Lumian looked at the portrait in his hand and laughed softly.

He really didn't expect that the Major Arcana cards would soon figure out the source of the rumors and find out the true appearance of "I have a friend".

This is normal when you think about it. The rumors appeared two or three months ago. Lumian had not yet come to Trier, nor had he joined the "Curly Baboon Research Society". Whether it was "Loki" or "I have a baby" "Friends", they didn't feel any real threat, so they were naturally unscrupulous when doing "pranks". No matter how cautious and careful they were, they couldn't do it to the extent they did now, and they would inevitably leave some traces.

High-ranking people in the "psychiatrist" path not only have a sufficient understanding of "I have a friend"'s various abilities, but also restrain him in all aspects.

For other extraordinary people, it is very difficult to find such traces, but Ms. Justice is the "audience" channel, that is, even if the actual action is not the holder of the Major Arcana card, her partner Susie will She was able to complete this task brilliantly, because in Lumian's knowledge, this woman was at least Sequence 5 of the "psychiatrist" path, only one step away from becoming a demigod.

Looking at the portrait of "I Have a Friend" with gold-rimmed glasses, freckles on his face, a thin face, and short brown hair, Lumian rubbed the paper, raised the corners of his mouth, and said to himself:

“Everything you walk through leaves a trace…

"Those who cannot control their desire to do evil will one day be found."

He took the portrait,, and knocked on the door of room 305.

"Pay attention to this person for me. He is probably a doctor or medical researcher."

Immediately afterwards, he briefly talked about "I have a friend"'s performance at the party and several representative pranks, and asked sincerely:

“Where would such a man hide?

“I am a ‘psychiatrist’, not a ‘diviner’.

"You said that he usually shows a wealth of medical knowledge at gatherings?"

After getting a positive reply from Lumian,

"In a party full of pranks, the various details shown by the Extraordinary of the 'Audience' path should be the details he wants you to remember, which are not equal to his true image, or even the opposite.

“I speculate that ‘I have a friend’ who is not actually a doctor, but knows enough about medicine to have a wealth of knowledge.

In fact, he is not a doctor... Ms. "Magician"'s letter also mentioned not to limit the scope of the search to the group of doctors... But in this way, millions of people in Trier will be suspected... Lumian is both lucky and happy. trouble.

"Such a person with anti-human tendencies and sufficient IQ is likely to hide his hobby of challenging dangers and likes to tease others as a clown. Maybe it won't be long before he plays another prank and mocks all his pursuers."

The premise is that he doesn't know that there are many demigods watching this matter..., and transferred to White Coat Street. The "doctor" asked if he knew the person in the portrait, but it was too early now, the mill dance hall hadn't opened yet, and the guy didn't know where he lived.

Inside Apartment 601, No. 3 Baiyi Street.

Franka had already woken up because she had also received a letter from her Major Arcana card and was discussing possible investigation directions with Jenna.

"You can't entrust too many intelligence dealers to find it. It will be easy for 'I have a friend' to notice in advance and change his appearance or leave Trier." Franka reminded Lumian.

Lumian nodded slowly and said:

"On our own we have little hope of finding such a man in Trier...

"Isn't there Anthony?" Franka winked at Lumian, meaning there were also all the card holders in Trier.

"Yes, I will help too." Jenna said proactively.

Lumian said "hmm" and planned to start with the doctor group according to the predetermined plan.

In the afternoon, Jenna came to Market Avenue and waited for the public carriage next to the stop sign.

Today, she was wearing an off-white long skirt and a light brown straw hat with a few cloth flowers on her head to block the sun. She tied her brown hair into a light bun behind her head and wore the rest of her hair naturally. Down.

She had no makeup and her face was very clean. Although her blue eyes lacked black lines, they looked even sweeter.

Jian Na got on the public carriage and went all the way to District 7, which is the hot spring area.

This area is located on the west side of the Observatory District. It has a good environment and many wealthy people. The owner of the bankrupt Goodville Chemical Plant lived here before, and the White Swan Hotel where Charlie worked as a trainee waiter is also here.

There are also many famous museums in the hot spring area, also known as the "Museum District", and Trier's largest and most formal lunatic asylum, Delta, is located next to one of the hot springs.

Jenna was going to visit the underground singer who had taken great care of her, the "flamboyant girl" who was raped by Maggot of the Stinger Gang and was physically and mentally tortured. She left the market area and lived in a lunatic asylum.

After Lumian killed Maggot, Jenna went to find her and told her the good news. Since then, she has been visiting her regularly.

Originally, Jenna had little money of her own, and was still thinking about repaying her debts, so she could not do anything more for this friend. Later, she earned 5,000 Firkin in one go from Lumian's hunt for the parish priest. Including the two compensations and various income, after paying off all the arrears except Franka, I still have more than 7,500 Felkin left.

Because Franka's repayment pressure was very low, Jianna was finally able to spare some money to send the former "flamboyant girl" to Dyer, which had significantly better facilities, environment, doctors, and nurses. Tower Asylum.

She will visit the patient every once in a while, firstly to pay the fee, and secondly to show the doctors and nurses that this patient has relatives and friends who care about her. If anyone dares to bully her, someone will support her.

Jenna got off the public carriage, put on her brown straw hat, and walked along a lively and bustling street.

A few steps later, she saw a seven or eight-year-old boy standing alone on the roadside.

The little boy had a chubby face and was wearing a formal suit that belonged to a young gentleman. His light yellow hair was neatly combed.

Noticing that the little boy's eyes were very confused, Jian Na walked over, lowered her body and asked kindly:

"Are you lost with your family? Do you need me to take you to the police station, or call the police directly?"

The little boy wore a mercury bow tie on his white shirt. He sighed and said:

"I'm not lost, it's just that a woman who likes to drink asked me to do a favor, and I don't know how to help. It seems a bit dangerous over there, so I have to wait here."

Over there... Jenna glanced along the little boy's raised hand and felt that he was talking about the Memorial Hall area, the market area or the botanical garden.

"Why do we need to wait here to provide help?" Jenna found it difficult to understand the child's thinking.

The chubby little boy sighed again:

I don't know why, but my instinct told me to do this. "

Having said this, he raised his head and looked at Jenna with a pitiful expression:

"Can you buy me an ice cream? It's so hot in Trier!"

"Where is the lady who likes to drink who asked you to help?" Jenna asked doubtfully and cautiously.

The little boy looked around and said:

"After I said I would wait here, she went to find a place to drink by herself."

Isn't this too irresponsible? What should I do if my child is lost? Jian Na couldn't help but frown.

The little boy said eagerly again:

“You can buy ice cream from this cafe, so I can eat ice cream and wait inside without worrying about getting lost.

That is to say, Jian Na has a lot of money recently. She hesitated for a few seconds and said:

"What flavor do you want?

"Vanilla!" the little boy replied quickly and loudly.

Janna then spent 1 Filkin to buy the little boy a cup of vanilla ice cream in the nearby cafe.

The little boy sat by the window, accepting the cup of ice cream and letting his inner joy show on his face.

"Thank you, you will have good luck!"

Jenna didn't pay attention to the other party's thanks. After seeing the little boy eating ice cream with concentration, she quickly left the place, found the patrolling police officers, and told them that there was a lost child in the cafe ahead.

After confirming that the two police officers had entered the cafe, Jenna breathed a sigh of relief and continued moving forward briskly.

Not long after, she arrived at Delta Lunatic Asylum.

This lunatic asylum is close to the hot spring. Behind the wall is a gray-blue three-story annex building. The building is surrounded by patches of green lawn bathed in golden sunlight and many sports equipment. The environment is very good.

Jenna successfully met her friend.

The former "flamboyant girl" was like other female patients, with short ear-length hair, a plain face, and calm eyes. She looked no different from a normal person.

When Jian Na chats with her, she often has the illusion that the other person is not sick or crazy, but Jian Na also knows very well that once she is stimulated by something, she will immediately enter a manic state, harming herself and others.

After chatting for nearly half an hour, Jian Na walked out of the designated meeting room and prepared to leave.

While walking through the outer corridor, she cast her gaze out the window.

On a green lawn, twenty or thirty mental patients were walking slowly, thinking alone, leaning against trees and basking in the sun, or gathering together, muttering about something.

They also behave much like normal people.

Jian Na glanced around casually, preparing to look away.

Just then, she saw a figure wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown.

The figure was over 1.75 meters tall. His short brown hair was combed into a three-quarter length. Most of his flaxen eyes were blocked by gold-rimmed glasses. His face was obviously thin and had many freckles. At this time, he was bathing in the sunshine. Pacing back and forth on the green lawn, as if thinking about some philosophical issue.

Jian Na's pupils suddenly dilated.

This, this is "I have a friend"!

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