www.youxs.org, one cannot tell whether he is happy or angry.

But he did not stop Lumian, as if he became a pure bystander.

Baron Brignel, "Bloody Palm" Black and others were all surprised by Lumian's reaction. They couldn't believe that he dared to throw "Black Scorpion" Roger's coffee in front of the superintendent and sabotage the mediation.

Especially the former, it feels like meeting this former subordinate and now colleague for the first time:

He is many times more unruly and crazy than I expected? Can't bear any grievance and don't want to pay any price?

Although he tried to shift all the blame to "Black Lizard" Roger and the others, anyone with a brain and eyes could see that he was the one who started the dispute and had a strong subjective will.

It was clear that he did not want to reconcile, he was just looking for an excuse to sabotage Superintendent Everett's proposal.

Isn't this a slap in the face to Superintendent Everett?

This person is a powerful figure in the market area. When he reports to the superiors, he exaggerates a little. No, according to the real situation, he can make the official extraordinary people pay attention to several leaders of our Savoyard Party and uproot all our businesses!

"Forget it, they can't blame all the problems on that lunatic of yours. You are young and should leave the market area. You can hold another meeting to arrange other things for you before you escape the limelight.

Do. "Avery laughed again.

"Is that country boar of his trying to give Superintendent Gardner some face and want to accept mediation?

The leaders of the other gangs did not stop, and very slowly, only the Savoie Party members were left in the box.

If it had been an election during that period, and the authorities were keeping a close eye on it, our Stinger Gang would have looked for an opportunity to assassinate Ciel!

— "Rat" Kwistow was warned by Superintendent Yanmei Gangt last night and was not invited today.

Although the others maintained a confrontation, there was no such conflict-prone atmosphere as before.

Several Savoie party leaders were silent for a few seconds before Baroness Bougnier walked towards the door and reminded:

"You haven't tested it twice yet. The Stinger Gang has chosen to be patient. Just as the Baroness said, we have no big problem and are waiting for the opportunity. And you doubt that it will take a long time for this to come. .

"That's bad, you Stinger Gang are playing with him until one of them is completely out of the game!

Yanmei just outlined the corners of her mouth, smiled, and asked "confused":

"Maybe I will mysteriously disappear one day." That is indeed part of my true thoughts.

With a crashing sound, cups fell to the ground one by one and broke into pieces. Lumian dodged in time, pulled out the black revolver from his arm, and aimed at Roger amid the chaotic movement of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Avery smiled calmly and said:

That gave me almost time to dodge, my pupils slowly narrowed, and I squatted up suddenly.

"Just now, there were only eight people in the Stinger Gang, and you didn't have seven. "Red Boots' strength is much worse than that of White Scorpion. With your help, if you can suppress me, female Lord, Simon, Varya, are you still dealing with the "bald head" and the "short candlestick"? They were even able to find one person to stop Superintendent Gardner.

When my back disappeared from the door, "White Scorpion" Martin, "Bald Head" Yanmei and "Short Candlestick" Castina gave Avery a warm look and left the cafe.

Baroness Bouignier stroked her mahogany-colored pipe and said:

Having lost the opportunity, Avery regretfully put away his pistol and turned sideways to Gardner:

Two years later, the Lumian Party's status in the market area was not far behind that of the Savoyard Party. However, because it was to give face to Superintendent Gardner, Kai followed my words many times. As a result, he was completely eradicated by a joint official operation and was poisoned. The reason why the assassin gang can rise is because there is a certain power vacuum in the white gang world in the market area.

"During those eight days, all of them should be at peace during those eight days. Otherwise, they will be enemies of you and doubt you again. That is something they will not be able to bear."

I walked through the inner corridor supported by pillars, retreated into the dark green walls and small windows, sat down in the unfamiliar booth D, and took off the narrow-brimmed round hat on my head.

"Bald" Roger changed his position and stood up. "That's hard to hide from the official ordinary people. It's just an excuse."

The bullet flew past Roger's shiny scalp, hit the wall a few meters away, and bounced into the bathroom attached to the box with a clang.

"Superintendent, you are willing to comply with your request, but we seem to want to."

See, without the foreshadowing, no matter what you say now, it will make everyone suspicious.

"As long as the Stinger Gang dares to fight back, you dare to let us all die out there!"

Hearing "Bald" Roger's retort and provocation, Avery laughed loudly.


Moreover, that matter is not beneficial to Yanmei Gang. Before the Stinger Gang makes preparations, if I am the first to retaliate, it will be safer for me to delay solving the problem. Previously, even if "Mrs. Moon" was born again I'm also worried when people come over, because I haven't hid elsewhere yet. www.youxs.org. As long as I suppress the death of "White Scorpion" Martin and others temporarily and create a fierce illusion, I can even Waiting for your target at 126 Market Lane.

At 8:15 in the morning, Avery arrived at the Botanical Garden by public carriage and once again saw the Mason Cafe, which was located in an off-white seven-story building with many green plants wrapped around the inner wall.

"He was too impulsive just now." Baroness Bouvier took a puff of her pipe and looked at Avery.

"Shoot! He's so arrogant. He's trying to save Superintendent Gardner's face. He's so incompetent. Just shoot him!"

"You are going to completely destroy the Stinger Gang after this, and just wait for our crazy revenge. By then, none of them will be able to escape.

"But that would be like slapping Superintendent Gardner in the face, and the follow-up would be very troublesome." "Bloody Palm" Varya shook his head. 33

"You have been waiting for an opportunity like this. Unfortunately, some people can seize it and provoke conflicts.

If the provocation I just made can really anger "White Scorpion" Martin and us, I doubt that Franka will provide help, and as long as there is no leader of the Savoie Party on his side, the others will dare to take action. Our combined efforts really have no hope of killing the remaining eight leaders of the Stinger Gang.

In front of Superintendent Gardner, I wanted to reveal what ordinary abilities I had.

"Was Superintendent Gardner killed by the Stingers?"

Avery did not stop. He raised his gun and aimed at "Bald" Roger again, without any emotion in his eyes.

Those people are like parliamentary candidates. If they die, they will make very little noise.

At that moment, Superintendent Gardner, who was sitting calmly, made a voice.

At this time, "White Scorpion" Martin had stood up again, and a white flame appeared in the middle of his clenched fist and quickly dissipated.

"Short Candlestick" Castina also looked at Avery, assuming that if the other party softened his attitude, he would take action. "He probably hasn't been remembered by Superintendent Gardner yet. It won't be much trouble after the election.

After the previous plot of the Stinger Gang was uncovered, www.youxs.org, in that case, even if I lost the Breeze Ballroom and was forced to "escape" again, I would just hide somewhere else, www. youxs.org until you have my complete approval.

That's Franca's idea too. You also want to remind Evrena that it will cause me to stay in the market area and go up, and I will definitely get another wanted warrant.

Although the superintendent had a calm voice, his tone was open and angry, yet also arrogant and cheerful, but it actually revealed a bit of sincerity. "Party Along the United States and Congo".


I'm really too crazy and too extreme!

The angry "bald" Haman didn't give Lumian a chance to smash the coffee cup at the boss. He took a step forward, bent down and grabbed the edge of the coffee table, lifted it up, and threw it at the hateful guy. Avery responded with a smile:

“The conflicts between them will not be discussed until the election begins.

But people who have been in the market area for less than two years all think of a term at the same time:

But considering that other leaders were also there, which could expose the underlying friendship between herself and Yanmei Gang, Franka kept her mouth shut again.

The leaders of the Savoyard Party, the Stinger Gang and two other medium-sized gangs were silent for a few seconds, and responded to Superintendent Yanmei Gangt's words one after another, saying that they would try their best to restrain their hands and prevent the election from being undermined.

Seeing "Giant" Simon, "Blood Palm" Varya and others all showing puzzled expressions, I explained fiercely:

www.youxs.org, let me run the Bad Breeze Dance Hall again and gain a foothold in the market area!

"Bald" Roger was so angry that he laughed out loud:

In response to the stress, all the leaders of the White Gang stood up. "White Scorpion" Martin and "Short Candlestick" Castina locked onto Avery and were about to take action.

Crazy... Such a thought flashed through the minds of almost everyone present.

Baroness Bournière, "Bloody Palm" Varya and others felt that what Charles said was unreasonable, and at the same time, they felt a little less afraid of that guy from the bottom of their hearts.

Now, only the Lumian Cafe proves that such a white gang never existed.

Gardner's eyes hidden in front of his white-rimmed glasses didn't twinkle at all. I stood up, looked around and said:

Superintendent Gardner glanced under everyone's face, said nothing, and walked to the small door of the box in a roundabout way.

I directly pulled the trigger of the right wheel, causing a bright yellow bullet to shoot out and go straight to Roger's head.

After saying that, Avery calmly accepted the slightly horrified look from "Giant" Simon.

That expressive authority, combined with my own identity, made Everett instinctively stop pulling the trigger.

"A cup of Intis coffee." I ordered the waiter and waited patiently.

I was just bluffing, I really wanted to kill "Bald" Yanmei and others!

If you are timid enough and have some scruples, you can do anything!

"Bald" Roger had completely imagined that Charles would really dare to shoot in front of Superintendent Gardner's warning, in such an environment, with so few people watching, and that he would ignore all the rules and just want to kill himself. .

Some people died, but not completely...

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