Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 849: : There should be 2 possibilities

The first generation of Transformers, such as the Hornet, were huge, all above 20 meters, and the Titan continent was more than two kilometers.

A giant mountain like Laoshan, even if it doesn't do anything, it is full of deterrence just standing there, not to mention that these big mountain-like guys can run, fly, and play basketball.

Although the soldiers of the Thor world are sturdy, strong, and equipped with a bonus, they are more than two meters at best, as high as the Transformers' soles and standard ants.

Transformers ignored the suppression and invasion of the power of thunder and lightning, rushed into the area of ​​Thor's world, and fired and bombarded the dense array.

Beacon artillery, cluster bombs, missiles, laser cannons, nuclear bombs ...

All kinds of weapons poured down again, and the Transformers took out melee weapons such as swords and opened their doors, killing the Thor and turning over.

The second generation of Transformers has not yet grown up, and has just grown to two meters in size, similar to the soldiers of the Thor world, but they are numerous.

Hundreds of millions of earth spirits have been born in the Rock World in this month, thanks to Xi Tong's perseverance.

All the birth souls used are sacrificed high-quality souls recovered from the small world, and at least they are tempered souls with rich life experience after dozens of hundreds of reincarnation.

He is not as good as the tenth good and tenth wicked, but he is not weak.

There are more advanced tough souls. These are the characters who have left their names and deeds in the history of various worlds. They have been circulated and praised forever, and their souls have undergone qualitative changes.

灵魂 This soul is similar to the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi, born with special abilities, and there is still plenty of room for growth in the future. No matter which world he puts in, he is the protagonist template.

Now, with the call of Xi Tong, the ground of the rock world trembles, like a pot of boiling water, and the rocks are gradually blurring in the tumbling, becoming like liquid flowing and mist rising.

Immediately, the densely packed Transformers emerged from the ground, neatly arranged.

Xu Rulin, motionless mountains.

This situation is like the Terracotta Warriors of the Emperor rising from the ground and seeing the sky again.

However, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor were rough in workmanship and inferior in materials, and they were all hollow goods without any technical content.

Look at the rock world again.

The space channel opens, and rows of newborn Transformers rise into the air, driven by anti-gravity arrows into the channel.

Two hundred million small Transformers took a full ten minutes to bounce into the channel, which made Xi Tong highly praised the greatness of humankind.

Titan continent, the smoke is pervasive, the thunder and light are vertical and horizontal.

The destructive power of battle is extremely powerful, especially the collision of various energies and even rules is enough to annihilate space and break the world.

幸 Fortunately, the Titan continent was successfully promoted to the super martial world. There was a qualitative leap in both body weight and heritage. If you replaced it with the previous small body, the 200 million Transformers and the innumerable Thor Warrior Light Station could not stand.

Tamil and other gods are all wisely relegated to the second line, will increase the state of the plus state, if not, use the remote ability to disturb.

Although there are self-deceiving rulers that can make your body larger, it has a limited duration and must be used at the most critical time.

Therefore, the war can only be handed over to the system god.

This is God's war, please go away.

Xi Xitong glanced at the battlefield from the perspective of God, observed the weaknesses of his own forces, and then dispatched troops to check for leaks.

At the same time, the rock world began to violently, constantly spawning the earth spirits, and then gave the new earth spirits to Luo Tianyi for training, letting them pinch themselves.

Terra planet also began to violence.

Tamil sacrificed hundreds of small worlds. Before the sacrifice, Xi Tong had already collected biological samples from various worlds. At this time, there was everything in the gene bank.

Regardless of the legend of any nation or the mythical creatures described in religious books, Xi Tong can find exactly the same, similar or more powerful in the material library.

As long as Xitong thinks, any kind of mythical creature can be created.

Creatures are simple, especially those created solely for the purpose of combat.

No need to consider their living environment, living habits, reproductive genetics, and other factors, they just need to start from the fighting force, and every cell on and off the body exists for fighting.

As for the survival of these mythological creatures after the battle—Xi Tong never thought about this problem.

The best place to go for a battle beast is the battlefield.

This is also the reason why in many myths and legends, the gods and beasts that were prominent in the battle of gods and demons, ran across the Quartet, but disappeared because of their difficulties.

They are flat from the moment they are born, both above and below.

蛮 What kind of bulls, **** dogs, two-headed dragons, ogres, giant eye monsters, centaurs, gene banks and Zhuge Shufu started at the same time, mass production.

What Xi Xitong has to do is to instill the best souls in them, perfect their power system, and make them born strong and even become gods.

Twenty-six reincarnations continue to report back the number of battle losses.

The disciples of the Shishilipo Sword School all stepped on the Feijian and wandered around the outside. The attack methods depended on Feijian and Jianqi, one by one, like the loach, except for some unlucky ones, which basically did not have much casualties.

Transformers as the main force of this battle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The casualties are very huge, even called heavy, there are thousands of battle damages every second, if it is high, it will reach more than 10,000, only 10 minutes of war, lost Transformers reached a horrible ten million.

话 If you are lucky, the soil spirit can still be hidden in the soil, and you can return to your own camp with the help of the soil hoe. The bad luck is crushed on the spot, and you can only reenter the reincarnation in a soul way.

Alas, the war damage on the side of Thor's World is also not small.

Their soldiers are similar in strength to the little Transformers, so they rely on arrays to gain a little advantage, but the Transformers have strong defenses, and they are not flesh and blood. Under the game of injury for damage, Thor is losing blood.

It was only those generals and characters with unique armor that could crush the small Transformers and pull back the battle damage figures, which kept the two parties in balance.

However, the battlefield is located in the Titan world, and the will of Thor's world has not completely dominated it. Therefore, the soldiers who died in battle are likely to be towed by the six reincarnations.

In just ten minutes, more than 10 million soldiers on the Thor side were killed, of which eight million souls were picked up by six rounds of reincarnation.

Xi Xitong was wondering, it's been so long, why hasn't Thor yet noticed it?

8 million souls don't seem to be much. For the world, it's nothing.

However, each of these eight million souls is a tempered soul that has gone through countless cycles. This kind of resource is a scarce resource in any world. Losing one is painful, let alone eight million.

Well, there are only two possibilities ...

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