Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 153: 1368 (seeking a guaranteed monthly pass)

"..." Luca Brewster looked down at himself and raised his right hand and grabbed it to the side.

His gray-green eyes became dark.

The gold that was mixed with the stairs suddenly flew out and blended into a thin armor in the air, and put it on Luca Brewster.

Luca moved his lower arm and explained the effect while explaining:

“‘Steiano Gold Armor’ is equivalent to the defensive level of Sequence 5 Guardian.”

"Steiano?" Klein asked casually.

Luca uses a tone that introduces historical celebrities:

"One of the earliest founders of the Morse Penance.

"I heard that Russell had improved this 'golden armor' and I don't know what effect it will eventually show."

... I can probably imagine... maybe this "golden armor" has twelve different shapes... After Klein took two sentences in his heart, he put the topic on the right track:

“Fenerport and the Mother Earth Church formally joined the war?”

When Luca introduced "Steiano Golden Armor", Audrey opened her eyes and controlled her own side. The light did not change to look at the glittering demigod.

Luca sighed:

"No matter what they thought before, but will definitely join the war after tonight.

"Of course, they should not aim at Lun for the time being. They will attack one of Rumburg, Maxi and Segal with a high probability, lest the line be pulled too long, there will be too many enemies, power cannot be concentrated, and the earth mother The church of God may not be willing to exert too much power..."

After sighing, the demigod of the Knowledge Church sincerely said to Audrey, wearing a silver mask:

"I don't know what kind of consultation I should pay?"

Audrey looked at the "world" next to her:

"He has already paid for it."

Luca Brewster then moved his eyes to Dawn Dontes.

Klein thought for a moment:

"I have a few questions."

"Please tell." At this time, Luca did not have a half-god and half-human style, but more like a professor in the classroom waiting to answer student questions.

Of course, if he can take off the gold armor and replace it with a three-piece suit, it will be more like.

Klein did not think about it and asked directly:

“What do you know about pollution from the ground?”

When he wants to come, the knowledge of the famous churches known by erudition can be known, and he certainly has enough levels to bear the influence. If this is not suitable for Miss Justice, he believes that Luca will come up. After all, this is not a bookworm".

Since the discussion of underground pollution originated from the experience of exploring the collective subconscious sea in "Growser Travels", Audrey has a certain understanding. At this time, there is no feeling that everything can not be understood, and it is very focused waiting for the opposite. The half **** answered.

Luka brows slightly wrinkled:

"I don't know much about it. It seems that understanding itself will bring pollution.

"Hey, I have seen such a sentence in an ancient book. The higher the sequence, the more dangerous it is to get close to the ground."

So the "dream dragon" Angel Wade left an extremely deep shadow and some kind of fear? Audrey instantly thought of the seal of the bronze gate of Liviheede in the city of miracles.

She then looked at the "world" next to her, but could not find any slight change in facial expression.

However, Klein had the secret singer nod to tell Miss Justice that she and her association are the same.

This gave Audrey a sense of returning to the past. At that time, she was still a low-sequence of the "audience" approach, and could not interpret useful information from the expressions and actions of Mr. "World".

The higher the sequence, the greater the threat of underground things? This is a bit unreasonable... Klein saw that Luca could not provide more news and thought about it:

"The second question, what predictions do you have for this war?"

Referring to the prophecy, Luca Brewster became very spiritual:

"Now is just the beginning, far from reaching its peak.

"And, the greater damage stems from the war and is outside the war. What is specific, I don't know."

The war opened the curtain... Audrey’s mood was hard to contain and heavier.

From war, but outside the war? Is it the ritual of the Amon brothers, or the promotion of the "Black Emperor"? Or, Russell's return? Klein nodded with a guess and raised a third question:

“Have you heard of the doomsday prophecy? What is the interpretation of this?”

Luca Brewster’s expression instantly became serious:

"No, this is not a prophecy.

"Everyone who has the power of prophecy is very sure that the end will come.

"God mentioned in the holy text He gave, the last day in the fifth year of 1368.

"Of course, God also said that there will be a savior."

The prophecy of "the **** of knowledge and wisdom"? In 1368, there were only a few years left... The goddess would rather destroy the alliance with God of War, but also the "uniqueness" of the "death" approach. Is there a reason for the end? Klein’s expression was unconscious and serious, but it did not reflect the face of the secret.

Only ten years left until the end of the day... Audrey is quite a bit stunned by the opposite half of the word.

To be frank, she thinks this is very fake. It is the occult experts and religious scammers who use it to deceive the people and get money.

Although a foreseeable large-scale war has broken out, Audrey has never thought that the world is very close to the end.

This is the perception of almost all normal people and extraordinary people.

"Why was it 1368?" Klein couldn't help but ask.

Luca Brewster shook his head:

"I don't know, God's prophecy says so."

Thinking of myself is a sequence of 4, there is no ability to confront the end, Klein rationally ended this topic, the Luke, the holy church of the Knowledge Church:

"So be it."

What he really wants to ask, the other party does not know the big probability, just like what is the pollution from the starry sky, whether Russell can return, how is the state.

Luca Brewster nodded:

"If there is anything you need to help, you can come to me, specifically through Edwina."

He remembered that Dawn Dontes had sold the arms to Messanes, which was led by Edwina Edwards.

Edwina... The "Iceberg Lieutenant"? Audrey stunned for a second, and immediately looked at the "world" next to him.

She remembers that she had read a newspaper with a story about the serialization of German Sparrow and three female pirate generals.

"Good." Klein never worried about helping too much.

After paying tribute to "Justice" Audrey, Luca Brewster's figure quickly became transparent, as if it were integrated with the spiritual world.

Then he disappeared like that.

Looking at the place where Luca Brewster had just stood, and looked at the hall where there was no more gold, Klein snorted in his heart and silenced for two seconds.

He then let the secret couple look to the side of the "justice" Audrey Road:

"I thought it would be more troublesome."

"It is the Holy One who saved himself in time and is willing to believe in me and let me plant psychological hints." Audrey responded with a smile and tried to make herself be sincere and modest.

Dawn Dontes nodded:

"This will be counted in your accumulated contribution, go back as soon as possible, it is very dangerous."

Seeing that a demigod almost lost control, Audrey said to the "world" that there is no doubt in this very dangerous words, immediately use "squirming hunger" and "transfer" back to the northern continent through the spiritual world.

When she gave the man's leather gloves to Mr. "The Fool" and dealt with the rest, Earl Hall and his eldest son, Hibbert, returned home.

Audrey is going to go out to meet her father, talk to him a few words, and hear her mother, Countess Caitlin asks in the lobby:

"What happened again? You are back today more than scheduled."

Earl Hall sighed:

"Fenerport has invaded Rumburg."


"Outside! No.! Fenetport has invaded Rumburg!"

Leonard, wearing red gloves, walked down the carriage and prepared to enter the Saint-Saill's Church. He saw the newsboy waving his newspaper and running fast on the streets and squares.

He stopped the newsboy, took out a penny of denomination coins, bought a newspaper, and turned it down to suppress the voice:

"Maybe it will take a long time, and the South will become a battlefield."

"Yeah." Pales Soloyasdna's slightly old voice echoed in Leonard's mind.

"But why I was still left in Beckland..." Leonard was quite self-talking.

After being promoted to "Spiritual Witch", he has become the captain of a "Red Gloves" squad. Members are drawn from other squads, including his familiar Cindy and Bob.

After the outbreak of the war, Leonard thought that his team would be transferred back to the sanctuary like Soestna and participate in the battle of the Amanda Mountains. Who knows that it was arranged as the mobile power of the Beckland Parish.

This metropolis, because of the implementation of the nighttime ban and other wartime policies, is now in good public security, no extraordinary people have come out to destroy, even the "devils" who like murder have not created chaos, so Leonard is quite Idle, so much easier than the non-wartime state.

At this time, Pales Soloyas smiled and said:

"I have a guess."

"What guess?" Leonard asked in a low voice.

"I don't want to tell you now," Pales said in a leisurely tone.

"..." Leonard said nothing. He took the entire collar, entered the church of St. Sayre, spoke a few words with the Archbishop, and prayed for five minutes.

Then he came to the ground and pushed the door of his temporary office of the "Red Gloves" squad.

"Good morning, captain." Bob and Cindy and other "red gloves" have come up to salute.

When they heard their name, Leonard, who thought he was used to it, was a little embarrassed again.

In a blink of an eye, on Monday afternoon, Leonard arranged the players' respective tasks, found a lounge, and waited for the Tarot party to open.

PS: At the beginning of the month, I want to buy a monthly ticket~

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