Monastery of the Sacred Heart? The Church of the Eternal Sun is the largest monastery in Trier? Isn't he an undercover agent sent by the "Purifier" into the "Iron Cross"? Or, A lot of thoughts flashed through Lumian's mind instantly, including doubts and speculations. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test

Seeing that he remained silent and just walked forward with the carbide lamp in his hand, Yi Laite quickly added:

"I have a friend at the Sacred Heart Monastery and I often go there to have a drink with him."

"Can monks in the monastery drink?" asked with a smile as if chatting.

The two of them were walking in a deep and dark corridor, relying solely on the yellowish light of the carbide lamp to bring them comfort.

Eilat said nonchalantly:

"Of course you can drink it, but you can't drink strong alcohol or get drunk. The self-brewed wine from the Sacred Heart Monastery is even the best wine I have ever tasted."

"Your friend is a monk?" Lumian walked neither fast nor slowly, his footsteps echoing in the seemingly endless corridor.

Eilat seemed to be very happy for Charles to chat with him and did not hide anything:

"Yes, he is a member of the 'Little Brotherhood' and the baptismal priest of my nephew. Later, he could not stand the indulgence behavior of the church clergy, so he became a monk, entered the Sacred Heart Monastery, and is currently in charge of the brewery.

A member of the "Little Brotherhood" who advocates restraint of desires and asceticism... Lumian then brought the topic back on track: First website

" What is he doing at the Monastery of the Sacred Heart?"

"Just once," murmured Ilett, "I don't care about anything like that, and there were no nuns there. When I saw him, he was walking through the corridor with a monk into the back of the convent.

It didn't look like he entered secretly and wasn't afraid of being discovered... Lumian made certain assumptions from Yilett's description.

In this way, as the poet Elitte kept looking for topics, the two finally passed through the wax figure room, left the hall with the three doors of "Hope", "Madness" and "Death", and returned to the stairs entering the underground palace.

Yilett let out a long sigh of relief without concealing it, and his whole body relaxed.

He complained:

"The underground palace is so dangerous, and there are monsters that can use supernatural powers. Puyver actually let us come down to take risks!"

"Is he trying to kill us?"

You are all people who have been contaminated many times by the King Cake game. I don’t know if you are really alive... Lumian did not directly respond to Eilat’s complaint, but joked with a smile:

"It seems that the more scared you are, the more nervous you become and the more you like to talk."

"That will make me feel like I'm still alive." Elitte turned off the carbide lamp and left the underground palace along the spiral staircase.

Lumian turned around and returned to the "Door of Madness" along the previous path.

He didn't close the door when he came out just now. Even if he hasn't gotten close yet, the yellowish light from the carbide lamp makes the wax figures looming, as if they are waiting in the darkness.

Lumian stopped at the door, slowly bent his back, and placed the carbide lamp on the ground in front of him.

Then, he straightened up and glanced at the faces of the wax figures with frozen expressions of pain and dim shadows.

Around him, red fire crows condensed one after another.

Since Count Puyver has clearly shown his malice and allowed himself and others to enter the depths of the underground palace where there are many dangerous creatures, if it were an ordinary person who had died before, there would be no need to fight with this member of the Sauron family and Red Swan. The owner of the castle is very polite!

Lumian's current plan is to burn these wax figures directly. First, it may help him digest the magic potion. Second, it can eliminate some hidden dangers in advance to prevent the wax figures from coming alive to attack him at the critical moment. Third, he can release an unexpected surprise. The fire disrupted Count Puyver's secret plan, making him doubt this and that, and creating chaos for subsequent explorations.

Chaos has a chance!

Whoosh whoosh, the crimson flaming crows flew out one by one, each running towards the heads of different wax figures.

After releasing two groups of fire crows, Lumian squatted down on one knee and pressed his hands to the ground.

Two fire snakes jumped out from his palms, snaked forward, expanded rapidly, and rushed into the pile of wax figures on one side.

Rumbling sounds came one after another, and a large number of wax figures' heads were exploded, their soles were ignited, and they were trapped in a cage composed of red flames.

On their body surfaces, the flesh-white wax melted rapidly, dripped like water, or softened and peeled off, becoming extremely fragile under the double erosion of explosions and burnings.


One of the wax figures' facial "muscles" completely fell off, revealing a new face.

That's a human face!

That was a male human who had lost his eyes and had a face full of pain and had died long ago!

Silently, the surface of more wax figures softened and cracked.

Without exception, they all have a human corpse inside.

These corpses are both male and female, some have exposed flesh and blood and lack skin, some have heads and bodies that seem to have been sewn together after death, some have open bellies, and their intestines are tangled and filled with white wax...

What they have in common is that their expressions are very painful, and they seem to have experienced something extremely terrifying or witnessed the deepest and deepest nightmare.

Lumian saw the melted white wax turning into droplets of viscous liquid, constantly sliding down the stiff faces of these dead humans, as if they were shedding tears of relief in the face of the burning fire.

The model inside is actually a real person... Lumian can be considered a person who has seen many horrific scenes. At this moment, he still couldn't help but tensed up, instinctively feeling a little repelled and afraid.

He finally knew where those ordinary people who went crazy and mutilated themselves in the nightmare of Red Swan Castle went.

Lumian stood up with the carbide lamp, and a large amount of red flames swelled out of his body, turning into "meteors" and flying to every corner of the wax figure room, turning the place into a sea of ​​flames.

The flesh-white wax also began to burn. They catalyzed each other, and there was no place without fire.

Lumian's eyes were filled with red firelight and drops of sticky wax tears on his pale face.

He didn't close his eyes and watched intently.

At this moment, he had a new understanding of his own fire, and the originally vague third rule of acting became clear instantly:

"Arsonists" instigate destruction and bring disaster!

The "arsonist" can choose who to cause disaster and who to destroy.

Lumian hopes that those followers of the evil god and patients who have gone "crazy" and can only harm others will be burned up in flames!

After unifying a large number of previous acting behaviors into this code, Lumian clearly felt that his "Pyromancer" potion was completely digested, and he could even hear the illusory breaking sound.

Plop-plop sounds were heard one after another, and the corpses that had lost their pewter fixation fell to the ground one after another. They were layered on top of each other and burned even more fiercely.

Suddenly, the wooden door opened with a creak at the exit opposite the wax figure room.

The "wax figure artist" with thick beard and hair like a humanoid lion appeared in Lumian's eyes.

His iron-black eyes were illuminated red by the flames that shot up to the ceiling, and he asked in an ethereal and erratic voice:

"Why do you want to burn my wax statue?"

Lumian didn't answer and directly turned on the black mark on his right shoulder.

"Spirit World Travel"!

There was a flash of light in his clothes, and his figure suddenly disappeared, quickly outlined in the profile of the "wax figure artist".

Almost at the same time, Lumian opened his mouth:


A light yellowish, almost gaseous light flew out of his mouth and landed on the head of the "wax figure artist".

The body of the "wax figure artist" in a gray and black robe swayed obviously, as if he had briefly lost his center of gravity. However, he did not completely pass out. It was more like he had suffered a "spiritual puncture" and was in a state of shock caused by some kind of pain.

Lumian did not rely on the "Hum Ha Technique". He raised his left palm, which was already prepared, and used a "fire injection" method to shoot a red fireball that was wrapped in layers and compressed at the mouth and nose of the "wax figure artist". .

The gradually whitening fireball entered the target's mouth and nostrils, eroding his brain.


The blazing white fireball exploded from the inside out, and Lumian saw the "wax figure artist"'s head first expand rapidly, and then explode.

Pieces of flesh and blood spurted out with little bits of flames. Lumian, who was well prepared, held the carbide lamp held in his right palm in front of his face, and the back of his hand was stained with blood.

With a plop, the "wax figure artist" with only half his head left shook, fell backwards and fell to the ground.

Lumian, who was still preparing a series of attacks, was stunned for two seconds, but he didn't expect it to be solved like this.

He also thought that this mysterious "wax figure artist" would be very difficult to deal with, and he was already prepared to "teleport" to escape immediately if the situation went wrong.

You know, the wax figure that came to life last time was stronger than the "wax figure artist". Just being seen by the monster, Lumian was suppressed physically and mentally, and he almost didn't dare to resist.

Is it because he has the special ability to make wax figures, but he is not very powerful in himself, or he needs to use some power from the underground palace of the Sauron family to create the wax figures of those dangerous people, and this time my attack was too fast, and I couldn’t Give him time to react, but he died on the spot before he could borrow his strength? Lumian looked down at the "wax figure artist" and examined his situation.

Deep in the underground palace, there is a hall with many white candles burning quietly., looking at the bronze coffin in the center of the hall.

Around the coffin, many candles went out strangely without any warning.

This...Puiffer stood up, his expression a little twisted.

At the exit of the wax figure room, Lumian saw a little red light emitting from the "wax figure artist"'s body.

They first flocked to the head, but only half of the "wax figure artist's" head was broken, so they moved to the heart, but they couldn't fall down.

Lumian was slightly surprised and tore the gray and black robe on the surface of the "wax figure artist", exposing his chest.

There was a dark and hideous wound there, and the place where the heart should have been was empty!

The heart is missing... Eloise just said that the hearts of Sauron family members will be sent to the depths of the underground palace... Lumian vaguely grasped the reason why the "Wax Master" is terrifying and fragile.

Finally, those red lights condensed into an illusory object with many grooves, like a shrunken blood-colored brain.

Lumian was not sure what this thing was equivalent to, so he first collected it and part of the blood of the "wax figure artist" and left here.

The flames in the room were still crackling, but somehow they were affected and could not spread.

In the stone pillar hall where he fought with the black giant spider.

Albus and Eloise saw Lumian coming back carrying a carbide lamp that gave off a yellowish light.

Almost at the same time, they discovered some blood stains on Lumian's body.

"Did you kill the poet?" Albus asked amusedly.

Lumian shook his head and replied calmly:

"I killed the wax figure maker."

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