Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 207 Three Heads and Six Arms

Lumian took Jenna and jumped into the darkness that originally corresponded to the Breeze Ballroom before the "rooms" in the "hotel" and the goblins wearing blue berets got rid of the entanglement of the old bones.

His sight disappeared first, and then he saw dots and dots of spiritual light in front of him.

They gather together like bright stars, densely packed, like a black velvet curtain studded with diamonds, or endless grains of sand in the water.

In the middle of these spiritual light spots, an ancient, heavy, illusory and mysterious door twisted and stood out.

It was iron-black in color, and a large amount of blood seemed to have been splashed on its surface, with many dark red rust stains.


Underground Trier, in the mine that is difficult to detect.

The "painter" who was in a state of being unable to touch saw all the yellowed skeletons crawling into the giant oil paintings on the rock wall. Iron-black and dark red lines began to outline themselves in the originally blank Breeze Ballroom area, forming a building. It shouldn't exist at the opposite door of reality.

"It's not time yet..." The "painter" with tassels on his trouser legs stared straight-eyed, unable to believe that there would be such a change.

Although he and his accomplices have been trying to depict this imaginary door, they all know that it is doomed to fail. At most, they will have to start from scratch after completing one-fifth of the work. The main reason why they did not give up is to accumulate Experience, when the ceremony starts, the most critical part can be drawn in the shortest time.

Moreover, they have completed the main body of the "Hostel" oil painting, so they have nothing to do if they are idle. Why not try a few more times, what if a miracle happens?

Now, the miracle comes, before they even try!

The "painter" watched the changes in front of him obsessively, looking forward to and shocked at the same time.

He couldn't help but raise his head, looked at the roof of the cave, and said silently to himself: "Can the entrance appear without the cooperation of the ground?"

"It's caused by the changes in the world in the painting just now.

"If the ground doesn't cooperate in time, even if the entrance appears, there will be no way to bypass the seal..."


Lumian and Jenna seemed to have fallen into a downward dark pipe, falling uncontrollably toward the void dotted with spiritual light spots and the double door dripping with blood and covered with rust.

Almost at the same time, Lumian's left chest suddenly became hot, and there were faintly terrifying whispers coming from infinite heights and endless distances in his ears.

He was very familiar with this feeling, which meant that the fatal pollution in the body meant that Thermipolos was trying to do something, and Mr. Fool's seal was triggered.

But the difference from before is that because Lumian himself did not try to make any cracks in the seal so that he could steal the power of fate, he did not enter a painful state where his head was penetrated by a sharp weapon and his whole person was close to losing control. Trance.

In a daze, Lumian saw Safaree, "Room 7" wearing a white suspender dress, and other "rooms" with different appearances and clothes but almost the same temperament.

They seemed to be separated from the world in the painting, and overlapped with the false market avenue.

The left breasts of these "rooms" lit up with a faint and dark light at the same time, as if they also had seals on their bodies.

Lumian's head was dizzy, and a scene that he didn't know was real or fake appeared in front of him:

Safaree and other 12 "rooms" stepped into the void and surrounded him. There seemed to be invisible and secret connections between them.

Jenna, who was holding her arm by Lumian and falling in the void, suddenly felt something and turned her head.

She saw the flesh on Lumian's left and right shoulders squirming, and two illusory heads emerged.

One head looked like Lumian who was only about ten years old, with a face full of dirt and cruel eyes. The other head was close to thirty, with blood-red hair, black eyes, violent and crazy.

This... Jenna seemed to have entered a nightmare, watching her companions turn into monsters.

Lumian's body expanded hugely, and holding Jenna was like holding a palm-sized doll.

A pair of illusory arms grew out of his back and ribs.

Lumian did not ignore his own changes. He saw his current appearance from Jenna's eyes: a giant with three heads and six arms!

This is very similar to the monster in the ruins of Kordu Village!

But Lumian didn't feel like he was losing his mind. He was even very sure that Mr. Fool's seal on his chest was still there, and so was Thermipolos.

The illusory banging sound of the collision echoed, and the falling Lumian hit the ancient and heavy mysterious door, causing it to sway and creak as it was about to open.

At this time, all the spiritual light spots on the black velvet curtain brightened, allowing the iron-black door stained with blood and red rust to stabilize itself.

Seeing this scene and experiencing this incident, Lumian suddenly realized what a "hotel" was, why he called himself "Room 1", and what exactly those evil god believers wanted to do and how they planned to do it: "Hostel" This concept should have appeared after the "Tree of Shadows" disaster.

www.youxs.org, letting them know Lumian’s existence and his status.

Then they imitated the situation where Lumian had an evil god's favored person sealed in his body, created a "hotel", created "Room No. 2" to "Room No. 13", and invited different evil god's favored persons to stay in this systematic system. Similarity establishes an occult connection between them.

At the critical moment, when Lumian enters the world of the painting, certain operations on other "rooms" in the "hotel" can be equivalent to operations on Lumian.

Therefore, when the "hotel" took shape and all the "rooms" were put together, Lumian was unstoppably affected.

Since those "rooms" just now showed the personality of their own residents, Lumian will inevitably undergo corresponding changes.

And the guest in his body is an angel, Thermipolos! 2

After going through the "Hotel" ritual based on the law of occult similarity, although Lumian now does not have the power of an angel or a true mythical creature form, nor has the seal been damaged, he has miraculously and briefly obtained the status of an angel. grid!

www.youxs.org "Room", the reason for directly dealing with Lumian.

Since Thermipolos has been sealed, they naturally want it too, and they must remain in this state until the end of the ceremony!

Of course, the followers of the evil god are certainly not well-intentioned to help Lumian experience the state of the Angel of Fate. Their purpose is to use this to open the door to Trier in the Fourth Age.

Use the person of an angel to open the door!

Therefore, the “hotel” must be consistent with part of the market area and have similar environments.

Lumian guessed that the ground corresponding to the Breeze Ballroom should be the weak point of the seal. There had even been problems before, www.youxs.org, and pollution leaked, affecting the building at No. 13 Market Avenue.

This made Lumian wonder if the reason why he came directly to the market area and stayed at the Golden Rooster Hotel was related to the "attractiveness" of the underground here to "hunters".

Based on this important information, the Breeze Ballroom in the world of the painting is blank and dark, while the neighborhoods surrounding it and the humans who frequent it are reproduced in appearance.

When the corresponding ceremony is actually started, there should be a flip between the market area on the ground and the market area underground, and the real becomes fake, and the fake becomes real. In this way, the corresponding seal of the Breeze Ballroom will be nakedly presented or outlined, weakening it to the extreme.

At that time, Lumian, who is an angel, can "open" the door to Trier in the Fourth Age!

www.youxs.org should give full play to the ability of "actors", pretend to be different people, enter different houses, help "goblins" grasp the specific conditions of these blocks, and complete the giant painting of "Hostel".

And he was worried that Lumian, Franka and others would notice it in advance, so he avoided their room and didn't know enough about the details inside.

Looking at the mysterious door beneath him, Lumian tried to distance himself, but he couldn't break free. It was like there was a huge magnet behind the door attracting him, who was an angel, making him involuntarily squeeze into the door.

Thanks to the countless spiritual light spots in the surrounding darkness, the ancient door stained with blood and rust did not open back.

Lumian felt that this was the reason why the "Hostel Ritual" had not been fully activated.

He and Jenna broke into the world of the painting in advance and disrupted the arrangements of the evil god believers!

Now, if the "Hotel Ritual" wants to be completed and the ground and the ground flip over, there are still at least two key points that cannot be matched:

1. Originally, Trier had to be destroyed and most of the people here killed in order to open the underground seal. Now with the conversion of true and false, the temporary acquisition of angelic status, and the discovery of the weakness of the seal, we can The requirements have been significantly lowered, but even lowering the requirements would still require a riot that would bring chaos to Trier on the ground;

Second, the world in the painting is in the afternoon, the sun is only in the west, and the sky is still bright, but in reality it is midnight, the moonlight is dim, and the darkness is rich.


Market District, Market Avenue.

www.youxs.org, placed it in the safe house provided by "Hidden Blade", hoping that she could see it in time.

The deacon of the "Purifier" took his robot and walked towards Imre and Valentine who were waiting near the Breeze Ballroom.

Just then, he heard the roar of artillery.

He subconsciously turned his head and saw that many parts of the sky in Trier were illuminated by firelight.

The army rebelled? Angoulême frowned.

Now most of the "purifiers" from various parishes have been spilled out, in order to prevent strikes, marches and protests after dawn.

Who knew, there would be a problem in the military camp!

The intelligence of the general strike was delivered to us in time to allow us to disperse our forces. We were unable to organize manpower to solve the current problem in a short period of time? The conspiracy of the "Iron Cross"? Angoulême instantly made a guess.


In the Erato District, a wilderness suddenly extended out of the Sacred Heart Monastery, which was thrown into the turbulence and darkness.

"Ms. Moon"'s voice rang out from nowhere, and with a clear smile she said to "Magician" and "Justice": "You may not have guessed who is providing us with shelter this time... ..”

Before she finished speaking, a baby cried.


The baby's cry is full of vitality, bringing endless golden sunshine.

The entire Sacred Heart Monastery suddenly turned into a blazing sun that pierced the turbulent storm and distorted the space.

In the real Trier, a large number of sleeping citizens were awakened by the sunshine.

www.youxs.org, looking at the bright sky:

A bright golden sun hung high in the sky, slightly to the west.

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