Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 140 Lessons bring experience

Jenna reflexively wanted to turn her head back, fearing that the mental patient suspected of "I have a friend" would notice her gaze.

But almost at the same time, www.youxs.org, he controlled his neck and slowly and naturally withdrew his gaze.

She remained calm enough, followed her original rhythm, and walked out of the gray-blue building step by step under the sunlight outside the window, putting on a light brown straw hat with fabric flowers.

It wasn't until she completely left Delta Lunatic Asylum and returned to the street where she met the little boy that Jenna breathed a sigh of relief.

Her expression remained unchanged as she boarded the public carriage leading to the market area.

In the evening, inside Apartment 601, No. 3 Baiyi Street.

Lumian, who was called here by Jenna, listened to her findings.

Lumian did not hide his surprise and suspicion:


"Are you sure you saw it correctly?"

Could this be too much of a coincidence? First URL

Jenna only saw the portrait of "I have a friend" in the morning, and in the afternoon she found the target in Delta Lunatic Asylum, which she had only visited twice so far, regardless of Lumian, Franka, or the large hospital in Trier. Neither the Arcana nor the Minor Arcana gained anything!

This coincidence made Lumian smell the smell of conspiracy and arrangement, so much so that he lacked any actual joy.

"Yeah, what a coincidence..." This was Franka's attitude before Lumian arrived.

She murmured:

"Although it is quite a classic setting for a guy with anti-human tendencies and a high IQ to hide himself in a lunatic asylum, and he can also have close contact with doctors, but he will not be so unlucky that someone happens to see his "wanted portrait" 'Meet the visitors? There can’t be more than fifty people in all of Trier who have seen his “wanted portrait”!


"Why didn't I know there was such a classic setting..." Jian Na muttered and then said, "But I really encountered it, and I definitely didn't admit my mistake. Maybe it's because I've been luckier recently?"

After she finished speaking, she saw disbelief written on the faces of Lumian and Franka.

Deeply affected by the coincidence and experienced enough, Lumian asked thoughtfully:

"You wake up this morning and start thinking back to see if there are any coincidences or anything that happened that is different from usual."

Sitting on the single sofa, Jenna was lost in thought.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, she made a "fuck" sound and said:

“It’s no different than usual!

"Well, there is something I have never encountered before...

She recounted in detail how she met a lost little boy, treated him to a cup of vanilla ice cream, and asked the police to take care of him. Finally, she asked a little unconfidently:

"There shouldn't be anything unusual about this, right?

Franka said to herself:

"That little boy said you'd get good luck?"

Lumian focused on another detail:

“He said he was brought here by a lady who loves to drink?

"Yes." Jenna answered both questions in one word.

Lumian suddenly had suspicion in his heart.

Except for some of the dancers, he only knew two ladies who loved drinking, and the rest could only be regarded as light tasting and socializing.

That one is Ms. "Hela" and the other is Ms. "Magician".

The former always carries multiple pots of spirits with him, while the latter likes to taste different flavors of alcoholic beverages, and can even drink a glass of wine directly from the void.

Based on the fact that finding "I have a friend" is a public task of the "Tarot Club" and Ms. "Hela" has not been notified of this matter, Lumian cautiously judged that the little boy was brought to Terry by Ms. "Magician" Yes.

Combined with Franka's concern about the phrase "getting good luck", Lumian believed that the little boy should have a very special ability to give others good luck, and Jenna who got the good luck was naturally lucky enough to meet him. "I have a friend".

Seeing that both Lumian and Franka fell silent and didn't speak for dozens of seconds, Jenna became even more uneasy:

"Is there really a problem with this matter?"

Lumian looked at his companion and said thoughtfully:

"Maybe you were lucky enough today, starting with the day you bought that little boy ice cream."

This kind of trick of giving and receiving is also very common in the field of fate, just like the "transfer ceremony". The target must voluntarily take away the medium, take advantage of what should not be taken, and have the subjective will to do so, in order to complete the transfer.

Therefore, Lumian reasonably suspected that the little boy was an Extraordinary of the "Monster" path, that is, the "Destiny" path. Through a hidden transaction of asking for ice cream and giving good luck, Jenna met "I have a friend." ".

Things like "I don't know how to help, I can only wait here" and things like "Take me an ice cream and you will get good luck", it's so mysterious in the field of destiny!

"Yeah..." Franka obviously also thought of this possibility.

Jian Na understood immediately:

"You mean, that little boy is a very powerful Beyonder and he gave me enough good luck?

"But other than meeting 'I have a friend,' I didn't feel much. I didn't pick up any money, nor did I encounter any free items.

"Perhaps you encountered 'I have a friend who spent all your good luck.' Franka sighed with emotion.

Lumian stood up and said:

"I'll go check it out.

He then walked into Franka's bedroom and closed the door.

"How to confirm?" Janna asked Franka curiously.

Franka guessed and replied:

"write a letter."

"To Ms. Hela?" Janna currently only knows that the lady has a messenger.

"Other lady." Franka couldn't say clearly.

In her bedroom, Lumian, who had cleaned the altar, quickly received a reply from Ms. "Magician":

"It turns out that this is how to find out 'I have a friend'. As an astrologer, I think this is amazing.

“There is no doubt that it was indeed the help we hired, and it cost a lot of favors and a lot of ice cream.

"Now that you have the result, take action. I will keep an eye on it and help you prevent accidents."

Sure enough... Lumian had a smile on his face.

From the words of the "Magician" lady, he deduced that the little boy was not a member of the "Tarot Society", so he would not participate in public tasks for free and would need to cost favors and ice cream.

What the hell is ice cream? Can such a powerful extraordinary person be impressed by ice cream? Lumian thought it was absurd and funny at first, and then he thought of Baron Brignel's godson. That silly guy was obviously unusual, and he might have been bribed by delicious food.

This made him wonder whether all Extraordinaries with the appearance of little boys had such "weaknesses".

Lumian pushed open the door and returned to the living room.

Jian Na stood up a little nervously and asked:


"He is a helper who is specially here to give you good luck, but it is fate that he meets you, and if you treat him to ice cream, it means you have chosen the right tributary of fate." Lumian replied with a sense of magic.

As an extraordinary person with abilities in the field of destiny, he still has a certain say in destiny.

"Huh..." Jian Na breathed a sigh of relief without hiding it. Just now she was worried that she had fallen into a trap.

Seeing Franka also stand up, Lumian took out the silver-white "Lie" ear clips, raised the corners of his mouth and said:

"Go to the asylum now, I can't wait."

"Okay." Franka responded, lamenting in her heart.

Ever since Ciel came, I have to fight with people every now and then.

It’s only been a few days since “Loki” attacked!

Inside the four-wheeled four-seater taxi heading to the hot spring area.

Lumian looked at the black street light pole outside the window and suddenly frowned.

He muttered to himself in confusion:

"What Jenna saw was really 'Do I have a friend?' "

Franka and Jenna looked sideways at him and thought of one thing at the same time:

www.youxs.org, they discovered two stand-ins, www.youxs.org!

"Do you suspect that's a substitute?" Franka asked in a lowered voice.

It is a good thing to experience a lesson and increase your knowledge. After witnessing the wonderful performance of the priest, if you are not careful about this possibility, it can only mean that you are not suitable for the "Hunter" and "Witch" paths.

Lumian considered and whispered:

"When the problem is exposed and he is likely to be hunted down, will 'I have a friend' worry that the 'pranks' in the previous months will become hidden dangers?

"If I were him, since I couldn't erase the traces, I would have to leave Trier quickly and come back after a while, but he didn't do that.

"This shows that he either has enough confidence that we can't find him, or he has something very important that he must stay in Trier. In that case, hiding himself in the dark and showing his substitute in the open is a good idea. s Choice."

"Does he also have 'lies' or what you call 'substitution skills'?" Jenna asked in confusion.

Lumian laughed:

"He may not be 'lying', but the evil god he believes in is in charge of the 'divineer' field and is one of the most powerful 'faceless men'. As long as he masters the corresponding ritual magic, he can request to change a specific target. Appearance and appearance.”

This is just like how members of the "Tarot Club" can summon spiritual creatures in the name of Mr. Fool.

"Use the ritual magic related to the 'Faceless Man' to create a stand-in, and I secretly monitor it... But why doesn't he just change his appearance instead of getting a stand-in? Then we can't find him at all!" Fran! Ka thought of a dangerous possibility.

Lumian nodded:

"If the one in Delta Asylum is really a stand-in, it means he represents a trap, deliberately used to catch us, and 'I have a friend who will definitely pay close attention to the final results.

“So, either the double contains a great danger that will not only drag the pursuer to death, but also cause a lot of noise, or the two are very close or have a mystical connection.

"Don't worry about the former situation. There is a powerful lady to guard against accidents. For the latter possibilities, you have to rely on Franka...

If the person in the lunatic asylum is "I have a friend," the problem is even simpler.

Late at night, in the room on the third floor of Delta Lunatic Asylum, in the annex building on the east side.

A pair of gold-rimmed glasses was placed on the bedside table, reflecting the little moonlight that filtered into the room, while the patient on the bed was sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, a black figure opened the heavy door with iron-barred windows and walked in silently.

He politely held the handle and closed the door gently, blocking out all movement.

The entire interior seemed to be enclosed.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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