Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 218 The contents of the suitcase

www.youxs.org, but tore off the half-torn cloak, put them inside, and lifted them up to avoid direct contact.

"Found it..." He was about to briefly explain what he had gained, but was interrupted by Lumian.

Lumian spoke very quickly and said clearly: "We are going to hide at the edge of the city shrouded in gray fog. Do you want to follow?"

www.youxs.org: "Okay."

He knew that under the current circumstances, if he left the team and acted alone, he would probably die in a few seconds, depending on whether the terrifying and crazy roar came again.

Lumian did not rush to ask General Philip what items he had on him. He grabbed the shoulders of Jenna and Anthony with two hands respectively, and motioned to Franka to pull up his collar.

The black mark on his right shoulder flashed, and a dark light lit up.

The figures of the four people disappeared and were "teleported" directly to the edge of the majestic but dilapidated city, and "teleported" to the front of the thin gray mist.

What you see is what you get.

Then, Lumian tried to walk into the gray fog, but the seal on his chest was not activated.

This shows that Franka and others can pass without him carrying it.

www.youxs.org, there seemed to be different lights flickering and turning in the brown-red eyes.

That's just one or two seconds, www.youxs.org.

Even if it fails to kill the opponent with one blow, the "Arrogance Armor" will most likely betray the opponent after injuring the opponent again and strangle the wearer inside!

Olson's right hand silently reached into his trouser pocket and pulled it out again. There was a yellow bullet between his thumb and index finger.

The red and nearly white fireball quickly condensed in his palm, and exploded in a controlled direction.

The violent shock wave pushed the bullet that had been released by Olson, and it shot out with a roaring sound, www.youxs.org.

At this moment, www.youxs.org fell forward, just avoiding the bullet.

Almost at the same time, the surroundings were illuminated by the clear and sacred morning light.

In the morning light, black smoke suddenly erupted from Olson's body, just like a long-dead living corpse shrouded in sunlight created by the "Purifiers".

His eyes closed instinctively, as if he couldn't bear the light.

www.youxs.org, with a stern expression and sharp eyes, he twisted his waist in mid-air, turned his body, and put on his helmet.

He immediately "burned" and turned into a blazing white flame spear, which flew out and stabbed "Supervisor" Olson in the middle of his forehead.

Olson has a strong ability to resist the burning and melting of flames. Although his skull was charred black, the white flame spear did not penetrate his head, and the main damage he received was impact damage.

As soon as the fire light dissipated, www.youxs.org, holding a fist covered in silver armor, struck Olson's head in mid-air.

Olson's neck broke on its own, and his head flew up, dragging his bloody spine.

www.youxs.org, the body stood on the ground again.

However, at some point, a heavy and sharp sword of light condensed in his other hand.

www.youxs.org, inserted this two-handed giant sword into the black soil.

A terrifying storm suddenly erupted, and a large number of light fragments aimed at the mid-air and swept through the area.

The interval required for "Arrogance Armor" to regroup "Sword of Dawn" and create "Storm of Light" is much shorter than the normal Sequence 6 "Dawn Knight", www.youxs.org.

With only one head left and a face full of brown and red beard, Olson's eyes narrowed and he was about to combine it with the blazing white spear he had made and flee to the distance.

However, the storm has hit, and the light has completely engulfed him.

By the time the "Storm of Light" subsided, Olson's body had multiple cracks, both large and small. The most serious one even penetrated his chest and tore out his internal organs, and his body flew into the air, dragging The head with bloody spine was covered in blood. Both the eyes and the nose were damaged by the light fragments. The skull was cracked in many places, and the squirming and blackened brain was visible to the naked eye.

www.youxs.org, creating dozens or twenty groups of red and nearly white fireballs around him in advance.

They flew out with a roar and landed on the head of Olson, who was almost unconscious.

In the rumbling explosion, the head with its bloody spine was torn apart, and the fragments and liquid were scattered all over the floor.

www.youxs.org, looking at Olson’s headless body that fell to the ground and the various skulls that had no original appearance, he laughed softly:

"I've always thought you were a bit strange, and this time I had the chance to test it out, but I didn't expect you to actually attack me.

"This is good. It not only eliminates a hidden danger, but also offsets the betrayal curse of the 'Arrogance Armor'."

He just deliberately showed that he was in good enough condition, but showed some problems in the details, just to lure Olson into taking the bait.

——A simple weak performance can easily make the other party wary and suspicious.

After sighing with emotion, Gardner walked towards the small brown leather suitcase that had fallen to the ground, and picked up the nearly broken suitcase.

He has always been curious about what Olson's suitcase contains, but the other person has always refused to tell him the answer and always uses threatening words to deal with it. Now, he can open it and take a look by himself.

www.youxs.org, open it up to yourself.

What's inside is a head.

The head had deep features, brownish-red eyes, slightly messy black hair, a few silver strands on the temples, clear contours, and a face that was not thin and stained with blood.




After Lumian and others passed through the outermost layer of gray fog, it was like going from morning to evening. Their vision was dim. The surroundings were black asymmetrical buildings high on the left and low on the right, or buildings that seemed to have been splashed with blood. All kinds of houses are half-melted into this gloom in silence.

The farther you go, the closer you get to the half-collapsed palace that towers into the clouds, the more serious the damage to the city becomes. It's like being punched there by a giant, and the shock wave is raging around.

Lumian couldn't see the specific details. Firstly, there was not enough light, and secondly, they were too far apart. There were various houses in the middle blocking them. If the palace and the buildings around it were not too tall, they would have collapsed. There were also hill-like wreckage left behind, and it was impossible for them to witness the corresponding scene on the edge of the city.

"Let's find a place to hide near here." Franka looked around, not wanting to go deep into the thoughts of Trier in the Fourth Age.

The four of them were on a narrow street, and the houses on both sides were so close that the residents inside could almost complete a handshake just by opening their windows and stretching out their arms.

Most of the buildings here seem to have suffered a violent earthquake, or have lost their bottom floors and "sit" there, or have hideous cracks, swaying, but never falling.

Jenna's eyes were fixed on a house that was still intact. It was iron-black in color, with arched windows on the left and square windows on the right. There were dark red graffiti on one side, and it was clean on the other side, with gaps in the stones. Not a single weed grew.

In addition to the two most obvious places, this house also has many asymmetrical details, and those giant centipede-like cracks are mainly distributed on the lower left side.

"Go there?" Jenna asked tentatively.

Lumian shook his head: "The more intact it is, the more likely there is anomaly. No one knows what the current situation of the citizens of Trier in the Fourth Age is."

"We should look for a building that has completely collapsed and hide behind it. At least the contents inside will be buried."

"Yeah." Franka agreed with Lumian's choice.

In the fourth era of Trier, she was unable to do a complete "magic mirror divination".

Soon, Lumian and others arrived at the middle of the street. They walked around to the completely collapsed crimson building in the dark environment and hid in a hidden place.

Until then, www.youxs.org "The Arrow of the Bloodthirsty" returned it to Janna.

Then, he spread out the blood-stained half black cloak on the ground, showing off what he had just gained.

There are three items in total:

One is the blackened ulna, with multiple dark red holes on it, and the two ends are also hollow, like a crudely made bone flute that has been placed for a long time;

The second is a wooden box painted with dark paint. It is not too big and can be forced into a hidden bag. There are large holes on the left and right sides, and it is covered with a leather-type "curtain" that can shake;

The third is multiple gold, silver and copper coins.

www.youxs.org "Bone Flute" said: "This is the result of the light spots that appeared on Philip's body converging on his ulna. It seems that there is something invisible settling on it."

The product of the combination of the extraordinary characteristics of the "Conspirator" or the "Reaper" and the power of his own ulna and the gift of the "Dead"? Lumian nodded his head invisibly.

Because Philip had no chance to fight back before, he was not sure whether this general was a Sequence 6 "Conspirator" or a Sequence 5 "Reaper". He could only create a lot of red and nearly white fire crows from him. Judging from his behavior, he is on the "Hunter" path, and is more than Sequence 7.

If it was the latter, Lumian would be very happy to have the main material for his promotion, but the trouble was that it was mixed with the power gifted by the evil god and could not be used to directly prepare the potion.

"What is precipitated is the evil god's pollution. You made a wise choice not to touch it directly." Lumian reminded Anthony.

Within the underground seal, the power gifted by the evil god cannot return to the mother body.

"This was found on Philip..." Anthony just pointed to the small dark wooden box. Before he could finish speaking, he heard another crazy and violent roar coming from a distant place.

This time, the four of them who came into the gray mist only experienced a little dizziness and were not affected by anything else.

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