In the falling rainstorm, "The Hanged Man" Alger completed his prayer.

His body straightened involuntarily and his head lifted.

The "Tyrant" card in his hand suddenly became thicker and brighter, as if it had formed a book made of light.

The books flipped quickly, showing different appearances of Emperor Russell. Sometimes he was dressed as a sailor, sometimes wearing a sailing hat, sometimes singing in the waves...

The picture finally settled on the great emperor wearing a triple crown and papal vestments.

"He" interacted with the dark sky, attracting a huge lightning that pierced the clouds.


In the thunder caused by lightning, the illusory figure of Emperor Russell and "The Hanged Man" Alger overlapped.

His temperament suddenly became extremely majestic, and the undulating Serenzo River around the Blue Avenger instantly calmed down, like a windless lake.

After "wearing" the triple crown and "draping" the papal cassock, "The Hanged Man" Alger appeared in his hand a silver-white staff made purely of lightning.

He took one step forward and reached the high altitude surrounded by the wind.


Thousands of thunders thundered above Trier, and the hurricane visible to the naked eye rolled up countless dark clouds to form a huge, dark, and terrifying whirlpool.

Within the vortex, dense lightning bolts of various colors were either intertwined or stretching themselves out, surrounding the blazing sun that was located in the west.


The rain was like an unscrewed faucet, pouring exaggeratedly into every corner of Trier, splashing water mist that covered everything.

In just the blink of an eye, there was a layer of water on the ground illuminated by sunlight and lightning.

The citizens who had just been awakened looked at this scene, looking at the dark background that could not be dispersed by the blazing sunshine and the snake-like lightning, and they felt that the end was coming.

In the deep darkness corresponding to the Breeze Ballroom, there were two more illusory heads and four exaggerated arms. The giant Lumian, whose body was more than ten meters tall, saw that the mysterious door that he was holding down slowly opened back with a heavy friction sound. , a gap gradually opened, and there was an invisible flame burning faintly in the gap.

This time, less than one-tenth of the nearby spiritual light spots remained, and various occult symbols and connections either disappeared or were weakened to the extreme.

The iron-black door stained with blood and red rust finally broke free, and the cracks became unstoppable.

Before the heavy rain and lightning confronted the sun, the invisible flames burning behind the door retreated to both sides without making any sound, revealing a road with no visible support and no end.

Lumian, who was holding Jenna, fell into the door uncontrollably under the terrifying attraction.

The light on his left chest lit up, and the entire "hotel" and the other twelve "rooms" had to pass through this mysterious double door.

The real market area, second floor of Breeze Ballroom.

When up and down began to flip, reality and illusion were reversed,, "Supervisor" Olson did not follow ordinary citizens and the members of the "Iron Cross" who set fire to places such as Lister Pier and briefly became the protagonist of the world in the painting. One member.

They stayed on the ground, staying next to the deep darkness that represented the Breeze Dance Hall, because there was an unknown figure behind them.

Behind "Supervisor" Olson stood a man wearing a formal suit but no tie. He looked to be in his thirties or forties, with a very high nose and sunken eyes. His eyes were light blue and slanted. Her brown hair was slightly curled, her contours were extremely hard, and her eyes showed her contempt and arrogance without any concealment., an old man wearing a blue military uniform, a ribbon and a medal.

There are obvious wrinkles on the old man's face, but his dark eyes are extremely sharp. Wherever his eyes go, it seems that they can destroy houses and lift the ground.

They are the president and the most powerful vice-president of the "Iron-Blooded Cross". It is under their protection that is transformed into the world in the painting.

As for other high-level officials of the "Iron-Blooded Cross", they are creating chaos in different places in Trier and distracting the power of the official Beyonders.

After seeing the dark depths of the Breeze Ballroom twisted to form a double, blood-stained iron-black door, the four members of the "Iron Blood Cross" seemed to have practiced it many times and walked away without any hesitation. Got in.

Red Swan Castle, the hall in the deepest part of the underground maze.

Count Puyver, who was barefoot and wearing a nightgown, had arrived here, staring at the rusty coffin made of bronze through the lit white candles.

The lid of the coffin had slipped to the side, revealing the illusory purple fire filling the interior.

These purple flames are being absorbed by the iron-black ring embedded in the ground held down by the bronze coffin, and are combined with the sticky blood and withered hearts in the middle of the ring.

This formed an entrance, a deep entrance stained with blood and rust.

Through this entrance, a high, bloody and crazy atmosphere came from the corresponding underground.

Count Puiver was affected by the aura, and his body trembled uncontrollably, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm, showing no trace of fear.

It was the first time that he was so close to the spirit of his ancestors!

A twisted smile appeared on Puifer's face, and he stepped forward, passing through the outer area composed of candlelight, and approached the mutated bronze coffin.

In the entire world, except for the Sauron family members who are waiting for the opportunity and have corresponding talents in Red Swan Castle, and the mysterious leader of the "Secret Order", the long-deceased Emperor Russell, no one knows that the underground of Red Swan Castle is Another broken seal of Trier in the Fourth Age.

This was repaired that year and sealed with the hearts of generations of important members of the Sauron family, but the problem is irreversible:, entering the upper level of Trier in the Fourth Age!

From then on, his crazy spirit lingered in the seal forever, and his painful roars sounded from time to time, affecting everyone living in Red Swan Castle and all people of the same blood.

Now, it is time to end this curse that has caused the decline of the Sauron family and trapped one Sauron after another in nightmares!

With a strong sense of mission and a great sense of honor, and with the belief that he would die here, Count Puiver laughed wildly, pressed his hand on the edge of the bronze coffin, and lay down in it.

His figure suddenly dropped and fell into the deep entrance stained with blood and rust.

Count Puyver had just disappeared into a bronze coffin, wearing a beige hunting suit,

She first glanced at the pile of white candles and bronze coffins, examined the changes in the seal, then cut her finger with her nail and dripped three drops of bright red blood on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the girl lowered her head and solemnly recited:

"The embodiment of iron and blood, the symbol of the disaster of war, the priest in charge of the weather,"

After Eloise finished reciting all the incantations, the blood dripping on the ground began to boil.

They grew instantly, as if turning into a bloody lake, and then condensed into a figure wearing iron-black and blood-stained armor.

This figure is over 1.8 meters tall, has long dark red hair, and wears a pair of exaggerated gold earrings. His facial features are neutral, handsome and delicate.

His darkened brown eyes looked at Eloise, nodded slightly and said:

"Well done. In the previous war, the family lost the most important thing. We must seize every opportunity to seize any possibility to make up for the loss, even if it is only part of it."

After saying that, entered the deep entrance inside the bronze coffin.

Eloise stared at this scene, her eyes flickering a few times.

She finally sighed and said:

"No matter what, the curse of the Sauron family will end with this..."


Inside Apartment 601, No. 3 Baiyi Street.

Franka was surprised and worried as she took out the bone statue of the "Original Witch" and the ancient silver mirror obtained from the ground.

She was not sure whether the changes in the two items were good or bad. The only option was to put them farther away and wait until the subsequent changes were observed before deciding what to do.

At this time, the classical silver mirror reflected the statue of the "Original Witch" that it had not illuminated at all. The entire white coat street and the entire flipped area suddenly shook.

Dark light bursts from the mirror,

When the darkness receded, only the coffee table and sofa were left in Apartment 601.

Next to the mural depicting part of the market area, behind the delighted "painter", the ancient silver mirror broke away from the world in the painting, falling lightly in the darkness brought by the shadow, falling deeper and deeper, and soon disappeared.


Amid the indescribable heat and spinning sensation, Lumian and Jenna landed on the ground paved with light black stone tiles.

The first thing that caught their eyes was a majestic city in the distance, with very asymmetrical black buildings and bright red houses.

The city was shrouded in a thin mist, looming like an illusion that pirates and sailors occasionally encountered.

In the wilderness outside the city, there were dark clouds, constant lightning, roaring thunder, and heavy rain. A huge figure tens of meters high was surrounded by these natural phenomena, and was only vaguely visible, blurry and difficult to distinguish.

"He" wandered outside the city, wandering in the smoke, flames, hail, lightning, heavy rain and strong wind, as if it would never stop.

This is what Trier Lumian of the Fourth Age had guessed, but he was not sure. It was different from what he expected.

Jian Na subconsciously glanced sideways at him and found that he had returned to his original appearance, no longer abnormally huge, with three heads and six arms.

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