Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 219 The body chasing the head

After Franka recovered from the dizziness caused by the terrifying roar, she said sincerely: "Sure enough, the gray mist here can also provide protection."

Otherwise, with the roar that can obviously hurt their spiritual bodies and affect their spirits, they have only two ending options: losing control and becoming monsters or dying directly.

"Praise the Fool!" Lumian no longer concealed his belief.

He immediately warned in a tone like pouring ice water: "But the danger hidden here may be more terrifying than the roar just now."

Franka was silent for a few seconds and said as if she was encouraging herself: "The hidden danger is better than the one that has already exploded. We just try not to touch it.

"If there are no other accidents, we will stay in this corner, hide ourselves, not go anywhere, and wait for rescue!"

www.youxs.org, waiting for the opportunity to escape from here does not seem to be a good choice, but under the current circumstances, they do not dare to go deep into the fourth era of Trier, so they can only accept this method that is not a solution. .

In the deathly silence around him, Anthony was the first to adjust his mental state. He pointed at the small dark wooden box and said: "I don't know what it does. I can only make sure that a simple, short touch will not have any obvious effects." Negative impact."

As for the coins, he did not need to introduce them. Everyone just glanced at them and roughly counted the total amount: 312 Firkin and 26 Coppets.

What on earth is this thing?" Franka said, leaning against the collapsed pilaster in the shadow, looking at the small dark wooden box.

At first glance, it didn't look like an ordinary wooden box to hold things. It was obviously an item with mysterious power.

Lumian and Anthony turned their heads at the same time and turned their attention to the "Witch of Joy".

"I should ask you this." Lumian said with a "haha" smile.

Franka said "Oops": "I can't help it. I didn't have time to 'channel' just now. There is no connection with the real spiritual world here, so I can't do 'magic mirror divination'. I need to confirm the abilities and functions of these two items." , status and negative effects, you can only try it yourself, again and again."

"Of course, if you can meet a 'craftsman', then all the problems will be non-problems."

She then pointed at Janna and said: "Just like the black statue of the 'Original Witch', it must have other functions. For example, it allows the holder to make a 'mirror stand-in'. In addition to providing a certain amount of feedback, I Divination and warning effects can only be used as objects of prayer during rituals."

"They are all statues of gods, with different colors and orientations at most. Why is there such a big difference?"

She didn't mention why she didn't use various methods to find out the information about the black "Original Witch" statue. Everyone present could understand that under the current situation, they must ensure that they are in good condition and cannot take the risk of being injured or affected to test the loot. If something really goes wrong, maybe they will die from the "experiment" without taking action against the dangers lurking in Trier in the Fourth Age.

When Janna and others were silent for a brief moment, Franka sighed in her heart and said: There is obviously a big problem with this black statue, and its origin is even more mysterious. No wonder the Witch Sect wants me to investigate Gardner's smuggling in from the underground tunnel. what......

If I hand it in, will the Witch Cult reward me with the "Pain" potion on the spot, promise to help me complete the ritual, or will they kill me to silence me?

Lumian raised his hand and touched his chin, www.youxs.org: "In this case, you can keep Fergin, and the rest of the spoils will be distributed after they are returned to the ground."

"Just wrap it in the cloak and put it on the ground. You can pick it up when you leave?" Anthony asked further.

Lumian smiled. He pointed at the charred "bone flute" and said, "What else? You can also carry it with you, so that we may see the ability of the 'dead'. Philip died so much just now." I was in such a hurry that I didn't even have time to show it to us.

"Of course, given the state he was in when he died, those abilities will most likely be fed back to the holder of the item in the form of a curse."

Anthony was not annoyed by the ridicule. He pulled up the bloody and tattered half black cloak and rewrapped the "Bone Flute" and the small wooden box.

Lumian stuck out his head thoughtfully and looked sideways at the unusually narrow street:

"If we encounter an enemy that is difficult for us to deal with later, we can consider throwing these two things to him. Maybe it will have miraculous effects. Haha, General Philip will be very happy to know that he can still play such a role after death. .”

That may bring a curse of fate!

Although she was a little nervous and the atmosphere was quite heavy, Jenna was still amused by Lumian's behavior of mocking General Philip in every sentence: "Fuck, General Philip is dead, there is no need to hold on to him anymore. Bar."

Before Lumian could respond to Jenna, he suddenly heard two shrill screams.

They seemed to come from the same place, with undisguised fear.

Not long after, two figures, one behind the other, ran into this narrow street from the side, as if chasing a UFO floating in the air.

Franka stretched out her head from the shadow beside Lumian and looked over, her eyes suddenly solidified.

The two figures, a man and a woman, both had no heads, their necks were bloody and fleshy, and there was no trace of bones.

What they were chasing were two heads. What they had in common was that their expressions were extremely vivid, showing the purest fear, and dragging bloody, long tail-like spines!

There is a man with bulging cheeks like a squirrel. He is still chewing thick long black hair in his mouth. There are similar hairs around his dark brown eyes, in his nostrils, and in his ears. He came out, and the headless body chasing him also had similar black hair growing out from the broken neck, which was thicker and more exaggerated, like water plants.

The other head belonged to a beautiful woman with black hair and brown eyes. She was flying forward crazily, coughing continuously, shaking out the bright starlight, and the gravel flying up from the chase was swaying around her, as if in the air. Do it in slow motion.

Suddenly, the two heads and two bodies that were about to climb over the collapsed building and leave this narrow street froze at the same time.

The first two threw their heads up with blank expressions, as if they wanted to throw away some discomfort, while the headless corpses raised their hands to pinch their left breasts.

Just a few seconds later, the two heads, dragging their bloody spines, fell into the collapsed black house with a bang, and the bodies chasing them fell onto the stacked stones.

This made Lumian and others silent.

After a few seconds, Lumian sneered: "Look, this is what happens when Trier goes deep into the Fourth Age."

"Do you suspect that they are residents of the 'hotel'?" Jenna asked thoughtfully.

Lumian smiled and said: "Otherwise? Where can you find such fresh heads and bodies in ancient ruins that have been buried for a thousand or two thousand years?"

This reminded him of "Supervisor" Olson, who was in this state when he first appeared.

Looking back now, Lumian is almost certain that Olson is a real monster whose head and body can be separated.

www.youxs.org, she looked away and said thoughtfully: "Why do heads without bodies still cough, as if they are sick... Their final condition looks like cerebral infarction? Those two headless bodies It smells a bit like cardiac arrest..."

"Is this done by the evil god of the sick cult, or is there another murderer?

"Well, Sequence 5 of the 'Witch' path is called 'Pain', which can spread various diseases, and I can enter here by relying on the statue of the 'Original Witch' and the ancient silver mirror..."

"This obviously has a lot to do with the 'Witch' path. The leaked high-level power makes monsters get sick and die?"

"Not bad, he still has intelligence at critical moments." Lumian praised in a mocking way.

Jenna said happily: "Fortunately we didn't go too deep, otherwise we would have gotten sick and died without knowing when."

Lumian glanced at her with a smile: "Why do you think we are not surrounded by diseases now?"

"But, we didn't cough..." Jian Na's voice became lower and lower, and she turned her gaze to the hidden pocket of her clothes.

There is the dark statue of the "Original Witch".

Similarly, Franka also looked at her pocket, as if she saw the statue of the "Original Witch" carved from white bones through the cloth.

Anthony looked at Lumian and asked for confirmation: "You mean, Trier in the Fourth Age was full of diseases, and the reason why we were not affected is because we brought those two statues with us?"

Lumian spread his hands and said, "I think this explanation is more reasonable."


Beyond the gray fog, the edge of the ruins extending from Quaternary Age Trier.

The head and eyes of "www.youxs.org", which was packed in a small brown suitcase with a bloody face, suddenly opened, www.youxs.org.

It opened its mouth and spit out a ball of blazing white fire.

The distance between the two sides was so close that www.youxs.org could only lean back suddenly, trying to avoid the part where the other party planned to attack.

Boom, www.youxs.org.

The spiderweb-like cracks on the chest of the silver-white armor completely shattered, tearing open the skin and flesh underneath.

www.youxs.org, if it weren't for the "Arrogance Armor" that took most of the damage, he would have died on the spot.

But in this way, the "Arrogance Armor" also lost its ability to protect the chest within a certain period of time.

The one with a bloody face, www.youxs.org.

On the other side, the severely damaged headless body of Olson stood up again.

"www.youxs.org" aimed its head at the empty neck break and inserted Bai Sensen's spine.

In the clicking sound, this "www.youxs.org" that seemed to come from hell twisted its neck and pointed at the person who had already changed his position, www.youxs.org: "Olson has been dead for a long time. I have always been controlling him. Head and body.

"After that, I will take your place."


Above the wilderness, the earth trembled violently, and burning cracks swam rapidly into the distance like fiery snakes.

The figures of "Magician" and "Justice" are outlined.

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