Angoulême, who was running to St. Robles Church with Imre and Valentine to obtain more information and the latest orders, was suddenly pierced by the sunlight, as if he had been in darkness for too long and could not adapt to the light. .

After waiting for several seconds, he and his teammates raised their heads at the same time and looked at the sky.

Trier, which was still late at night just now, suddenly turned into a sunny afternoon!

Feeling the warmth brought by the sun, Angoulême felt cold all over, feeling that the problem had completely exploded and that disaster was imminent.

The next second, they heard a series of explosions, which came from Lister Pier, Candide Market, Suchit Steam Railway Station, and nearby yards and warehouses.

The rumbling sound echoed, and even from a long distance away, Angoulême and the others saw the rising red fire and the buildings being set alight, and heard the sound of gunshots, cannons and shouts.

The entire market area fell into chaos.

The army rebellion in Erato District is also distracting Trier's extraordinary power, in order to make the latent riots in the market area smoother? This is definitely not the same group of people as the strikes and demonstrations in docks and factories after dawn... ....

What is this? Angoulême changed direction with a solemn expression and rushed towards the place where the explosions were the densest.

Imre and Valentine followed.

Breeze Ballroom, Cafe on the second floor., standing at the window,

The leader of the Savoy party can already picture the situation in Lister's Quay, Candide Market and other places in his mind.

He showed the hidden power of the "Iron Cross" in the market area without any reservation, striving to create the greatest chaos in the shortest time.

At this time, whether it was "Bloody Palm" Black who was in charge of the Honest Market,, Parsifal who managed the stockyard, or the butler Faustino who had sneaked into the Suchit Steam Railway Station, they were all taking their A team set fires wildly, detonated explosives, shot, and destroyed and killed indiscriminately.

"Fortunately, we were well prepared, and even if we were forced to advance, we were able to complete the corresponding ceremony." said to "Supervisor" Olson, who was standing not far behind.

Olson, who looked like a hungry bear, was still carrying his small brown suitcase.

Olson said in an indifferent voice: "You didn't kill that witch?"

"There is no need to kill such a stupid witch. She can't destroy anything. Moreover, if we really do it, I'm not sure we can kill her in a short time. You know, the witch has a strong ability to survive, which will make us miss the opportunity." of."

"As for other people with problems, I sent Albus to the military camp in Erato District, Lumian..."

Speaking of Lumian,

He pulled off the visor of his helmet and looked out the window again.

Under the bright sunshine, the flames of Candide Market had turned the sky red, and there were shouts, shouts, gunshots and explosions everywhere., half-closed eyes, contentedly waiting for the drama to reach its climax.

The ceremony is almost complete.

In the world in the painting, the westward sun high in the sky becomes more and more real, overlapping with the faint shadow.

Every building here has seen similar changes. The vendors and pedestrians on the street are no longer dull and empty. They are running around in chaos, looking for a place to hide.

The market area in the underground painting and the real market area above the ground gradually become reality, while the other is rendered like an oil painting by flames. The two become more and more similar, and their "projections" in the spiritual world intersect with each other.

Suddenly, they turned upside down like illusory things. The market area in the painting world came to the ground and no longer formed a complete seal with the other parts of Trier. The real market area became a mural in the cave, connected with the underground. connected.

In the real Trier, the location of the Breeze Ballroom was covered in deep darkness, and the surrounding sealing effect was weakened to a minimum.

In the deep darkness, the three-headed and six-armed giant Lumian was attached to the mysterious door. Hearing its heavy creaking sound, he saw it stained with blood and red rust and slowly opened back, revealing what seemed to be an invisible flame. In the burning gap.


The whole Trier shook, and the sky illuminated by the sun seemed to have reached dusk, filled with flaming clouds.


Erato District, inside Red Swan Castle.

The sleeping Count Puyver suddenly woke up from his dream.

He saw some bloody sunlight filtering through the thick curtains, and heard cruel and crazy shouts in his ears.

The entire beige castle with many old bloodstains was shaking continuously, as if there was something huge under the ground holding its foundation and shaking hard.

Puyver felt the call and attraction from the depths of his soul, suddenly turned over and got out of bed, and rushed out of the bedroom with an excited expression.

He was so eager that he didn't even bother to put on his slippers and change out of his dark red cotton nightgown. He just ran down the corridor to the stairs with his bare feet and swaying the hem of his clothes.

He didn't know how many nights he wished he could wake up like this.

That means that he has finally been recognized by the remaining spirit of his ancestors, that the time mentioned in the prophecy of the mysterious leader of the "Secret Order" has come, that the Sauron family has seen the hope of becoming stronger again, and that other Saurons are no longer Troubled by a curse, you can get a new lease of life!

Count Puiver knew that this might not be a good thing for him, but he did not flinch or hesitate.

Isn’t it true that every member of the Sauron family who chooses to live in Red Swan Castle or who does not move out when they reach adulthood has already been mentally prepared for this?

Becoming the carrier of the ancestor's resurrection and merging with him is the glory of the Sauron family members!

Count Puyver went down the stairs and entered the underground labyrinth.

In the darkness behind him, next to the stairs, a figure came out.

That was Eloise, who had changed into a beige hunting suit at some point, and had her long brown-red hair tied into a ponytail.

The girl, who had the blood of both the Sauron family and the Einhorn family, stared at her cousin's back and followed behind him unhurriedly and silently.


Market District, No. 3 Baicoat Street, Apartment 601.

After seeing the sun appear and hang in the west position,

It's past two o'clock in the middle of the night. Why is the sun shining?

What the hell does this happen?

Why is there such a strange phenomenon?

Franca and Anthony were awakened by the sound of explosions and gunshots in the market area. The latter was visibly shaking and instinctively wanted to hide.

But what was better than before was that, having made the decision early to stay in Trier, he barely controlled himself.

The two looked at each other and saw the surprise, confusion and worry in each other's eyes.

"Is that disaster coming?"

Franka frowned:

"In the prophecy of Buvar's corpse, the disaster was accompanied by rain and water, but now..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt something spiritual and looked out the window again.

She saw an obvious shadow appearing on the building opposite. The two overlapped and then separated quickly.

At the same time, Franka's head felt dizzy, as if she had fallen weightlessly but had not had time to use the assassin's "Feather Fall Technique"., he said solemnly: "It affects everyone without distinction?"

"The effect of the ritual?"

A ritual that initiates disaster?

Franca was about to propose leaving the apartment, moving towards the Church of Fools at Lavigne Pier, and confirming the current situation, when she felt that two items in the hidden pockets of her clothes suddenly changed.

She quickly made a judgment based on the location: one was the palm-sized statue of the "Original Witch", which made Franka feel extremely cold even if it was separated by clothes;

The other item is an ancient silver mirror she obtained from the ground. This object, which connects to a special mirror world, is trembling gently, as if it has been stimulated by something, or resonates with the current environment or things not far away.

This... Franka's eyes narrowed.

Combined with the detail that the two items moved at the same time, she suspected that there were things related to high-ranking people in the "Witch" path around!

In the Sacred Heart Monastery that turned into the sun, babies were crying constantly.

This made Ms. "Magician"'s face sparkle, as if there were a large number of insects bent into door shapes crawling in and out. Miss "Justice"'s skin was covered with gray-white scales, making her helpless. Don’t “appease” yourself.

The dazzling sunlight also made the two Major Arcana cards instinctively close their eyes. In front of them, layers of void crisscrossed each other, and starlight cascaded one after another, blocking the spreading blazing "in the distance".

They are all familiar with the oncoming force:

That is the power of the "Eternal Fierce Sun"!

Although this true god did not leave the star world and descended into reality, he indirectly "borrowed" a little power through the "Moon Lady" who gave birth to the god and the baby she just gave birth to.

God's power!

The struggling "Magician" and "Justice" did not panic because they had companions.

After they discovered that the "Moon Lady" was hiding in the Sacred Heart Convent, they prepared for the worst.

On the "Blue Avenger" parked at Lavigne Pier, Alger, the "Hanged Man" who was dressed as a sailor and had dark blue hair, stood on the bow of the ship and saw that the sky suddenly brightened and the sun hung in the west.

He was a little worried and a little excited and took out an item.

It was a playing card, with the front depicting Emperor Russell holding his hands high and wearing a triple crown. Behind him were elements such as lightning, strong winds, and waves.

"Tyrant" card!

This is one of the cards of blasphemy made by Emperor Russell.

"The Hanged Man" Alger made a special trip to Trier and did not participate in operations in other directions, just to prepare for the biggest accident!

Based on prior communication, preset imprints, and skilled prayers, as a saint of the "Sailor" path, he can use the "Tyrant" card to temporarily take over someone's power, so as to fight against it without affecting the stability of the star realm. The sun high in the sky.


As Alger lowered his head to pray, and as the "Tyrant" card lit up, the sky in Trier suddenly became dark, and countless water droplets fell to the ground in the sunlight.

Rain, heavy rain.

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