Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 850: : Calculation of Little Ghost

The first possibility: Thor's family has a great career and doesn't care.

The second possibility: Thor's reincarnation rules are rough, and he has no knowledge of the rules of reincarnation.

Xi Tong thought and thought, pondered over and over, and finally chose the latter.

Thor's family is not very generous. When the eternal spear is in his hands, he often struggles under the food and clothing line, and he doesn't know what satiety is.

He will not be fed once for hundreds of years unless the power of the Eternal Spear is to be used.

This kind of impoverishment plus digging force cannot be touched by noble people.

Since it is the second ...

Xi Tonglui thought for a moment and had a plan.

Consuming each other, who is afraid of whom?

The war between the gods is in most cases indeterminate.

Just as Sun Tzu's art of war states: Ten is surrounded, five are attacked, and times are divided.

Everyone lives in their own world. Under the protection of the will of the world, it is difficult for the other party to invade on a large scale.

Without a ten-fold advantage, it is best not to think about annihilating a world.

The home advantage is terrible, even if it has a big advantage, it is possible to roll over.

Imagine killing by standing on the tower of high ground, the tower of incisors, and the tower of springs. As long as you learn to walk around the column, even powerful enemies can drag and consume.

Normally, the Lord God fights between agents in a third-party world.

In this case, neither side has the protection and blessing of World Power. Everyone is on the same starting line, depending on their respective wrists and abilities.

Divine power, equipment, magic ...

Foster believers, build religion, engage in jihad, and then take control of the world.

However, Xi Tong has a more advanced resource-the soul.

The purpose of cultivating believers and establishing religion is to infiltrate the souls of the world, and through the reincarnation of believers, the influence of the gods is deeply embedded in the will of the world.

The gods do not understand this truth, but even understanding it will not help.

You can't even control the reincarnation of your own world, let alone the reincarnation of other worlds.

Anyway, everyone is on the starting line, I can't control you and you can't control it, you don't need to worry about it at all.

Because of this, Thor is still conscripting troops like conquering other worlds. Every second, an army stepped on the Rainbow Bridge, and all the way flashed forward, towards the Titan continent.

Transformers, an insulated, power-absorbing arm, tickled his teeth.

No matter how strong your soldiers are, they also have physical limitations. After a long period of high-intensity combat, you will soon become tired, exhausted, and in a state of decline.

Even with the thrill of the thunder field, it is a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause. Although the spirit is exhilarated and the fighting force soared in a short period of time, physical and mental exhaustion will double again after a period of time.

but it does not matter.

Raytheon dispatched the army, continuously withdrawing its soldiers from the periphery, allowing them to rest and resupply at the center of the camp, and at the same time to make up for the army that has just arrived on the battlefield to make up for the vacancy in the army.

The battlefield is like tens of thousands of pinion gears that move the whole body.

What Raytheon does is to remove some of the worn gears during the operation of these ten million pinions, and then assemble the new gears. In the process, the overall smooth operation must be ensured.

At the same time, Thor is looking at the array opposite.

Transformers are indeed difficult to entangle, but they do not have any rules to fight, that is, they form a large circle, and then use long-range weapons to attack while rotating.

This tactic is too simple and too rough.

Keep shrinking the radius of the circle and tighten it like closing your pocket.

This is simply a straight line of march, going straight to the point, hitting it if you can fight it, but dying if you can't hit it, never thinking of detours and retreats.

On the battlefield, the remains of Transformers can be seen everywhere.

Although they are all metal and stone, Raytheon can see that the production of these metals and stones is very delicate and exquisite. In contrast, their soldiers are scavenged from various worlds at almost no cost.

Thor thinks it counts.

In exchange for cheap cannon fodder in exchange for the main battle arm, how can you count yourself as profitable.

The most important thing is that the other party has no command and fights with his own courage. He has a hundred ways to introduce them into the battle.

Wisdom must overcome power.

Barbarians, die!

Under the march of Thor, the battle damage of Transformers began to soar, from being flat to two for one, or even three for one.

Elite Transformers such as the Bumblebee were also surrounded by the army formation, lost their care of each other, and then like a large mouse trapped in an ant colony.

One had thunder wings behind him, and the sledgehammer dangled in his hands suddenly jumped the spirit, and the body's surface burst into bursts of light, as if the projection increased tenfold instantly.

He waved his sledgehammer like a propeller of a helicopter, at the same time, the sky split down with lightning, hitting the general with precision.

With the roaring roar of wild beasts, a huge hammer smashed down, hitting the bumblebee's head precisely.

In a matter of seconds, the Hornet had no time to turn on the energy shield, and at the same time instilled all its power into the defense, physical strength, and life of talent.

Paying attention to this scene, Thor sneered.

Those who use hammers as their weapons are all their close friends, who are carefully cultivated by their own. The armor on their bodies are artifacts, and the hammer in their hands is an imitation of their own Thor's hammer.

Thor's hammer, which is a artifact of creation, has a planet-weight artifact ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although the imitation is not so exaggerated, it is definitely not easy.

What's more, it contains more than just weight.


The bumblebee's head shattered instantly, just like the soap bubble shattered, and instantly changed from being to nothing, without any excessive and gradual process.

The hammer kept going down, and the part of the bumblebee's body from the skull to the crotch was completely wiped off. The left and right pieces of the body stood weirdly, and dense electric sparks were shot at the cross section.


The hammer struck the ground. A ring-shaped shock wave rolled around in all directions around the hammer body. The electric snake flew, the electric dragon roared, and the two hornet's corpses were drowned in the thunderous tide instantly, and eroded instantly. Clean up.

However, Thor did not know that the core of the Hornet had long seen that things were not good, so, without waiting for the hammer to hit the Tianling Cap, it followed the thigh all the way down, drilled into the soil from the sole of the foot, and spread out for several kilometers. And then returned to the Tamil camp.

As for the body, it is destroyed when it is destroyed, it ’s just a stone, and it does n’t hurt.

What's more, there is a nuclear bomb in the body.


The mushroom cloud rose.

All the Thor soldiers within a hundred meters disappeared from the glare.

However, the Thunder field responded immediately, and a series of electro-optical barriers condensed under the control of Thor, and the dominoes seemed to stand on the battlefield and ban the shock wave circle of the nuclear bomb.

The mushroom cloud is large and bright.

After breaking through the thousands of thunder barriers, they finally lacked stamina and were compressed by the thunder barrier to completely freeze the frame.

Seeing this scene, Xi Tong was shocked.

Playing nuclear weapons in the palm of your hand, and exploding nuclear bombs, this method is simply incredible.

He had to re-examine Thor's strength.

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