Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 164: Cooperation of “Hunter”

The creature suspected of hunting a black spider flashed past and disappeared into the shadows on the other side of the hall. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test

Lumian just saw this and had no time to react, www.youxs.org.

By the time Ilater noticed something unusual, he raised his head and looked at the ceiling with them. The huge black spider had already disappeared.

"What are you looking at?" the poet asked curiously, and commented casually, "There are no murals on the walls of the underground labyrinth. This does not match the former prominence of the Sauron family."

In the countries of the Northern Continent, murals are indispensable when building magnificent buildings, and all painters are proud to receive mural invitations, especially to depict epic poems on the domes and walls of various churches. This is both proof of status and The charm of creating in units of months and years on a huge "scroll".

Lumian looked away, smiled and said:

"I saw a poisonous spider. No one has been here for a long time. It seems to have become a paradise for dangerous creatures."

Without waiting for Yi Laite to respond, he directly made a suggestion:

"Albus, Eloise and I all have good skills and rich hunting experience, but you seem to have lacked enough training. How about you return to the ground in advance? If you continue to go, it will be difficult for you. It’s very dangerous, you don’t really think you can find that crown and become the king, do you?”

Eilat muttered:

"No problem, who told you to be my sponsor?

"If I hadn't played with you, why would I have gone to such a dark underground place? I'm past the age where I like taking risks and doing performance art. Okay, I'll go back to the ground now and wait for you in the big living room, where there's a green Fairy', there's black tea, snacks, and tobacco, so it's much more comfortable than here."

As the poet spoke, he turned around and walked towards the stone steps at the exit of the hall.

He had just taken seven or eight steps when a ray of fire jumped out from the shadow on the right side, like a red spear, heading straight for Elitte's body.

At this moment, Lumian, who had been watching Eilat from behind, www.youxs.org.

This member of the "Iron-Blooded Cross" instantly turned into a crimson spear, flew out, and collided with the flaming spear that attacked the poet.

With a banging sound, the two flame spears quickly disintegrated and fell to the ground. www.youxs.org, one transformed into the giant black spider carrying the withered heart just now.

The giant black spider made a very high-frequency squeaking sound and half raised its body, www.youxs.org.

At the same time, an almost blazing white spear flew over and landed on the side of the black giant spider's body, directly burning the hard shell and penetrating inside.

www.youxs.org, she seemed to have been prepared, and quietly moved her position, waiting for the giant black spider to appear.

The next second, the agile red fire crows drew different trajectories one after another, scrambling to fly into the wound created by the blazing white spear.


They exploded inside the black giant spider's body, superimposed on each other, setting off a fire storm that tore apart the shell and flesh.

Lumian also used his abilities without concealment.


The giant black spider's "arthropod scythes" missed one after another, failing to hit Albus who retreated a certain distance due to the collision.

Suffering from continuous attacks, it made a sharp squeaking sound that echoed inside the chitinous shell.

The shriveled black heart behind it suddenly flashed with dark red light, creating blazing fireballs one after another.

These fireballs are like fishing nets, surrounding the giant black spider inside.

Immediately afterwards, they were launched towards the location of Lumian, Albus and Eloise, trailing red traces one after another.

In comparison, Ilater, who had been stunned by this superhuman and supercommon sense battle, was in a state of being ignored and unattacked.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

While Lumian and the three of them were dodging, a blazing fireball went straight to the shadows deep in the hall, overflowing with light and quickly dissipating.

The giant black spider was hiding in this fireball. It took the opportunity to break through the siege of Lumian and others and hid again!

The red fire around them had not yet extinguished. www.youxs.org did not follow him immediately, but instead smiled at Lumian:

"The bait was well placed."

Lumian did not deny it.

He asked the poet Yilet to return to the surface alone, indeed trying to lure the giant black spider out.

If the other party is not fooled, Ilite will leave the underground palace naturally and will no longer be in danger. If the black giant spider intends to hunt ordinary people who are alone, Lumian will use "Spirit World Shuttle" to catch it before it hurts the target. "Heng Ha Technique", trying to eliminate the creatures suspected of being potion materials in the shortest possible time.

Given such an opportunity, he was not prepared to reserve his strength and hide his trump cards in order to complete the battle quickly and avoid accidents.

Who knows, www.youxs.org, so Lumian stopped in time and switched to Fire Crow, intending to observe the fighting method of the black giant spider to see how it was different from hunting black spiders and whether there were any secrets hidden.

Now, Lumian can be extremely sure that the black giant spider is more powerful than the hunting black spider. If it were the latter, it would be impossible to escape from the encirclement of the three "hunters" after falling into the trap, and would explode again and again. towards death.

Although the confirmation of the giant black spider does not mean hunting the black spider, it clearly belongs to the "Hunter" path and has corresponding extraordinary abilities. The special parts of its body can definitely be used to prepare magic potions.

Lumian turned his head to look at Elos and said bluntly:

"The monster just now is different from the hunting black spider. It has a human heart on its back. What's going on?"

Ellos looked at the drops of dark red blood flowing into the shadow of the hall, thought for a while and said:

"I have never seen such an extraordinary creature before."

She paused and then said:

"I only know that if the owner of Red Swan Castle and many core members of the Sauron family do not go crazy and go deep into the underground palace by themselves and never return, when they die normally, someone will take out his heart and send it to a certain place in the underground palace. place."

Hearing this, Lumian suddenly recalled a scene he had dreamed about due to the remnants of the King Cake game:

In the bronze coffin surrounded by countless white candles, a dark red palm with protruding blood vessels stretched out, holding a shriveled and blackened heart that spilled a little blood.

"What the hell is the Sauron family doing?" Lumian couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

What exactly is in the depths of this underground palace, and how many mutated monsters are hidden?

At this time, the poet Elitte finally came back to his senses and looked at Lumian and others in shock, fear and excitement:

"You are all extraordinary people, extraordinary people who can use supernatural abilities?

"Do you also know the Extraordinary?" www.youxs.org.

Eilat quickly explained as he moved closer to Lumian:

"Seven or eight years ago, I went to the battlefield to collect information and saw some things. I learned that there are many people in our army who can use supernatural abilities. They are called extraordinary people."

"We do all have supernatural abilities, and they look quite similar." Lumian glanced left and right with a smile on his face, and then said to the poet Elitte, "Are you going to follow us deeper, or will you return to the ground by yourself?

Eilat did not hide his fear and muttered in reply:

"Of course I will follow you. Although I will probably encounter a big spider again, it is better than walking alone in the dark with unknown monsters hiding around me.

I don't want the last line of my life to be 'Oh, silly Elitte. "

Lumian thought for a few seconds and said calmly:

"If you want to return to the surface, I can send you to the entrance of the underground palace.

"Then I will definitely choose to go back!" Yi Laite changed his mind without hesitation.

Lumian then looked at Albus and Eloise:

"Are you coming with me, waiting here, or going deep on your own?"

www.youxs.org, said with a sneer:

"I didn't expect you to be a moral person. You sent this poem with a bad reputation yourself. The implication behind your words seems to be that "an immoral guy like you must have other thoughts and intentions for sending people away."

He did not say whether he would stay where he was or go deeper alone.

"I'm the same as Albus." Eloise, who was standing on the side, was holding a carbide lamp and replied with a smile.

Lumian lowered his head and looked at the drops of dark red blood left by the giant black spider. He used the carbide lamp to illuminate the place and climbed up the stone steps with Ilett.

In the dark and quiet underground, they returned to the corridor where the "wax figure artist" and the iron soldier were.

The poet Eilat looked back at the deep darkness below and said to his patron:

"Those two shouldn't be simple at all."

"I know." Lumian replied without any fluctuation in his voice.

He held the carbide lamp that cast a yellowish light and walked forward slowly.

Eilat followed closely beside him and said in his usual grunting tone:

"The war between the Loen Kingdom and the Feysac Empire ended seven or eight years ago. Miss Lovely Rose said that his father died in the war six years ago. If I remember correctly, it should be the Feysac Empire. Some extreme parties were dissatisfied with the defeated treaty and launched a rebellion. This was a civil war in the Feysac Empire. Why did Miss Eloise join the Loen Kingdom?

"Is her father a representative of the extremists or a member of the royal family who died in the rebellion?

Rebellious royals? That’s why you went into exile in Trier? Lumian thought about the information revealed by Eliet, a political enthusiast.

Yi Laite glanced at his sponsor and continued:

"Actually, before today, www.youxs.org."

Lumian suddenly became interested and asked proactively:


Yi Laite glanced around and lowered his voice unconsciously:

"Convent of the Sacred Heart."

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