Lumian used the "respectable" brooch's ability to distort the closing action, turning it into sealing the entire room.

After completing this matter, he, who had changed his appearance by relying on "lies", did not immediately attack the patient on the bed. Instead, he walked to the side and looked down at the patient condescendingly.

The patient closed his eyes tightly and remained in a deep sleep. The outline of his facial features and hair color indeed belonged to "I have a friend."

Seeing that this guy was completely unaware of his intrusion and was still sleeping soundly, Lumian began to believe that he was a stand-in.

According to the statement in Ms. "Magician"'s letter, "I have a friend" who is at least a Sequence 6 "Hypnotist" on the "Psychiatrist" path, and has a small probability of being a Sequence 5 "Dream Walker", and on this path, regardless of In any sequence, he is very good at observation. It is impossible for someone to walk next to him like this and still be ignorant and sleep soundly.

The problem now is that such a substitute makes it impossible to see where the trap is.

Under the dim moonlight that penetrated the curtains, the patient on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Lumian's figure was instantly reflected in those flaxen eyes.

Almost at the same time, Lumian once again saw the dark void, the stars that seemed like countless blinking eyes, and the invisible door composed of mysterious symbols that came to life.

From the bottom of his heart, next to his ears, a voice seemed to come from the depths of the void and the source of his soul:

"Go through, through this invisible door, you can gain life changes and endless knowledge....

"Everyone has divinity and can hear the voice from the origin of this world. If you want to hear clearly, you have to open this invisible door and enter behind it...

Lumian's head began to throb, and he "saw" the invisible door slowly opening. He felt that every word of the voice transformed into a strange living creature in his heart.

The voice sounded again, with a bit of confusion and doubt, and said to himself:

"Where is the end of the world, what was the beginning of the universe like...

Which god created all this, and who created him...

"What is it like outside the universe, and how are other worlds different...

"What is the difference between humanity and divinity? Is the full understanding of self human or divinity...

"Where is the dividing line between madness and sanity? Is the final destination of every living being mad..."

Such words not only contained thoughts about mystical knowledge, but also seemed to be seeking answers to some philosophical questions. Lumian's head felt more and more painful when he heard it. For the first time in a long time, he felt the kind of steel drill directly inserted into his head, stirring. The pain of a fragile brain.

Moreover, these problems also brought about strange changes in his own spirituality and the surrounding environment:

Madness began to rise, seeming to test the boundaries of reason; the surrounding darkness seemed to be endowed with human nature, and there was obvious creeping; the bed in front and the floor under his feet slowly outlined strange patterns, even though Lumian himself did not see it, My body also suddenly experienced severe itching, and I wanted to tear off all the outer layer of skin...

"Is there something beyond all limitations and conceptual thinking..." The voice is still asking the void.

Deep in the creeping darkness, something indescribable was taking shape bit by bit.

Lumian couldn't resist or stop it at all. He could only wait for the great terror to come with a severe headache.

At this moment, a dazzling, brilliant lightning flashed in front of his eyes.

The huge tree seemed to have grown from the kingdom of gods, and every silver-white "branch" made a sizzling sound.


At the same time that the silver lightning struck the patient on the bed, Lumian heard the thunder that shook his eardrums and soul.

This shook all the weird creatures that the words had turned into out of his body, significantly relieving the throbbing pain in his head, leaving only the dizziness caused by the roar.

Terrifying lightning ravaged the body of the patient on the bed, and Lumian's skin a few steps away felt as if it had been pricked by countless fine needles. There was both dense pain and numbness one by one.

Vaguely, he heard sacred chanting echoing, as if saying "I come, I see, I record", and the ward became darker and darker, as if it was pushed in by some force. A mysterious space isolated from the outside world.

Lumian exhaled and looked at the bed again. He saw that the patient's body had turned black, like charcoal, and the burnt aroma continued to overflow.

The body, which was stuck to the broken hospital clothes, sheets and quilts, began to disappear, as if it had turned into a dark shadow.

The surface of the shadow was cracked with holes one after another. Each hole was covered with mysterious patterns and symbols, which looked like eyes and hundreds of mouths that were constantly opening and closing.

Before Lumian could see such changes clearly, his eyes were filled with pure, clear, golden sunlight.

The sacred, illusory voice echoed in his ears again.

When his vision returned to normal, there was only a faint black mark left on the charred hospital bed, twisting strangely, like a snake-like creature with a key part stabbed.

It was indeed a trap... Lumian was not surprised by this.

He also judged from the "illusion" elements such as the void filled with stars and the invisible door composed of wandering symbols that the patient just now and one of "Loki's" marionettes were gifts from the same evil god, and acted as "I have The substitute for "Friend" obviously has a higher sequence.

"Loki and I have a friend who once took action against a secret organization that believed in an evil god?"

“This is the will of ‘Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun’, what purpose do you want to achieve?

"The corresponding purpose made 'I have a friend' choose to stay in Trier?

"This stand-in is also a naked mockery of his pursuers?

"I know you are looking for me, and I know what clues you can find, and I deliberately give you a little hope?"

Thoughts flashed through Lumian's mind like lightning, trying to analyze the current situation from the perspective of "I have a friend" and find clues about where he is hiding.

He felt that given the danger level of the patient just now, neither "I have a friend" nor "Loki" would be able to capture him alive and make him a member of his team.

And "Loki" has a marionette with a similar path, which means that the patient just now did not actively and consciously cooperate with them.

Combined with the double's confused and doubtful tone and endless questions, Lumian suspected that he was the one receiving the gift.

Sometimes, or in the process of using abilities, he was driven crazy by certain knowledge and truths, and became a real mental illness. "I have a friend" who relied on himself as a professional "psychiatrist" to constantly guide this patient. Believe in yourself and let him become friendly. Eventually, "I have a friend" reaches the point where you can "convince" the other person and let him perform rituals and pray for a change in appearance.

Thinking of this, Lumian looked at the window with iron bars, and saw that the deep darkness before had faded, and the crimson moonlight penetrated the not-too-thick glass and shone into the ward.

On the contrary, at the edge of Delta Lunatic Asylum, which was originally normal, the darkness became much thicker, and the void faintly curved, as if it was closed into a sphere.

After taking action to deal with the dangerous patient, Ms. "Magician" did not use any other abilities. She just made the entire lunatic asylum and the surrounding lawn enter a state of secrecy.

This seems to be telling Lumian that you can solve the problems yourself. What I can help you with is to prevent the movements here from attracting Trier’s official Beyonders.

Lumian breathed a sigh of relief. Starting from looking for "Loki", he quickly filtered through the things related to "April Fool's Day" in his mind.

He gradually came up with a guess and even formed a complete "story":

"I have a friend" who was really a doctor, nurse or patient at Delta Lunatic Asylum. One day, he discovered a strange patient who always asked all kinds of philosophical questions.

Under the guidance of "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun", "I have a friend" began to contact the patient. In the process, he inevitably realized that there were some benefactors who believed in a certain evil god hidden around the patient. Therefore, with the help of "Loki" , the two drove away the problematic guys and gained control over the strange patients. "Loki" also took the opportunity to harvest a marionette.

After "Loki" was resurrected, he was reminded that "I have a friend" relied on the strange patient's trust in him to let him perform ritual magic and pray to "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun", thus becoming a stand-in and a walking... trap.

As for "I have a friend", his appearance must have changed and his whereabouts are unknown.

While Lumian was annoyed, he suddenly thought of something:

Jenna is a stand-in for "I Have a Friend" whom she met through good luck.

But what kind of good luck is it if you just run into a stand-in, or a stand-in that represents a trap?

This is bad luck!

Unless, following this substitute, "I have a friend" can really be found, or Jenna met not only the substitute, but also "I have a friend", but she didn't recognize it or saw it directly!

And both of them show that "I have a friend" is most likely still in this madhouse!

Regardless of whether the trap worked in the end, the pursuers actually easily ignored the problem of the asylum itself, thinking that "I have a friend" must have moved his hiding place long ago.

Under the oil lamp is the darkest and most easily forgotten place!

Thinking of this, Lumian turned around suddenly, opened the heavy door, and rushed into the corridor of the lunatic asylum.

With a crashing sound, he crashed through the window at the corner of the stairs and landed on the lawn surrounded by the main building and the annexes on both sides.

At the same time, he used "Nisse's Face" to turn himself into the patient just now. Then, Lumian asked Xingkong loudly on the lawn:

"Where is the end of the world, what was the beginning of the universe like...

“Which god created all this, and who created it…

The sound echoed through the asylum, reaching every room.

Just a few seconds later, Franka's voice sounded in Lumian's ears:

“There were unusual movements in the doctor’s duty room and nurse workstation on the first floor, as well as in the first ward in the west annex building on the third floor.

Lumian laughed after hearing his companion's announcement.

He pressed his hands violently into the void in front of him, causing the red flames to burn instantly.

The flames spread rapidly, "illuminating" invisible spider webs covering the entire building.

The spider webs are layer upon layer, extending into every room, monitoring the movements of all humans.

This took up nearly half of Franca's spiritual energy and a lot of time to prepare and maintain.

The red flame turned into three burning giant snakes, running along the spider web to the doctor's duty room and nurse workstation on the first floor, and to the ward on the third floor.

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