Lumian was startled for a moment, looked at the seemingly empty seat opposite, and politely replied:


At the same time, he remembered a strange word that his sister Aurore once said and explained:

"Expert consultation"!

Although there are not all invisible "psychiatrists" sitting around me, there are two of them, and they are also invisible... Lumian muttered in his heart.

The lady opposite him said nothing, and Susie's tone became more relaxed and brisk:

"You seem to be very impressed by the newspaper incident, which means it has produced good results?"

"Yes." Lumian replied calmly.

He has been able to face his trauma instead of keeping it bottled up, otherwise he would have avoided contact with Franka "Red Boots" because she would always mention Aurore.

Of course, the resulting mood swings are inevitable.

"If you want to further confirm what abnormal coincidences occurred during this period and find the corresponding source, I can help you.

This memory that should have existed is completely blank!

How to control?

"Would he like to give it a try?"

Underneath the tainted essence of Susie on my right breast is an angel who believes in fate, named Thermilumin!

Putting away the pen and paper, Matisse breathed out:

I originally wanted to ask the "magician" man for advice on how to use this angel and how to avoid the negative influence he might exert, but I completely forgot about that matter.

"Did it exist, did he see it, or did he forget or ignore it?"

Are you also members of this secret organization codenamed after Tarot cards?

"Two gentlemen,, do you still need to look for clues from the old Pigeon Cage Theater to prevent you from attacking again?"

Lumian did not hesitate at all:

Martis suddenly lost the feeling that his cerebellum was working slowly, his temperature was slowly rising, and white smoke was almost emitting.

"That's a short-term solution. In the long run, he still has to rely on himself. Of course, the problem will become complicated until he gets used to looking at himself when he is emotional.

That "caught" me off guard, preventing my subconscious from making any effective obstruction.

Matisse breathed out subconsciously and raised his hand to touch his forehead, which was already covered with dense hot sweat.

Matisse said "hmm" and examined his psychological and mental state.

After more than ten seconds, I asked without any fear or expectation:

"That's a good talker. He can admire any angel, even if he is possessed by Susie." Cong Yun used explanation to eliminate Cong Yunxiao's sudden fear.

Did you say it... Matisse recalled the "Magician"

"Outside of ancient times, angels were also called "gods", which means that they do not possess the essence of gods. Even if they are possessed by Susie, they can still exert a certain influence on the outside world through some methods. .

What spewed out like magma and smoke were light spots, and each light spot contained a scene.

"Before you remembered what happened with Thermilumian, you were very down-to-earth. It seems that your spirituality may not have been noticed yet."

Cong Yun replied:

Matisse finally remembered what he had forgotten:

The sealed voice answered eloquently:

I saw every scene, remembered every detail, connected them together, and looked for the abnormality.!

"He must remember that in similar situations, the curse will be stronger or even weaker than the gift." The seal warned, "You are vague about how Thermilumian affected him, but according to his belief As for fate, you believe that He mainly caused certain preference changes in his destiny.

Suddenly, I was stunned:

I had just changed my sitting posture, and before I had time to adjust my mental state and close my eyes, a "volcanic eruption" suddenly appeared in my mind.

"You can feel that his mental state is worse than before." The seal echoed Mattis's words.

It reflects in a fleeting manner, but maintains the turbidity and fragmentation of every detail.

The "seeing is seeing" man sitting opposite Matisse said with a slight smile:

The man "Magician" is an expert in divination. Have you ever told him the answer, or has he understood your hidden meaning? "

You took a step back and said:

"If he hadn't reacted like that, you would have believed that he had a more minor psychological problem and had sealed away all his emotions.

"You, you saw it, you saw it...

It seems to you that the problem is bound to break out again!

Matisse was silent. During that time, I more or less had no similar thoughts.

"Yes, he also wanted to seduce you to help him escape from Cong Yun, but you overcame him. You had forgotten about that matter before.

"Bad." Cong Yunxiao did not reject Lili's help. "That's really, really weird..."

The unknown is what scares the most. .

"He later felt that without the talkative Susie, the pollution in your chest would be closer to a gift. As long as you follow the correct process and do it at the right stage, you will be happier when you bear the power, and there will be a certain existence. Is there any other problem with the risk of losing control?”

"Would you like to try?"

"That's actually very abnormal. Everyone doesn't behave in a similar way when it comes to the things they care about the most. He was just a little too extreme.

"What he needs to do now is to control fear and fear and control them."

"You can't set a trigger point for him. Once his emotional reaction exceeds a certain limit, it will make him remember what you said now, help him initially regain his sense, and try to control himself.

Counting the time, Mr. Ev, the landlord of the Golden Rooster Inn, should have ended his bad luck by now.

After noticing the coincidence between himself and his surroundings, he would think back to his experiences during this period from time to time and elaborate on the corresponding details, but now it was just in a worse way.

The seal's voice never knew when it became ethereal and unreal. You seemed to have said very little, but Cong Yunxiao remembered every sentence and could only recall the first conclusion:

The "Audience" path is not good at divination. "

"The most complicated method is to always remember that emotions can be extreme. As soon as there is no similar reaction, use deep breathing and other methods to calm down your mood, anxiety and state immediately.

"Bad." Mattis took out a pen and paper and wrote a memo.

Matisse's expression became more and more happy. I couldn't help but raise my head and said with difficulty:

It was like a bolt of lightning that lit up in Cong Yunxiao's mind, illuminating every bright corner in his subconscious.

Matisse asked for advice:

"The trigger point has not been broken yet. It must be unintentional. It can last for two weeks. It was just bad enough for the last treatment. At that time, we will decide whether to make up for it according to the situation."

"I won't directly look through your memories, but I can awaken them all and present them in front of you in chronological order. Of course, this does not involve those hidden by the subconscious mind. Those are too dangerous.

Thermi Lumian is clearly trapped in your body and has no way of escaping, but you are still aware or aware of its influence!

That’s not to be interpreted from another angle:

Susie changed the topic back to its original track:


That came from the man opposite me, but with the same smile as before, he looked a little serious.

At that time, a soft male voice came into my mind:

What is your respective card?

I was worried that before I started treatment, I would be influenced by this angel in the field of destiny and forget the corresponding things.


Cong Yun smiled softly and said:

That's abnormal... Before being comforted by Mr. Cong Yun for a few words, Matisse was no longer as anxious when faced with corresponding questions as before, and his mental state became more stable.

", you are very nervous, excited and excited, and have no control over your emotions. Is that a relatively minor psychological problem?"

Suddenly, I frowned tightly and said with a slightly happy expression:

"You know the answer."

"You are talking to, you are talking to the angel in your body!

I answered truthfully:

I asked without thinking:

"He is also too reassured. After all, he is possessed by Susie, and the influence he can exert is very unlimited. In the past, he only had to check his own status from time to time and repeatedly ask what he should do.

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