Convergence... destiny is destined... It will not be Room 7,, without any hesitation, it directly inspired the black mark on the right shoulder.

"Spirit World Travel"!

He and Jian Na then disappeared, and their destination was the entrance of the Golden Rooster Hotel - he had not been to the Market Avenue in the painting world and did not know the coordinates of the "spiritual world" there.

The spiritual world in the painting is still composed of layers of rich color blocks and countless transparent and strange figures, but the seven clear and pure lights "at the top" appear rather blurry, as if separated by many pieces of frosted glass.

Lumian relied on spiritual guidance to locate the coordinates corresponding to the gate of the Golden Rooster Hotel and walked directly through it.

The figures of him and Jenna quickly left the spiritual world here and came to the street.

However, what caught Lumian's eyes was the building at No. 3 White Coat Street, where he and Jenna were standing just now.

They failed to escape from this street and turned into a chaotic street. They just walked from the other side of the road to this side of the road, only covering a distance of seven or eight meters.

"The person in the ring"... Jenna and I have been trapped in the "ring"? Lumian turned his head and saw, as expected, the beautiful woman in room 7 of the "hotel" standing four or five meters away. On the same side as the two of them.

"" Lumian asked in a deep voice.

He gave up the idea of ​​"teleportation" for the time being. The previous attempt had proved that it could not help them leave White Coat Street.

While Lumian was speaking, Jenna had quietly taken out a mirror, preparing to use black magic to attack from behind.

She felt that Ciel still asked questions at such a tense and critical time, instead of attacking in succession. He probably wanted to distract the enemy's attention and create an opportunity for himself to strike a fatal blow.

—— "The man in the ring", the gifted saint, the real demigod, has made qualitative changes in all aspects compared to the mid- and low-sequence people. The entire small team is no match for them, but I think they have to win. Give it a try, give it a try, and don’t give up resistance.

When the beautiful woman in a white dress heard Lumian's question, she once again showed her slightly erratic and distant smile: "It seems you know a lot..."

Before "she" finished speaking, Lumian took a step forward and made a "hum" sound.

Two rays of white light flew out of his nostrils and landed on the woman suspected to be in Room 7.

Although after he was promoted to Sequence 6, the power of the "Hum Ha Technique" has increased, but he still doesn't think it can really work on a saint, and it can only shake him a little.

The reason why Lumian chose to do this instead of wearing "torture" gloves and target the various negative effects of the "contracted person" is because as a "conspirator", he keenly discovered a detail:

He and Jenna have been trapped in the "ring",, still staying in the body of the beautiful woman.

This will obviously affect his performance.

Therefore, he either has contract abilities that negatively affect his arrogance, or he cannot leave the "hotel" room for some reason.

Combined with the previous speculation that the world in the painting and the "hotel" situation were a ritual, Lumian was more inclined to the latter possibility.

In this case, my "Hum Ha Technique" can't affect you, nor can it affect your room?

It was just a mannequin contaminated by the "painter" path and painted with special patterns, equivalent to a mid-sequence monster!

As two rays of white light fell, the beautiful woman in the white dress fell into a coma.

Almost at the same time, both Lumian and Jenna's vision blurred, and their heads became slightly dizzy.

By the time they could see the scene in front of them clearly again, they had returned to the exit of the building at No. 3, White Coat Street, and were looking diagonally opposite at the woman with a beautiful face wearing a long white suspender skirt.

The woman's lips curled up, but she did not repeat the words she said when they met last time.

"The man in the ring"!

Lumian knew that he and Jenna were really trapped in a loop, and successfully attacking Room 7 was a trigger point to restart the loop.

Similarly, he also determined from this that could not get out of Room 7 and could only exert influence on the outside world through obstacles. Otherwise, they should "open the door" and come out now and deal with themselves with all their strength in order to survive. Use the most effective way to control the target with the angel sealed in your body in the shortest possible time!, it’s impossible for all three of his children to be like this!

Lumian did not hesitate and directly put his thoughts into his right palm.

Several bright red scars suddenly appeared on his palms.

An extremely crazy, extremely violent, and aloof aura suddenly emerged and shot straight into the sky, as if it wanted to look down on the land.!

Lumian inspired the brand of the "Blood Emperor".

This has no real effect in reality. It can only make the people and objects around you feel a little scared and tremble slightly. However, the reaction of the world in the painting is beyond Lumian’s expectation:

The sky suddenly turned dark red, and the sun in the west became a bit iron-colored and swayed from side to side.

White Coat Street and even the whole world seemed to be experiencing an earthquake, shaking with clang and clang.

The vendors and pedestrians on the road, as well as the residents and animals on both sides, became blurred and distorted.

The beautiful woman in Room 7 of the "hotel" was stunned for a moment, shivering instinctively, and wanted to hug herself tightly.

The invisible force that shrouded half of the street in white coats stood out, like transparent glass.

It suddenly shattered and had multiple cracks.

Seeing this, Lumian grabbed Jenna's shoulders and once again activated the black mark on her right shoulder.

This time, they passed through the local "spirit world" and arrived at the door of the Golden Rooster Hotel in just a blink of an eye, without returning to the "ring".

The world in the painting is between reality and illusion. It is very sensitive to the aura of high-ranking people, so it will be affected by the substance? As Lumian's thoughts flashed, he heard a rumbling sound in the distance.

That direction is Market Avenue!

Lumian and Jenna looked at each other, and a term came to mind: Breeze Ballroom!

"The black hole corresponding to the Breeze Ballroom has undergone a mutation?

"Is it the 'Blood Emperor', or is the ceremony officially started and the disaster is about to begin?" Lumian's thoughts raced and he ran towards Market Avenue.

Jian Na's reaction was no slower than his and made the same choice.

Underground, in a cave that cannot be perceived by the outside world.

The rock wall here has been modified, with two vertical and multiple horizontal sides, and many vertical gaps.

If anyone who is familiar with the map of Trier enters this place and looks down from above, he will find that it strictly corresponds to part of the Market Avenue. A rock wall is equivalent to a side of a certain street, and the longitudinal gap represents an alley.

There are realistic oil paintings on each rock wall. Buildings of different styles, iron-black street lamps, pedestrians dressed as clerks, vendors selling various goods, and the scenes revealed through each window are all lifelike and natural in color.

This is almost consistent with some scenes corresponding to the streets.

On the rock wall representing the east side of Market Avenue, three people wearing white shirts and leaving their waistcoats open are using mural tools to diligently draw a complex, bright red door at the corresponding location of the Breeze Ballroom.

Their bodies were covered with paint, and there was an indescribable detachment in their eyes, as if what they were seeing was not the rock wall, but another distant world.

The bright red gate on the rock wall would mysteriously disappear after only one-fifth of the painting was completed each time. The three painters could only start over and try again and again, but to no avail.

Suddenly, the mine shook slightly, and tiny cracks that were almost imperceptible to the naked eye appeared on the surface of the rock wall painted with different scenes.

The female painter wearing a blue beret and the male painter wearing red pants looked up at the same time, looking at the Market Avenue painted on the rock wall.

The next second, they pressed their hands on the surface of the rock wall, and their figures disappeared.

And on the huge oil painting, two people suddenly appeared, one was a woman wearing a blue beret, and the other was a man wearing red pants. They both wore white shirts and open beige vests.

Only a 20-year-old painter with black trousers and tassels was left at the scene. He had messy brown hair and a ring of stubble around his mouth.

At this time, his flaxen eyes lost much of their sense of distance and distance, and he carefully looked around.

Seeing that the shaking of the mine was limited to this place, and the changes in the world in the painting were not transmitted, the young painter breathed a sigh of relief and turned his gaze back to the blank Breeze Ballroom, as if thinking about whether to change the method. Or wait until the correct node and try again.

At this moment, a skeletal hand suddenly appeared from the connection between the rock wall and the ground.

It was yellow in color, withered in texture, and covered with iron-colored rust on the surface, making it look very old.

As soon as the skeletal hand appeared, it grabbed the young painter's ankle and dragged him deep into the soil.

Late at night, Memorial Hall District, No. 11 Quanshui Street.

Franka's dream was full of strange things, and all kinds of strange scenes were pieced together into absurd stories.

Suddenly, she woke up and subconsciously turned her gaze to her side.

Although the crimson moonlight outside the window was blocked by the curtains and the bedroom environment was extremely dark, it did not prevent her from clearly seeing the empty velvet quilt next to her,

Franka's pupils suddenly dilated, and she felt shocked and suspicious., she was not surprised by anything the other party did. What she didn't expect was that she was completely unaware of it.

The witch is a very powerful channel for spiritual induction. It is impossible to hide it from the people sleeping next to them when they get out of bed and leave. But Franka didn't wake up suddenly until the temperature on the other side of the bed actually dropped!

Franka quickly got out of bed, quickly put on her clothes, and opened the bedroom door.

The corridor was dark and unusually quiet.

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