Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 190 The Missing Writer (Third update, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket)

Lumian put the "Secret Peeping Glasses" on the bridge of his nose and immediately felt the house spinning and the earth shaking.

He resisted dizziness and nausea, and felt that the scene before him was divided into pieces and overlapped with each other, presenting an extremely strange situation:

The bed pressed against the desk, and the desk was against the ceiling. Behind the ceiling was the tap, which seemed to be installed inside the closet... They were like translucent canvases that caught Lumian's eyes in a superimposed manner.

On the side of the wardrobe, a slightly pale face stood out.

The face had fluffy brown hair, parted naturally, and dark brown eyes under the black-rimmed glasses. He looked like Gabriel who had cleaned himself up and looked like he hadn't stayed up late for a while.


The playwright looked at Lumian with a slightly hollow and twisted but genuine smile on his face.

He stretched out his right hand from the void, waved it gently, and then his face shrank into the bottom of the translucent layers and disappeared completely.

Lumian looked left and right a few times, and after confirming that Gabriel had really not appeared again, he quickly took off the "Secret Peeping Glasses" and put the "Eye of Truth" that caused intermittent tinnitus to the left side.

The main body of this magical object, which is composed of whitish flesh and dark blood vessels, covers the corresponding ears, allowing Lumian to hear bursts of extremely fast voices coming from the distant horizon, while the purple blood vessels are tangled into lenses. Close to his eyes, he saw faint blood, layered blocks of color, a third of the room integrated into the scene, and an invisible curtain like frosted glass.

The latter two either subsided quickly or gradually returned to normal.

Before the whispers became clear, Lumian took off the "Eye of Truth" and rubbed his forehead that was starting to tingle.

Combining the separate visions seen with the two magical items, he believed that Gabriel had also been contaminated by the "hotel" and turned into a monster that could not be touched or seen in normal ways.

But the playwright clearly retained some sanity and not only recognized Lumian but waved him happily goodbye.

The behavior of putting the white glazed one-eared water cup back in its place just now seemed to be that he was saying hello and trying to attract Lumian's attention.

"He accepted becoming a monster and was a little happy? When did he come into contact with the hotel?" Lumian frowned slightly.

His eyes suddenly turned to the manuscript on the desk. He felt that the story in this unfinished script was very familiar.

Lumian picked up the manuscript, and unlike just browsing it quickly, this time he started reading it carefully.

Just after reading the first part, he was sure that the prototype of the protagonist of this script was Gabriel himself. The character's personality, details of his life, the neglect he encountered, and his forced vulgar creation experience were all very consistent.

As for the heroine, the woman who is immersed in the gang and continues to encourage the male protagonist to create, Lumian feels that if the gender is not wrong, wouldn’t the background setting be his own?

Of course, the heroine's personality, way of speaking, and words of encouragement are completely different from him. Even in the gangster plot, Lumian still saw the shadow of Charlie.


"In other words, the heroine's identity, background, and gang experience are combined with Charlie and I's situation, while the interaction with the male protagonist is another person...Gabriel said that at the Golden Rooster Hotel, I was the only one who encouraged him With that mannequin Safaree, Charlie would just drink with him, not laugh at him, just tease... The mannequin, the painter's mannequin! Safaree slept with Gabriel one night before moving away!" Lumian Quickly put things together.

He felt that the source of the problem should be the mannequin Safaree!

This young lady once followed a painter to a seaside town to work as a model, and it took a long time before she returned to the Golden Rooster Hotel.


"Gabriel couldn't have been contaminated that night, right? The place Safaree moved to was a hostel?"

Lumian read the script carefully, not missing a word.

Since this is a story based on Gabriel's own experiences, it is inevitable that many real details and emotions will be added.

These may all be clues!

Lumian read the script relying on the sunlight through the bay window. As the plot progressed, he felt the hidden love in Gabriel's heart, and felt that he thought he could easily let go of this relationship and move to a better place. After starting a new life in the neighborhood, I can never forget it. I am always tortured by regret, reluctance and longing.

In the end, the protagonist recognizes his heart and feelings and no longer escapes, and actively searches for traces of his lover:

He visits people who know each other, he pursues hotels and hotels that happen to appear in his dreams, and he goes to one gallery after another to see if there are any new works based on lovers for sale.

His efforts failed, and he wrote that inner monologue.

"It stopped here, there is no subsequent part... I can't tell whether he found Safaree..." Lumian put down the manuscript with great disappointment and opened the drawer to see if there were any drafts, outlines and recorded inspirations. notebook.

It's a pity that only the first part is included. When writing the second half, Gabriel seemed to have been immersed in that emotion and wrote the inner monologue in one breath.

Lumian looked at the papers in front of him and fell into deep thought:


"Judging from this script and other items in the room, Gabriel has not yet found Safaree..."

"In other words, he did not actually contact the hotel..."

"Furthermore, judging from the circumstances of the script and Rabe's description, Gabriel was not contaminated or received any trace of a gift until he stopped writing. Although he was in the pain of losing his lover, that was a normal phenomenon... ..."

"Why would such a person suddenly turn into an untouchable monster?

"Just knowing the hostel shouldn't lead to something like this...

"Except for me who is in a special state, Franka knows the hostel, Janna knows the hostel, www.youxs.org, the art dealer Teresa, the members of the Witch Sect in Trier, Mr. K from the Aurora Society, and a large number of people from the Eternal Sun Church. Purifiers also know about the hotel. There are ordinary people and extraordinary people in it, but there are no problems with any of them...

"Beatrice of the Beatitudes knew where the hotel was and wanted to get a painting, so Franca and I made the mistake; Bouvard of the sinner predicted the disaster related to the hotel, so he suffered the backlash Contaminated into strange corpses; the Dreamseeker Charity Organization is most likely sponsoring painters, writers and other evil god believers related to the hotel, so it was destroyed as soon as there was a risk of exposure...

"Gabriel for what?

"Did he encounter something recently that led to his deepening understanding of the hotel, or the discovery of Safaree's traces?"

Lumian made a preliminary guess and searched Gabriel's rented apartment again with a clear purpose.

Nothing gained.

He immediately left No. 34, Rue Saint-Michel, returned to the "Third-rate Writers" bar, and sat down next to Rabe, who was drinking.

"A cup of Green Fairy." Lumian knocked on the bar.

Then, he turned to Rabe and said, "Do you know where Gabriel has been in the past few days?"

"Then you have to ask them." Rabe pointed to a small round table near the window.


He is a down-and-out writer, a story worker without a pen name. It is quite lucky to meet a rising star like Gabriel and attend his private party. In daily life, because he has to work at a fixed time every day, Complete the tasks given by the boss, so you can't participate in their activities.

Under Rabe's introduction, Lumian came to the small round table.

The moment he saw the four men, he was startled:

Aren't these the same people who discussed the painter Mullen's spoof work "Cafe"?

After listening to Lumian's question, the leader replied with some confusion: "The last time we saw Gabriel was the day before yesterday. We went to the Trier Art Center to see an art exhibition together."

Art exhibition... Lumian's brows jumped.




"Where are you taking me?" Franka, who was invited, did not hide her doubts.

Browns glanced at her: "I will take you to see my teacher. You have passed the examination and are a formal member of our sect."

www.youxs.org.......A high-ranking witch? The leader of the witch sect in Trier? Franka's thoughts were spinning, and she said with a smile: "Does this mean that I can get the benefits of membership?"

The word welfare was invented by Emperor Russell and is widely known in Intis.

Browns kept her distance from Franka: "What do you want?"

"Painful potion recipe." Franka answered without hesitation.


"Pain" is the name of Sequence 5 of the "Assassin" path, often also known as the "Pain Witch".

Browns sneered:

"You really dare to make a request. Do you think you have enough contribution now to ask for the painful potion formula?"

She paused and then said: "Of course, if you help the sect complete something, this can be your benefit."

Franka, who had no high hopes and was just giving it a try, glanced at Browns: "What's going on?"

Browns replied:

"We have received information that the Iron Cross secretly brought an item into Trier through underground tunnels a few months ago. If you can figure out what it is and who is holding it now, you can get the painful magic weapon. Medicine formula.”

A few months ago...the underground tunnel...secretly sent something to Trier...Franca suddenly thought of the incident when "Mouse" Christo lost his biological brother.

In order to help the smuggling leader of the Savoyard Party retrieve the items transported by his brother, she and Lumian were swallowed up by a strange mirror world and almost failed to escape.

She also got a classic sterling silver mirror

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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