Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 134: Execution Ground (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket for October)

Lugano gave Lumian a slightly strange look:

"Have you heard about this operation too?"

After responding subconsciously, he smiled:

"As expected of you, you are knowledgeable and have a wide range of hobbies. You even know this cutting-edge surgery."

"It seems you know it very well." Lumian ignored Lugano's flattery.

Lugano nodded quickly:

"I have read in several magazines that some doctors believe that the essence of this surgery is to destroy the patient's brain, and it is irreversible. In other words, it seems to cure the patient's madness, but it makes him become Silly, always calm, no more emotional fluctuations.

"They feel that if this kind of surgical treatment is not used, there is hope that the madness can be cured through other methods, but once it becomes stupid, it will no longer be possible to cure it."

There are still many doctors in Intis who have high academic standards, dare to tell the truth, and have good professional ethics... Lumian nodded secretly.

After confirming that Lugano had a certain understanding of the medical field, he asked casually:

Are there any strange medical cases recently? First URL

Lugano thought about it carefully for a while, slowly shook his head and said:

"Nothing strange.

Lumian was about to change the question when Lugano added:

"If I really want to say it's strange, a folk custom that has become popular in a small area recently is quite strange."

"Folklore related to medicine?" Lumianpin read the hidden meaning in Lugano's words.

Lugano, who had brown hair and brown eyes, smiled and replied:

"So be it.

"Probably a group of Trier citizens feel that the blood shed by executed prisoners carries the most tenacious strength of life. If eaten with bread, it can cure many diseases. This has made many columnists very angry, saying that this is a It’s a retro, bloody stupidity, and it might be more effective to go to church and pray for refuge.”

"How come I haven't heard of such a folk custom?" Lumian felt that the behavior of the citizens of Trier contained an indescribable meaning, not just stupidity.

Lugano laughed:

"Boss, this is normal. I have never heard of it before. It is a folk custom that has only appeared in the past two or three months. It may have been brought by some outsiders. More and more people believe in it."

Lumian chatted with the bounty hunter who had saved up money to buy the main materials for "physician" for a while, and got a vague impression of the medical community in Trier.

It was almost noon, and with a full stomach, he turned onto White Coat Street and entered Building 3, which serves as an apartment.

During this process, Lumian did not hide his curiosity and specifically inspected the appearance of No. 6 Baicoat Street, but found no traces left.

He knocked on the door of Apartment 601 and threw the "Lie" ear clip to Franka, whose long flaxen hair was simply tied up.

This companion has to contact the people of the Witch Sect again in the afternoon, and he has to become the same as last time.

"Why are you here?" Franka accurately caught the silver-white ear clip, "Didn't you receive the information from Ms. Hela? I've been waiting for you to come over to discuss it."

Lumian laughed:

"Why are you more anxious than me?

After closing the door, he sat on the sofa and explained all the key information and corresponding guesses he had extracted from the data. Franka would interrupt from time to time to give her own opinions.

Coming to the end, www.youxs.org.

Franka's expression suddenly became strange.

"Is there a problem?" Lumian was not surprised but happy.

Franka said "hmm":

"The rumor that eating bread dipped in the blood of executed prisoners can cure diseases is very similar to the ancient folk customs in my hometown, but that happened many years ago. Since the popularization of education, this kind of folk custom has basically disappeared.

“The original folklore is that steamed buns dyed red with the blood of executed prisoners can cure serious lung diseases, as long as they are eaten while they are hot.

Lumian raised his right eyebrow upon hearing this.

He said that strange folk custom gave him an indescribable feeling:

Feeling of mischief!

It's "April Fool's Day" style!

"I have a friend who did it?" Lumian suddenly became excited.

A "psychiatrist" who can hypnotize can completely make such a folk custom appear and spread without anyone knowing!

Franka nodded solemnly:

"'I have a friend' who is also from the hometown of your sister and I. Otherwise, your sister would not trust him and seek treatment from him for psychological problems.

"His code name and the language he mastered all prove this, and except for him and "Black Shi", other members of "April Fool's Day" may not know that ancient folk custom."

"Loki doesn't know either?" Lumian asked in shock.

"I'm not sure." Franka frowned, "I'm not familiar with him, and he has never revealed his identity as a fellow countryman. If he hadn't used the words "me and your sister" when reciting the four honorary names, I didn't even know he knew the language of his hometown. I always thought that the diary of Emperor Russell in their group was translated by "I have a friend and Kurotsuchi". "

Lumian smiled:

"It's really a folk prank created by 'I have a friend'. I'll go to the execution ground in the prison area to watch later."

The prison area is also called the Red Hat District, with an official number of 4. It is one of the oldest urban areas. It has the most famous prison in Intis - Saint-Mar Prison, from which this area got its name.

Near the Saint-Mar prison is the busiest execution ground in Trier - the Roya Execution Ground.

“Be careful, the ‘psychiatrist’ is more cautious than the ‘Puppet Master’. "Franca reminded.

Although "I have a friend" is not an extraordinary person in the three paths of "divineer", "thief" and "apprentice", even if he believes in "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun", he cannot find the seal on Lumian's body, but Lumian An still felt that he could not be careless and asked for the "Lie" ear clips back, simply changing his appearance - he was worried that the resurrected "Loki" had already communicated with "I have a friend" about his and Franka's real-life appearances.

After Franka got the "Lie" ear clip again, she curiously asked:

"What was that horrible atmosphere that day?"

Lumian laughed:

"It all started when Lady Hella and I were looking for the Fountain of the Samaritan Woman."

..." Franka was stunned for a moment, then cursed, "Ten! How many details do you still have to say about such a thing?

"It depends on when it is used." Lumian briefly mentioned the situation of being eroded into the flesh by the breath of the "Blood Emperor".

Franka had forgotten her irritation. She looked carefully at Lumian's raised right palm, and finally discovered the few inconspicuous marks that seemed to have been squeezed.

"Wow, you actually have the aura of a true god on your body. Although it's just an empty shell, it's also the aura of a true god, and it's the same path as a true god." Franka sighed with envy, wishing she could get one for herself.

She then looked at Lumian's left hand, which was still bound:

"What's on this one?"

"Nothing, just to attract attention." Lumian replied with a smile.

Franka stayed for two seconds:

"You are so insidious! If you were promoted to 'conspirator', you would digest it very quickly!"

"I hope the result will be as good as your blessing." Lumian was not modest.

In the afternoon, Lumian took a public carriage to the north bank of the Serenzo River and arrived at the Ruwa Comprehensive Execution Ground in the prison area.

One of the hobbies of the citizens of Trier is to watch the execution of prisoners. Although today is not a weekend, there are still many people gathered here. There are even many vendors who have set up stalls or shuttled through, selling food and drink.

There are many brightly dressed street girls looking for business, and there are also a group of writers who come here specifically to hang out.

If it weren't for the name "Rowa Comprehensive Execution Ground" written on the intersection and the gallows and beheading platform standing in the distance, Lumian would have doubted that he had come to the wrong place and entered a nearby market. It was so lively and noisy. .

Stepping on the ground paved with rammed earth, Lumian hid himself among the crowd and walked around the execution ground like a market.

He didn't find anyone suspicious, but he did see a dozen or twenty men and women holding bread in their hands crowded to the front. Their clothes were all old and some could be called rudimentary.

After a while, the crowd suddenly surged up and crowded to both sides of the road leading to the execution ground to welcome the team coming from Saint-Marre Prison.

Lumian did not join in the fun, but heard people cheering, whistling, and women shouting "I will marry you."

The latter is not a proposal of marriage, but a mockery of past folk customs. In the classical era before Emperor Russell the Great, when a condemned prisoner walked from the prison to the execution ground, if anyone among the onlookers proposed to him, he would also choose He promised that he would get a changed sentence and survive, but not all death row inmates would accept it. Some valued appearance very much, some were very dignified, and they all chose to use death to stick to their ideals.

It was a nightmare, and a beautiful girl faced the executioner's advances and gave up on saving herself on the grounds that it was an insult to love and marriage.

The two most famous cases are that a handsome death row inmate rejected the proposal of a female onlooker because he thought she looked good. Lumian squeezed into the front row of the onlookers and saw two executioners standing in the shooting spot paved on the rammed ground. commit.

They are all relatively young, no more than 30 years old, wearing uniform prison uniforms - red jackets, yellow trousers, green hats, dragging iron balls on their feet, and their hands are tied behind their backs with chains.

One of the two men had black hair and blue eyes, the other had brown hair and brown eyes. They both looked good, but they looked at each other with hatred.

Seeing that the gunman responsible for the execution had arrived at the scheduled location and raised their rifles, the two death row prisoners shouted loudly at the same time:

"for freedom!

"Regain the glory!

After shouting, the two looked at each other angrily and fell down amid the banging gunshots, blood flowing out.

The people holding the bread were excited, but they were stopped by the soldiers in front and could not rush into the shooting point.

After the situation of the two condemned prisoners was confirmed, the soldiers left in formation, and the citizens holding bread rushed towards the blood-stained soldiers.

Lumian did not look at them, but looked around to see who was enjoying this absurd comedy.

PS: Today’s second update is asking for guaranteed monthly votes for October~double period, it will be wasted if you don’t vote~

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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