Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 191: The secret honorable name (please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning

www.youxs.org What was the item that "Mouse" Christo sent to Trier? But in the past few months, www.youxs.org, nothing of note has appeared around him.

It sounds like the Witch Sect attaches great importance to that item... That's right, that item can make a strange mirror world appear, which is probably related to the power of the two paths of "Assassin" and "Hunter"... Fran Ka thought about it and said, "I know what you said..."

How she and Lumian explained to "Mouse" Christo, www.youxs.org, in short, everything else was told, except that they did not mention that the two of them were also swallowed up by the mirror world, relying on Lumian's Only with special abilities did he find a chance to escape, and gained a classical silver mirror that could lead to the mirror world.

"According to what the 'rat' said, his brother and many of his subordinates turned into monsters, with their left and right habits reversed, which attracted the attention of the 'purifiers' and were eliminated." Franka deliberately Follow up, www.youxs.org, to see how she reacts to the appearance of the man in the mirror.

Browns frowned slightly: "How did the official Beyonder discover something was wrong?"


She knew the existence of the people in the mirror, and even understood their specific behaviors... Franka looked back and shook her head: "You need to ask the 'Purifier' for this question, not me."

Browns said no more and led Franka to a round pavilion surrounded by grapevines and a large number of vines.

Sitting in the round pavilion is a lady wearing a black palace dress. Her dark gray eyes are bright and hidden with sadness. Her black hair is neatly tied up, but a few strands are missing. They hang down naturally, creating a somewhat serious look. charming.

Seeing this lady with slightly upturned red lips, a graceful chin, and soft contours, Franka's first reaction was that pure beauty shone directly into her eyes, and then she felt an indescribable feeling of pity.

In a state of shock and distress, it took her nearly ten seconds to remember that she had met this lady:

She and Lumian stalked the fake Teresa, www.youxs.org, who they had met at that concert - and she was invited on stage as the most beautiful lady there to take a photo with the band!

She is Brown's teacher, a high-ranking witch? Sure enough, a high-ranking witch watched that operation and did not let the accident happen... Franka was surprised at first, but then she felt that this was expected.

The only thing she didn't expect was that the other party would follow her so generously and even take a group photo on stage.

"This is my teacher, Clarice the Dark Witch." www.youxs.org.

"Black Witch"...According to Ms. "Judgement", witches with such color titles are among the best even among the demigods of the Witch Sect, and some of them are suspected of being angels... Franka presses her hand He raised his chest, bowed slightly, and said very politely and gentlemanly: "It's an honor to meet you, Your Excellency, 'The Black Witch'."

She did not praise the other person's appearance. She knew that most of the witches in the witch sect were proud of this, but also struggled with it. If an outsider came to praise them, they would accept it calmly, with a little embarrassment at most. Franka, who knew their original gender, said that it would most likely be seen as provocation or ridicule.

"The Black Witch" Clarice nodded gently and said:

"Every one of our members needs to believe in the Original One. You should have known this more than a month ago. Now is the time to formally pray to Him."

Franka is not surprised at all by this. A secret organization that believes in evil gods will inevitably allow every new member to open their hearts to their own gods, thereby achieving some kind of control and filtering out most unsafe factors.

Every time she came to Browns recently, she would perform a ceremony in advance according to Ms. "Judgment"'s request and ask Mr. "Fool" for the angel's protection.


"We are all original children." Franka answered piously and respectfully according to Browns' teachings during this period.

Clarice's expression became solemn, and there was a hint of admiration in her eyes:

"You recite the original name after me in Hermetic:

"The source of all disasters, the symbol of destruction and doomsday, the witch in charge of chaos..."

Although the "Black Witch" spoke Intis, the surrounding environment suddenly darkened a lot, and the vines squirmed slightly, as if they had turned into poisonous snakes.

Franka gathered her thoughts and repeated these three paragraphs of honorary names in Hermes.

Suddenly, she saw that the vines were really extending.

They become thicker and thicker, completely wrapping the area where the circular pavilion is located.

One of the python-like vines reached towards Franka, and a blue vertical eye opened at the top.

It then reflected Franka's figure.

The figure quickly twisted and turned into a man with a bloody face.

The man had short flaxen hair, slightly thick brown eyebrows, lake blue eyes, thin lips, and ordinary appearance.

Franka was stunned for a moment, this face was very familiar to her.

Before she took the "witch" potion, she could see it every day when she looked in the mirror.

This is her before, www.youxs.org!


www.youxs.org, there is hatred as real as the substance in his eyes, and his face is filled with a viciousness that can make people have nightmares.

Franka's body had become stiff, as if she had become a statue made of rock.

After staring at her for a few seconds, the vine with the blue vertical eyes retracted into the vine that covered the sky with the unwilling figure reflected in its pupils.

Franka finally felt her body. She just blinked and saw that everything around the rotunda was as usual. The sunlight penetrated the gaps between the grapevines and vines and shone here.

There were no python-shaped vines or blue vertical eyes. All this seemed to be Franka's hallucination, another reality she had seen.

She bowed her head and finished her prayer.

Thinking back to what she had just seen, Franka felt that there seemed to be a very close connection between the "original witch" and the mirror world underground.

She also met her old self in that mirror world!

But this time, what was reflected in the blue vertical eyes was not Franka, but her previous appearance, www.youxs.org!

There seem to be many secrets hidden in the witch's mirror magic and the mirror world in mysticism. What Ms. "Judgement" told me is definitely not all... With this understanding, Franka raised her head and opened her eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at the "Black Witch" and Browns beside her.

Clarisse, who was wearing a black gauze hat, nodded: "Now, you are the original child."

"Thank you for your guidance." Franka asked with a smile on her face, "I thought the original honorary name would include the description 'Lord of the Mirror World', but who knows?"

"The Black Witch" Clarisse said coldly and pitifully: "This is not the original complete honorary name, and there are two more parts that you can't know now."

The "Original Witch" also has two secret honorary names? Franka suddenly felt that this detail revealed some problems, but she didn't know where the problem was or what it represented.

Clarice then said: "Every new member can obtain an original statue, which has anti-divination, early warning and other abilities, and can also help you perform rituals.


"You have to pray to it every day."

As the "Black Witch" spoke, she took out a statue of a god carved from white bones from somewhere.

The statue was only the size of a palm. It could be vaguely seen that she was a beautiful woman. Her hair extended to her ankles. The roots were clear, like poisonous snakes. At the top of each hair, there was an eye carved into it. Some of them were open, some were open. They are tightly closed and dense, making people feel heart palpitating.

Pray every day... Franca was very embarrassed and decided to play it off.

After she put away the statue of the "Original Witch", Clarice frowned slightly and said:

"You should keep an eye on the 'Iron Cross Society' during this period, www.youxs.org. If they make any changes, you should contact Browns immediately. If the situation is very urgent, you can take out the original statue, decorate the altar, and hold such a After a ceremony... is completed, the prepared letter is thrown into the mirror on the altar."

Keep an eye on... any unusual movements... if the situation is extremely urgent... Franka extracted the key words from the words of the "Black Witch".

She immediately smelled the aura of approaching disaster, and her spirit became tense involuntarily:

Does the Witch Sect think that the "Iron-Blooded Cross" will make a big move in the near future?


District 2, outside Trier Arts Center.

Lumian stood on the steps, and the answers from the writers flashed through his mind: "Gabriel has been enjoying going to art exhibitions and visiting galleries in the past month or so."

"He looked at each painting not very seriously, as if he was looking for the one his soul had been waiting for."

"There's nothing unusual about him."

"He didn't stare at other visitors."



The information revealed in these answers made Lumian lose the direction of his investigation, but he still chose to go to the Trier Art Center to see the exhibition called "Impressions of the Future" in person.

This ends in two days.

Before arriving by carriage, Lumian found a hotel, rented a room for a short period of time, arranged a ceremony, summoned a messenger, and told Ms. "Magician" what happened to Gabriel and the direction of his investigation.

He originally wanted to use the bathroom of the bar to deliver the message, but he remembered that the "doll" messenger had very severe mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he finally decided to spend some money to find a cleaner place.

Looking at the brightly colored art center, whose roof seemed to be holding a sun, Lumian slowly exhaled, took the ticket, and walked into the building.

"Impression of the Future" is not a large painting exhibition. It only rents three exhibition halls. Lumian walked forward leisurely while admiring the works hanging on the wall.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure

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