly, the eternal gun is dazzling with thunder, and each pattern is filled with the power of thunder. The appearance of this power spraying out is in stark contrast with the half-deadness in its hands.

Therefore, his azure blue eyes gave Tamil a deep look, and then he waved his palm, and the whole army pressed down.

Don't be captive in this battle!

But at this time, all space channels opened.

Around the camp encroached by Thor's world, flying swords appeared in hundreds of space passages.

Not only the disciples of Shilipo Sword School, but the sword repair of Xianjian World was also sent by a brain.

If the strength is too low to qualify for the battlefield, they will cast Feijian in an air-casting manner and attack the opponent with a cold child.

Some time ago, the disciples of Shilipo Sword ransacked one world after another, and the resources obtained were unimaginable.

Through this opportunity, everyone gained less than tens of thousands of division contributions, as many as tens of millions, and then exchanged for their favorite weapons, equipment and so on.

At this moment, the only thought in the minds of Shilipo Sect disciples is war!

If there is no war, then there is a chance of looting?

They crave valuable opponents, and the stronger their opponents, the more excited they are.

After all, a strong opponent will have a rich net worth, and it will be enough to sack.

Thor is undoubtedly a satisfactory opponent.

Behind the space passage, Xi Tongyang spilled out a handful of rock cores. These cores creeped and grew while flying in the air ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Large chunks of soil appeared out of thin air, and then they became the set pattern. Enter the Titan world through the space channel, and become the shape of Transformers.

After such a long battle baptism, the Transformers have accumulated a wealth of combat experience, and their transformation and upgrade have become more powerful, especially the weapon modules, all of which are several levels ahead of other modules.

Ten thousand Transformers were spread out in a circle, pouring out ammunition frantically towards the camp, blowing a metal storm.

The expeditionary soldiers in the Sea of ​​Thunder were unwilling to be outdone, and all raised their weapons to fight back.

However, all the Transformers were flexible to avoid, and they could not avoid it, so they used their thickest armor to resist.

However, after one thunder after another, the Transformers all noticed that they were wrong.

What a weak energy beam!

It doesn't hurt or itch at all, and it doesn't feel at all.

Most importantly, how can your energy reserve be instantly full? Is this an attack or a charge?

Understanding this result, the Transformers army immediately dared to rush forward to the front, placing itself in the most dangerous place.

Weapon modules are also swapped for energy weapons, especially all kinds of energy-consuming horrible energy weapons.

In the past, they also felt that these weapons consumed too much energy and put heavy pressure on supplies.

Now, hell, the enemy is clearly the largest transport captain.

Seeing this scene, Xi Tong smiled.

Transformers were originally created to fight against Thor's world, and everything from materials to craftsmanship revolved around "insulators" and "charging."

It now seems that the previous efforts have been richly rewarded, and Transformers have become the trump arm against the Thor world.

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