Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 135 Human Blood Bread (please vote for me at the beginning of the month)

Some of the onlookers in Trier were quite curious and asked the people next to them about the reason, while others continued to watch the excitement with great interest. This made it impossible for Lumian to tell who was appreciating the results of his prank and who was not. It’s just to have some fun.

This is the folk custom in Trier. Lumian felt that a powerful and high-ranking "psychiatrist" like Ms. Susie would not be able to identify who among the onlookers who were heckled, mocked, and deliberately loudly suggested the wrong direction. It is the source, who is the real passerby who has reached the atmosphere to give full play to himself.

Although Lumian had expected this situation, he still couldn't help but sigh:

"You Trier people...

No wonder the "April Fools' Day" group likes to gather privately here, almost like fish back in the water.

Lumian gave up observation and randomly picked a middle-aged man who was using rye bread to soak in the blood of the executed prisoner. He waited until the man ran towards an exit of the Ruwa Execution Ground and followed him quietly.

After arriving at a secluded alley with no barricades, Lumian took a few steps around to the front and blocked the middle-aged man wearing a worn linen shirt.

He raised his left palm, which was still bound, and asked in the manner of a gang member looking down at ordinary people:

"What did you get?"

The middle-aged man with short black hair and a thin face answered timidly:

"Yes, it's bread stained with the blood of a condemned prisoner." First website

"What can this be used for?" Lumian acted like a curious, passing gangster.

The middle-aged man showed obvious fear:

"Yes, it can cure diseases."

"Who told you that it can cure diseases?" This is the key point Lumian wants to ask.

The middle-aged man replied in a daze:

"I heard from Guillaume on the street next door. He said that one of his workmates' children got better after eating this kind of human blood bread.

The child of the neighbor's coworker on the next street... Lumian felt that this was no different from rumors. It was not easy to find the source.

He looked at the middle-aged man holding the bread of human blood and asked thoughtfully:

"Is someone in your family sick?

"Yes." The middle-aged man instantly became depressed and a little painful.

He looked at the human blood bread in his hand, and he was filled with hope again.

Lumian was silent for a few seconds and said:

"what did the doctor say?

The middle-aged man lowered his head slightly, looked at the human blood bread and said:

"He said it couldn't be cured, and I didn't have the money to treat it...

Lumian did not ask any more specific questions, and turned his body silently, allowing the middle-aged man to hold the blood-stained bread as he walked around the barricade and passed through this secluded alley.

He slowly returned to the Ruwa Execution Ground and found that the "market" had not yet dispersed. Many citizens took this opportunity to have a picnic, sing, dance, and have a simple party.

Lumian huddled behind the trees on the edge of the rammed earth square, sat in the shadows, and silently stared at the people passing by.

As time passed, the "bazaar" in the execution ground gradually became deserted, and the sun had sunk to the point where the sky and the earth meet, and the surrounding environment became quite dim.

Lumian hid in the dark and watched the citizens leaving one by one and the vendors, but did not find any suspicious targets.

When the dark night really came, the Ruwa Comprehensive Execution Ground was empty except for Crimson Yao. Lumian stood up slowly and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, he saw a dark shadow climbing over the side fence and sneaking into the execution ground quickly.

Lumian stopped moving and leaned deeper into the shadow of the trees.

The black figure was tall and thin, wearing a top hat. He came directly to the area where the condemned prisoners had just been shot, squatted down, stretched out his hands, and dug up the soil soaked with some of the blood.

"Is this someone who believes that the blood of executed prisoners can be used to cure diseases? This movement and speed are like those of an extraordinary person...

Lumian silently watched the dark figure busy.

Not long after, a tall, thin black figure wearing a top hat stood up holding a pile of blood-stained soil.

He did not leave the execution ground at Rui immediately. Instead, he walked deeper and came to the gallows.

The black shadow buried the blood-stained soil under the gallows. With the help of the crimson moonlight, it could distinguish the plants growing there, as if it was looking for something.

In the town of Chaillot, inside the Red House Cafe with a bright mushroom-shaped roof.

Franka, who had black hair and brown eyes and was dressed in a hunting suit, ordered coarse salted red wine beef, French fries, Fussac omelette and quail soup with a few slices of ham for dinner.

She had a lot of fun chatting with a few ladies this afternoon and felt the longing and desire in their eyes.

At the same time, she felt that someone was secretly observing her, so she stayed until night.

After Franka had almost finished her dinner, a woman came down from the second floor.

That was the "witch" who followed Franka last time. Today, she naturally has long orange-red hair hanging down like a waterfall. She is wearing a white men's shirt, brown overalls and dark brown short boots, showing off her proportions. Perfect figure, delicate and clean appearance, pure temperament with a bit of wildness.

Without any hesitation, the woman who was suspected to be a member of the Witch Cult walked straight towards Franka, pulled out a chair and sat across from her.

Franka deliberately looked at the appearance and figure of this "witch" with a masculine eye, watched her sit down with a smile, and waited for her to speak.

"Why are you here again?" The orange-red-haired "witch" looked at Franka with a scrutinizing gaze.

Franka smiled slightly and said:

“The Chaillot is my favorite wine and the scenery and atmosphere are great.”

Seeing the orange-red-haired "witch"'s expression of disbelief, Franka smiled and added:

"And, I heard...

She lowered her voice and said in a warm and ambiguous tone;

There are women's fun parties here. "

The eyes of the "witch" with long orange-red hair suddenly became faint:

"Who did you listen to?

Franka looked at the face of the "witch" opposite and said deliberately:

"I met a nymphomaniac before. He wanted to sneak up on me, but I solved it. He said that he was a peripheral member of an organization called the 'Blissful Society', and the core members of this organization are women who like the same sex. They are thinking To reach out to the participants of the women’s fun party at the Red House Cafe and plan to recruit them into membership.”

Franka was not sure whether the Witch Sect had cooperated with the "Blessed Society". After all, it was not impossible for organizations that believed in evil gods to unite to a certain extent, www.youxs.org. Therefore, she deliberately "confessed" to observe the other side. human reaction.

As she spoke, she braced herself for a surprise attack.

The expression of the "witch" with long orange-red hair changed slightly, and she became obviously more solemn.

There was less hostility and defensiveness in her eyes, but there was undisguised rejection.

Oh, are you treating all the female partygoers as your lovers, and don't you want me, who may have been a man, to get involved? Franka unconsciously imitated Lumian's accent and joked in her mind.

She initially determined that the other party had not heard of the "Blissful Society" before, but had noticed some signs.

The "Witch" on the opposite side was lost in memories, as if looking for possible problems.

After more than ten seconds, she subconsciously lifted her long orange-red hair and asked cautiously:

"Are you here to track down the 'Bliss Society', or do you want to join the fun party?"

Franka laughed, attracting the instinctive attention of the surrounding customers, making them look surprised.

"Both." Franka looked at the orange-red eyes of the "witch" and said, "In comparison, I would rather attend a happy party. How can people like us resist such a party? You say Yes or no?"

She pointed out that she had discovered that the other party was also a "witch" and was suspected of transforming from a male "assassin".

Franka was also hinting that she was originally a male to prevent the other party from suddenly making a move.

The "witch" dressed in a man's attire was obviously resistant, but was attracted by Franka's appearance and temperament, and remained silent without answering.

Franka leaned forward slightly and asked in a manly tone:

"What should I call you?

The "witch" hesitated for a moment and replied dully:

"www.youxs.org, what about you?"

Sauron...another Sauron family? Franka suddenly thought that Lumian's recent "Iron Cross" mission was to contact people from the Sauron family.

She did not hide her real name and said with a smile:



"Our parties take everyone's privacy and safety very seriously and we cannot allow questionable people to join. If you are truly eager, you must submit to our review."

Franka didn't care at all. She played with the buttons of her shirt and asked with a smile:

“So, where does the review begin?

Prison area, Ruix execution complex.

Under the crimson moonlight, a tall and thin figure wearing a top hat dug out several handfuls of weeds from the ground corresponding to the gallows.

The roots of those weeds shone red like blood, looking particularly eerie in the moonlight.

The tall and thin figure has a straight nose, fair skin, neatly combed medium-long black hair, rare red eyes, and a feminine and handsome appearance.

Wearing a white shirt, a red bow tie, and a black formal suit, the tall and thin figure looked happily at the strange weeds in his hands, and was about to stand up and leave the execution ground.

At this moment, a slightly curious male voice sounded in his ears:

"What are you digging for?

The tall and thin figure squatting under the gallows raised his head in shock, and found that there was an unknown figure in front of him looking down at him from a high position.

The figure had blond hair, blue eyes like lake water, and a white shirt simply paired with a black vest, making him look young and refreshing.

How could he get close to me without my senses? I didn't smell any smell, didn't notice any movement! The tall and thin figure was frightened and frightened.

PS: Ask for double monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~

PS2: Today I found the sun and moon in the pot, the boss of Qiankun in my sleeves voted a lot of votes and rewarded the Silver Alliance, and the boss of Nuanyang

Another 30,000 votes were cast. Thank you all for your votes. I can only add an extra update. However, my aunt is also on holiday during the holidays and I have to help take care of the baby. Two updates a day is very difficult, so I will add an update on the 7th~

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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