The coffee named after Intis was fragrant and strong, and matched perfectly with the soft cakes smeared with cream. Lumian felt the beauty even if his mind was not focused on them at all.

As soon as he arrived at three-thirty, he heard a familiar gentle female voice coming from the booth behind him.

"Good afternoon,"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Susie." Lumian responded, secretly surprised.

Although he didn't deliberately observe the guests who walked into Mason's Cafe, his "hunter" instinct still allowed him to pay general attention to the environment:

When he walked into this cafe at 3:18, there was no one around booth D, and from 3:15 to 3:30, no one entered the door.

And now, Ms. Susie appeared quietly behind deck D, behind him!

How magical and weird this is!

Susie's voice sounded again, asking gently:

"How did you feel after your last treatment?"

"Is he worried that revealing his imagination ability to you will cause harm to himself?"

Just acquaintances!

companion? Tan Hanyan thought of the "Magician" man's most unexpected suggestion, and guessed after careful consideration:

My mind gradually relaxed, as if I had returned to the time when Kordu Village was not yet destroyed:

"Secret Prayer" approach? Below the "Listener" and above the "Shepherd", is there a sequence called "Hermit"? That is the path where Mr. K is... You often feel that no one is watching you outside the darkness around you. Is it because of me or my hands? Tan Hanyan combined Aurore's witchcraft notes with the tips from the "magician" man, eliminating the feeling of sudden enlightenment.

"Sounds amazing..." Lumian sighed. Unexpectedly, there were "psychiatrists" sitting around him, but he didn't notice it at all.

Susie explained in a calm voice:

"The idea is that the audience, the low-sequence people in the pathway, need to be so troublesome. Even if we are far away from them, we can quietly influence them, making them knowingly or not violate our arrangements and create all kinds of coincidences."

"That's very abnormal. How can a patient be cured without a single treatment? He didn't have any baggage..."

"I know it's your own fault. You encountered so few extraordinary events in such a short period of time. Sometimes, you can't help but sigh that Tewell, neither a human nor a dog, has ordinary abilities."

"This other 'psychiatrist'?

The last second, I heard a soft male voice with a slight smile and a slightly heavy tone:

"Next time, you would tell him so directly, which would make him more resistant and closed off from you. But now, he has no intention of establishing a new social relationship, which makes him see his heart more vaguely. It won’t help him get worse.”

"Am I coming next time?"

Detailed enough.

Is there anything wrong with the explanation of the "magician" man, but

Tan Hanyan recalled the events of those two weeks and spoke bit by bit like a casual chat.

After talking about what happened in those two weeks, Tan Hanyan laughed at himself:

"The reason why he didn't notice that Baroness Bouignere didn't notice that it was normal is because "the audience, the mid-sequencers of the path also mastered another ordinary ability, 'psychological invisibility'. "

"Is he trying to change the subject?

To create a coincidence, a mid-sequence person on the "audience" path needs to do "psychological suggestion" or "hypnosis" face to face, which also means that I must appear around him and around Baroness Bouvnière and others.

"This is a good thing. Keeping emotions accumulated in your heart and suppressing your feelings will only make your mental problems and extreme state more and more serious, until your self-destructive tendency completely overcomes your instinctive will to survive." Su Akane commented with calm and soothing words, affirming Lumian's change.

Lumian was silent for a while and said:

My body and mind gradually became intense.

Similarly, I only briefly mentioned that I performed a ceremony and received a gift on my forehead, but I did not talk about the specific content of the gift.

department. "

"Of course, that's just one of the symptoms, not all of them. Susie didn't respond to me immediately. After a few seconds, she smiled and said:

I paused and thought from Charlie:

Compared to the next treatment, Susie seemed to be more relaxed. You laughed and said:

"Actually, you are here today, sitting opposite him."

Susie went deeper and answered Lumian's question just now:

"There is something that cannot be told. You have even opened up this dream to him. The rest can only be regarded as a big secret."

What I said was too detailed. After all, time was too limited. I also didn’t mention the existence of the Curly Baboon Research Society, Franka’s original gender, or my belief in your purpose of joining the Savoy Party. I just said that I met you. My sister, Aurore, is a pen pal, and you are a Sequence 7 "Wizard" on the "Demon" path, and both of you are in the same white gang.

"Although you are also an 'audience', you still have to remind him, 'Beware of the audience!'"

"It depends on the specific situation and the price to be paid. You are such a bad person." Tan Hanyan muttered.

"Friends?" Lumian asked with a wicked smile, "Charlie, Jenna, Franka? How can we be considered friends?"

"There's no one in this hotel who's unlucky and stupid..."

Time passed quickly, and Lumian leaned against the soft sofa with a stiff back.

"Mr. Susie, you want to ask him something. You just mentioned some coincidences that happened under you. They are really like magicians. What the man said is not partly due to the influence of the audience and the sequencers in the path. ?”

Lumian did not hide anything and simply answered:

"Actually, it can be seen from some details. While he took the initiative to ask the 'Red Boots' man to answer his questions in the field of occultism when he was not free, he always went, and the only time he visited was , or using the excuse of repaying a favor, it means that he is still too willing to establish a closer relationship with you.

"Psychological invisibility is invisibility in the true sense. It just makes him notice you. Even if you haven't stood in front of him, few people around him want to see you."

opposite? Lumian looked at the opposite side of the coffee table in astonishment. The space outside was empty. There was only no one around, and there were even hollows where no one had sat!

Susie didn't ask again and explained herself:

—Aurore only recorded Sequence 9 "Secret Prayer" and Sequence 8 "Listener" in the "Secret Prayer" path.

"It can be seen that his mental state has indeed not deteriorated to a certain extent since then."

"It's you." Susie said with a hint of bad taste, "It's your companion."

The "Magician" man seems to write a lot every time, but in fact there is only no framework and too few details, just like Mr. Susie said in detail... Lumian muttered and asked curiously:

"'Hermit', which path?"

The low-sequence person... Lumian was horrified:

"He doesn't have a lot of resistance to that aspect of things in his heart?

"So, he 'arranged' for this newsboy to deliver an expired newspaper to you?"

"Little Emperor Russell said, probably it was Little Emperor Russell who said that man is the sum of social relationships. When he rejects the establishment of new relationships, it proves that he is resisting his own future.

Tan Han listened to the entire content quite quietly, and occasionally asked "What about now" in cooperation, allowing Lumian to speak more smoothly.

Lumian knew that he wanted to calm down his mental state and do more step-down mental treatment to lay the foundation for awakening fewer memories later, so he didn't resist at all and said with a wry smile:

Lumian asked:

"Let's chat first. Just talk about the various things he experienced in those two weeks. Well, pick the things he thinks he can't say but is willing to say."

Susie spoke eloquently, pointing out some of Lumian's psychological problems in a stern way, and finally said:

"That won't change because he used 'Spiritual Vision'. After you prepare to attack him, his safety instinct will not respond." Susie took a step back and said, "In comparison, the 'Hermit Monk' His 'hiding in the shadows' will often make him feel like he is being watched in vain."

Is Susie the Man a low-sequencer, a true demigod?

Susie responded with a smile:

“For a person who is not self-destructive, the sign that I am finally out of the mire is not a willingness to build new social relationships.

"It's much better than before. At least I can vent my emotions."

Susie said in a stern voice:

Her tone immediately brought a hint of smile:

"Secret Prayer'." Susie replied complicatedly.

Before Susie pointed out his hidden thoughts, Lumian's first reaction was to be defensive, vigilant and agreeing. However, the other party's calm attitude, aggressive analysis and wrong grasp of the actual situation made me gradually relax. Come up and face these problems that exist in your heart.

"He's bad."

Susie did not answer that question and continued:

"Psychological invisibility'? Is that any different from other invisibility?" Lumian asked in confusion.

"Yes." Susie said frankly, "His problem is relatively minor. You are too unsure, so I asked you to come with me to help you, um, prevent some bad thoughts.

"There are not many kinds of friends, but each kind requires the establishment of a deep friendship between the two parties. He only needs to ask himself, we will definitely meet something unexpected, and it is within his ability, are you willing to provide some help? Then you will know that we are considered his friends."

"You can definitely feel that he is rebuilding his social relationships and ending the loss of some friends."

Aurore, who had no clues, would learn about the big and small things happening in Kordu Village from me, and I was happy to share them with my sister, including the pranks that showed off my success.

"Where did you see it?" Lumian just mentioned the details of how he cried under the carriage and wet the newspaper before seeing Aurore's obituary. He felt that what he said could reflect his own psychological state.

Some people died, but not completely...

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