Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 851: : Shemale Puppets Get In

Luo Tianyi recorded, saved, and analyzed the battlefield images in all directions.

Although I don't know what means Thor's God uses, the truth is the same, and I quickly sorted out some clues.

First is the energy light screen, a thin layer, but if it is substantial, even the copper cast iron wall will not be more stable than it.

原理 The principle is similar to the energy shield. The planet Terra also has similar technology, especially on space battleships. The energy shield is standard.

However, the energy shield of Terra's planet is very limited. Ordinary high-energy beams and chemical-fueled bombs are just fine. A nuclear bomb explodes at a short distance.

Moreover, this energy light screen is exactly the same as the energy light film made before the Warframe.

Seeing that it was sealed by the energy light screen, and kept shrinking, eventually it was like a mushroom cloud of insect amber fossils. Xi Tongxi thought of one thing—those Quake hammers that Tamil had previously captured.

Although it is a copy, it is still not to be underestimated. The hammer with the size of a pea contains a lightning energy, and that energy is constantly compressed, restrained and confined, just like a mushroom cloud.

Xi Xitong couldn't help but think that this kind of seal method is really too buggy, but I don't know if it is also effective for people. If it can be done, then it's gone sideways.

As a result, Xi Tong made up his mind that even if he fights to the last person, he won't be dangerous.

The death of the sting hornet did not cause much waves, not even much attention.

On the battlefield of the gods, the least valuable thing is life. In many cases, life and soul can only be tools and media for casting.

Here, living people have no dignity, not to mention the dead.

However, the battlefield has attracted the attention of almost the entire world.

Although the ordinary creatures are obscured, they have a deeper connection with the power of heaven and earth. They instinctively feel the thunder that comes down from the sky with a devastating power.

When it rains on a cloudy day, creatures such as foxes, weasels, and other creatures will crouch in the caves and dare not show their heads, not to mention the lightning field that covers thousands of miles (ten kilometers).

Ling Xiu is a deep and powerful creature, but it is like a hawk in the throat, like a mang on his back, and Rao is a heart like iron.

It is the instinct of living creatures to avoid harm.

In this case, the obscured creatures all escaped in all directions, the ants moved, the rats got out of the hole, and the earthworms and snakes spread on the ground.

The first-born creatures of Lingzhi have run counter to each other and rushed towards the source of danger. After all, there are great opportunities in the big crisis. They have already tasted the benefits of turning on their intelligence and naturally want to taste more.

Even if you do n’t participate in the war, it ’s okay to take a look around. Is there any bragging capital in the future?

Especially some long-lived creatures, even if they are only insignificant ants now, they can use the tone of the grandfather to tell the children what happened today.

At that time, every word and sentence spoken was epic and legend.

Some beings even have a draft:

A long, long time ago, it was the age when heresy evil gods were still walking on the ground. The kingdom of God and our world overlapped, and the servants of heresy evil gods were free to enter and leave our world.

The heresy evil gods do nothing evil, plundering resources, enslaving living beings, harvesting souls ... until one day, the sky descends and thunders, and the voice spreads for thousands of miles, and it will awe-inspiring nations.

That is a huge pillar that can't see the margins and towering beyond the end--the main **** of the system exerts its strength and uses its mighty thunder to fight evil.

At the same time, the main **** of the system orders the mountains, and countless rocks become brave hill fighters under the divine power.

The hill warriors are like weeds growing out of the soil.

No one knows how many hill fighters participated in the battle, only that this battle lasted ten days.

The sacrificed hill warriors turned back into rocks, and a large mountain was gradually piled up on the battlefield, but the thunder slashed and the mountain was soon leveled.

That's because the **** of the system does not want the demon heresy to desecrate the heroes' bones.

Dashan piled up 999 times and leveled 999 times ...

after that……

By the way, I have a stone I picked up on the battlefield here. It depends on you to resell it. How about it?

Hmmm, this is what the epics and legends really are.

I have been circulating for thousands of years. Who cares about the authenticity and how to verify it?

Even when Tai Shigong was writing epic poems, he was always guessing about the ancient things, not to mention these scale-armed hoofs.

No matter how outrageous and exaggerated the process is, one thing is not wrong-the result.

I am not so exaggerated for ten years. At best, it is one month and day, and Thor can't hold it.

There are many worlds in the thunder god's hand, each world has a large number of creatures, and these are his sources of soldiers.

The thunder **** does not give up his life, and directly awards deities to priests in various worlds, recruiting a specified number of fighters.

It is the glory of God to fight for God. The enthusiastic believers can't ask for it, so the task of recruiting troops is completed in an instant, and it is done in excess.

However, the last batch of recruited soldiers has not yet been taken away, and another recruiting **** sent out.

Then came the third and fourth.

In just one day, she received hundreds of oracles to recruit soldiers, and more than once needed.

The clever priests who are slightly smarter are aware that something is wrong, although there are still enthusiastic believers congregating from all sides to the temples, but the number is getting smaller and smaller.

The priests who could not complete the task started Lazhuangding, and they were righteous Lazhuangding.

Then ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even the elderly and children are also included in the recruiting scope, and in some places, even the healthy women are not let go.

Many worlds are not impossible because of the flow of time.

It is for this reason that Thor has the confidence to fight attrition, because he not only has a huge body and a deep foundation, but also can supplement the source of troops faster by taking advantage of the difference in time flow rate between different worlds.

Fighting in the Titan continent for a month, but for the world of Thor, it took 30 years or even 100 years, and the number of troops that can be recruited is far beyond imagination.

Regardless of the strength, as long as the limbs are sound and a thunder goes on, it instantly degenerates from a common man to a warrior who masters the power of thunder. Putting on armor and picking up a weapon can go to the battlefield faster and more convenient than practicing with electricity.

Cheap and fast!

This is where the Thor's battle for attrition lies.

But he never imagined that the other side's arms were cheaper and faster than him, and they were making a fortune in the war.

The gods for the conscription were awarded again, but this time, the number of soldiers emerging in the teleportation array became scarce, let alone 100 million, not even half.

Not only the quantity is not enough, but the quality is also poor.

I looked around, dementia, mental disability, mental retardation, shemale, pseudo-mother ... even a little masculinity was sent without waste.

The thunder **** was furious and waved his hand to capture the religious leaders of all worlds.

The puppet soldiers were insufficient, so they were charged.

:. :

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