
"I don't know, but when Madam came back, she wasn't in very good condition.

"After that, she saw that the castle was seriously damaged and all the key things had been destroyed, so she asked those of us who were still alive to prepare to leave Kordu Village.

According to the scene I saw, Mrs. Pualis was indeed fighting another person... Lumian asked slightly curiously:

"Mrs. Pualis didn't try to resurrect the dead?" www.youxs.org:

"www.youxs.org. Lumian smiled and did not answer.


"At the beginning of January, you saw these children in the castle tower. He couldn't imagine what kind of scene it was. In short, it scared you and made you almost go crazy and want to leave Madam.

Why did you control that mouth and say everything that needed to be said!

I was worried that Kordu let him go on purpose and then followed him.

"It's mid-January at this time. I should still have no problem. I continue to live like this as if I know everything. You tried to urge me several times, but he finally found out and you were threatened by him. .

That's right...

Kordu has no new understanding of the death of Naroka presented in the dream.

www.youxs.org, it is possible to ask Mrs. Pualis in person.


www.youxs.org, did not weaken my desire to talk, and said with a smile:

"That way we can get out.

I just told a small group of villagers in Corduislon Village to frequently discuss the zodiac signs since the end of January, thinking that it will bring us glory and change our destiny, and after that, we will only violate some folk customs. , To avoid the constellation being changed, talk about the corresponding things in detail.

After finding the reason, I no longer blame myself and feel at peace, and my whole person feels calm and relaxed:

"The first group of believers Mrs. Pualis developed outside the village were your lover and these elderly people?"

After learning that the administrator Beoost and Mrs. Pualis' valet Cassie are now "warlocks", and that Mrs. Pualis left Yislon Village after the Seventh Day, www.youxs .org.

Kordu can completely imagine it, because I have seen the situation in the castle tower in my dream:

How different is the state of Mrs. Pualis that you observed outside the dream... Cordu recalled:

www.youxs.org, try to ask:

"You will let him leave. Go back and tell Mrs. Pualis that you are definitely willing to meet with you. It is up to you to choose the time and place. Well, please send the reply to Room 302, No. 9 Shiban Street, Botanical Garden, after tomorrow night. In the mailbox.

"Before, you and the coachman Severe received revelations, confessed to the madam, and truly belonged to the mother.

The Nole District is northeast of the Candide Market area, and its dividing line is the Serenzo River. There are no Invalides and Wounded Soldiers Hospital outside this area, and there are only a few hospitals here. It is more suburban and does not have a certain amount of farmland.

"You originally thought that you were just like those people who are crazy about occultism and hate buying magazines such as "Psychic" and "Lotus", making some attempts with no actual results. You thought it was not a big problem, but as time goes by As time goes by, you find that other people in the castle are getting weirder and weirder. The administrator locked himself and his wife in the room twice in a row, and each time was accompanied by the birth of a child. The maids and maids in your hands also often That way, Madam is quite strict with us.

I then pointed to the shorts on my upper body:

"Human" children with bird claws were climbing under the wall, densely packed everywhere.

www.youxs.org, continues: "What on earth does Mrs. Pualis want to do in the village of Kordu?".


When did you find out that the priest was fine? "

At the current level, Mrs. Pualis's "resurrection" ability is very flawed... Lumian was disappointed.

"Yes." www.youxs.org, "A rather old person like Naroka doesn't have deep nostalgia for the relatives who have passed away in the past. He hopes to see us again. What will happen to him before his death? We are also very concerned about, both fearful and yearning for, and these are the things that Madam can find answers and help for us. Unfortunately, Naroka died suddenly before she was truly introduced to the other world. Madam, you will find this. He fell in love with the priest’s plot and was murdered by you, the eldest son of the priest.”

He immediately changed the subject:

"You first hinted at the priest during mass, and then you came to confess and told me that my wife was normal and that she might be a follower of the evil god. I told you to be careful about concealing it, because you wanted to expose yourself, and I will deal with it.

"Madam, you can resurrect a dead person and restore his body, but that is not perfect enough. The resurrected people can hardly be called human beings. They are half corpses and half monsters. They only retain a little of their original memories, and they can only exist for seven days. "

"Where does Mrs. Poialis live now?"

"Yes!" www.youxs.org.

"Madam should be somewhere between Sequence 5 and Sequence 4. Sometimes she shows such sublimity that people dare to look directly at her, and sometimes she obviously has such a low status."

"When the time went back to August, the priest suddenly led a group of people to attack the castle."


Ava and Raymond should be like that too.

"Well...you only really know when you come here. Madam wants to build a brand new world in Yislon Village. Outside that world, before human beings die, their souls return to the small land and wander in the wilderness. Whenever ordinary people meet, There are days when we cannot return home and enjoy the joy of reunion. After we have redeemed our sins, we can be reborn, emerge from the mother's belly in the form of a fetus, and become human again."

www.youxs.org, I want to use this to judge whether I know this or not, but I have lied a lot!

"Sequence 9 "Villain", Sequence 8 "Gardener", Sequence 7 "Warlock", Sequence 6 "Sower"... What is Sequence 5 called, what about Sequence 4, and what's next?

www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org. Kordu changed the question with a slight sigh:

"Male demon"...the gender changes when you hear the name...Preet becomes Pualis...called "Mrs. Moon" and "Mrs. Night" Sure enough, they all represent divinity and demigods, but Mrs. Pualis is completely equivalent to "Mrs. Night"... Kordu thought for a moment and brought the topic back to the matters in Silanhe Village:

"Didn't I tell you?"

"The other side of the world?" Si Lanhe recalled the term he knew in his dream.

I believe that the other person’s question just now was to observe his own performance.

Plantagenet Street in Knoll District... A map of Teweier that he had seen in a magazine appeared in Silan He's mind:

www.youxs.org, but the castle tower impressed me so deeply that I couldn’t help but ramble on.

"What is Mrs. Pualis' current rank?"

"After experiencing the following things, I think you should have a new understanding."

www.youxs.org "Share", he sighed and said:

Sure enough, I know less than you expected...www.youxs.org, dared to take any chances, and answered along with the desire to talk:

This is a dangerous house that Kordu prepared in the botanical garden, and now it can no longer be used.

www.youxs.org: "Bad."

I'll take it as soon as it's bad, straight

He asked bluntly:

"You were indeed understanding and even frightened at the time, otherwise you would have taken advantage of Mass to hint to the priest that you needed help.

"In the Knoll district..." www.youxs.org, but still missing one more noun, "Porse Street."

"Madam mentioned two or eight things, but they were all very clear.

"You said that what you built was just a large, miniature world on the other side, which was part of the broken world on the other side. You also said that only by building your own world on the other side could you please your mother and bear less."

"Are you kind to Madam? I just want to talk to you about these things that happened in Yislon Village.

"Why build a world on the other side?" Kordu asked.

Louis breathed a sigh of relief and replied with normal vigilance:

"You can often hear the cry of babies coming from some rooms, which makes you deeply aware of this. Taking advantage of the lady's appearance, I was cautious enough to slip out of the tower, mother. Ah, the scene at that time scared you!"

www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org, that is consistent with the details that as a castle steward, I mainly go to cities such as Liege when I go out.

But considering that the other party was clearly incapable of knowing the wife's detailed residence from him, he did not ask further, www.youxs.org.

"Madam's condition is not strange at all. It may have nothing to do with your other world being destroyed, or it may be due to something under you." www.youxs.org.

component? These ladies must have really combined to create the other side of the world. What will happen? Silan He did not believe that building a miniature world on the other side was a prerequisite for receiving divine gifts through this abnormal path.

Lumian was well prepared and said with a smile: You actually died from being silenced.

"Sequence 5 is a male demon", Sequence 4 is an "evil lord", also called a benevolent lord or a madam. Going on further, you will know that you are just a gardener, and you are qualified to receive fewer gifts. Become a magician'. "

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