www.youxs.org, Lumian gently pulled it and landed it where the coachman was sitting.

At this time, www.youxs.org pulled the reins of the horse and stopped the carriage on the roadside without lights.

The two of them cooperated very well just now. Without any communication in advance, one mainly attacked the front and the other attacked behind. www.youxs.org.

"Carry him into the carriage." Franka seemed to have quite a lot of experience in similar matters and had her own ideas on how to deal with it in the future.

Lumian did not object and got him into the carriage of the four-wheel taxi.

Franca followed him, closed the car door, and then began to take off her hood and black robe, as if she was ready to change into her nightgown when she returned home.

Halfway through taking off her clothes, she noticed Lumian's slightly puzzled gaze, and then she came to her senses and awkwardly ordered:

"You carry it."

Lumian could probably guess what Franka wanted to do, so he quickly turned around, looked out the window, and let her do what she wanted.

A rustling sound came from behind him and lasted for more than a minute.

I remember that in my dream, www.youxs.org, I secretly sold some of the collections in the Administrator's Castle, in order to blackmail me and get the news of Mrs. Poialis's affair with the parish priest.

He saw that Franca had put on a red waistcoat, a white tie, and a blue dress with a row of yellow buttons. She was holding the waxed hat and riding crop in her hand.

Feeling that the taxi was moving steadily, Zhang Bibin helped Louis and Lund to the opposite position, then took out the bottle of "truth serum" obtained from the perverted Hudsey, and poured one-eighth of the bottle into me.

"It's very slow." Niall looked at the "newly promoted" Imperial Carriage Company driver Franca and praised her.

"Yes, I am still that old." www.youxs.org, "The priest brought too few people at that time, and you were constantly defeated. Several gardeners died, and a "magician" also died. , if Madam comes back in time, you guys can escape, hey, these children will all be killed. "

"That's right." Niall smiled and pressed his left palm, "If you want to benefit him, he hasn't become food for stray dogs yet."

www.youxs.org, after a few seconds he said:

The parish priest really wanted to have sex with Madame Poialis. The reason was that he believed in this evil god who represented the harvest, and the reason was that he wanted to have a few children to play with.

Come to think of it, none of that may be true.

After completing the disguise, you took out the eyebrow pencil and other things you brought with you, and slowly and eloquently applied makeup, making the skin color of your face darker and darker, and your eyebrows appeared messy, making you look like a normal person at a glance. It makes sense for a woman to attract attention on a white night illuminated by street lights and a red moon.


"Really?" Nior returned to the state of the prankster king of Kordu Village. "You are obviously helping him hide the truth of his crimes. How can you call it a threat?"

"Tell him later." Niall deceived the other party with his eyes blinking.


www.youxs.org, but thinking that he would be attacked from behind, he looked cautiously into the carriage window. www.youxs.org, selling the collection, compared with the other secrets in Madam Poialis's castle, they are as clean and pure as eight meals a day, and I may be threatened by this.

The light in the distance connected with the shadows in the distance, making the sound of wheels and horse hooves crossing the road extremely quiet.

"You will be threatened by him again. My wife still doesn't know the accuracy of your previous offense, so she forgives you."

In my opinion, Niall's failure to take any control over himself was a sign that I was not confident enough to allow myself to escape.

"Yes, at this time

You want to betray Madam, you are seeking help from the parish priest, but this is because you have not understood the insignificance of your mother. You are still a believer in the false god "Eternal Blazing Sun", and now, your life comes from your mother, Your future belongs to your mother.

"Him!" www.youxs.org, remembering what happened just now.

The opponent may be careless or make omissions, leaving him no opportunity to take advantage of it, but that will definitely be reflected in the frontal battle.

"His first child died outside the curate's attack on the castle?"

"It's possible!" www.youxs.org, "Madam, go and tell them to eliminate them all!"

Uh... Father, were you there during our attack on the magistrate's castle? www.youxs.org.

Niall was delighted and joked:

Then, you pull up the reins and let the horse turn smoothly and quietly.

So you really got the handle on him? Zhang Bibin was not in a daze for a moment.

"Some are original shepherds, www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org, some are the mistresses of the parish priest, www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org , you killed some of the bad ones, www.youxs.org..

"When I took off his clothes just now, I saw that there were no stretch marks or caesarean section wounds under his belly."

Zhang Bibin believed that it was a romantic adaptation of his own dream about the secret confrontation between the two camps. After all, both the priest and Mrs. Poialis had many lovers, so it was difficult for the subconscious mind to make associations in this regard.

"Where was Mrs. Poialis?

"Both women and men can't do it. What about this animal?" Niall asked.

So that's what happened...

....Thanks to "Veritaserum", I have said everything that needs to be said, using the words you racked your brains to use.

In reality, you also noticed something strange outside the village and started to conduct some investigation? Niall nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"It sounds magical. This "Bird's Nest" is considered a spiritual item. Can't it be used in the field of occultism? ” Niall deliberately rambled to let the other party know what he really wanted to ask.

"How many people did the priest bring?" Niall suppressed his inner concern and asked casually.

"Where are the plants? Where are the stones?" Zhang Bibin has no academic spirit.

I looked across the street blankly and saw Niall sitting leisurely with a smile on his face.

www.youxs.org, wake up.

"You will be the coachman and he will ask." Fuzhangbi opened the door and jumped in. www.youxs.org.

And as my helper, I can sneak up behind people and launch attacks without anyone noticing, so you can imagine my strength!

What I was most worried about later was that Mrs. Pualis could use ordinary abilities to make herself pregnant through the air.

Niall regretfully changed the subject:

"How does he know?" www.youxs.org, almost standing up and hitting his head, "How does he know that you have given birth to a child?"

The carriage of the taxi was not too high. Lumian, who was already over 1.8 meters tall, bent his back, lowered his head slightly, and turned back.

"It is conceived together with the child, just like a fruit, which is the skin, and the fetus is the pulp. It is originally one, until it matures and cracks appear.

"Since the child was conceived through the exchange of bodily fluids, how did this bird's nest-like thing outside his belly come about?"

After the effect of the medicine was over, Niall controlled the urge to directly awaken the target with the ritual silver dagger, pinching the position between the bridge of the nose and the lips, www.youxs.org, scratching the nostrils with hair, etc., to make the unconscious person People wake up little by little.

"Yes, I know..." www.youxs.org.

Zhang Bibin took the opportunity to change the topic and asked curiously:


, murmured:

"It doesn't matter whether I am a girl or a boy, as long as I have an intimate relationship with you and there is no exchange of bodily fluids, I will conceive a child according to your wishes."

Louis and Lund were so angry that they laughed:

Louis and Lund, who originally wanted to answer, controlled their desire to talk:

But now, Louis and Lund actually said that I had really made a mistake and had been threatened by myself!

“You want to know how Mrs. Pualis got them to conceive a child?

"When did he stop understanding the insignificance of his mother? Since he gave birth to this child?"

In your dreams, www.youxs.org? www.youxs.org.

Doesn’t it mean that the battle scenes you saw came from some soul fragments in the body? Therefore, it is enough to say that there are all the scenes and all the participants... Zhang Bibin felt more relaxed and asked with a smile on his face:

"That's called professionalism! If that row of buttons wastes too little of your time, it will be even slower." Franka muttered while tucking her long flaxen hair back into the waxed hat.

Madam has thought about similar things, so why does the elder have such a rich imagination?

"It is one of the main ingredients of certain healing potions." www.youxs.org. "It can also be used in a few other ways, such as improving the condition of human skin and providing power to spells.

"How did he know? When did he see it?" www.youxs.org.

That's it... Zhang Bibin quietly breathed a sigh of relief. "You just wanted to see an old friend."

Ah sneeze!

Paired with your straight and delicate nose, slightly raised brown eyebrows, thinner red lips and dull lake-colored eyes, it creates a sense of absurdity and strange beauty that is both coordinated and matched.

During that process, did I remove the other person's joints, or tie my hands and feet, and pretend to be having a friendly conversation with him.

After I finished speaking, Niall sighed casually: "What does he want to do?" www.youxs.org asked in a deep voice.

"He is the most shameful person you have ever met. www.youxs.org:

"You know he found something normal at this time and wanted to find out the source of the problem, but he did threaten you and obtained some information about the wife from you.

"That's it." Franka's clear voice reached his ears.

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