Lord of the Nation: If you bind dishes at the beginning, practice more talents.

Lord of the Nation: If you bind dishes at the beginning, practice more talents.


97 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Hao travels through the world of national lords and awakens the only eternal talent. Just practice more!

All units under the lord are fixed as female characters! The slender holy knight, the arrogant empress who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, the cute and clingy elf… The initial loyalty points are increased to 100 points, and the loyalty will not decrease!

The number of soldiers increased by 10 times and evolved to the first level! Every 5 buildings built will increase by one level! The hero level increases 10 times and evolves to the first level!

[Ordinary Farmer] → [Mythical Farmer] The collection speed is increased a hundred times!

[Fence] → [Nano Thorn Wall] Increased HP and rebound damage!

[Holy Knight Elena]→[Mythical Knight Elena] Kill the Dark Emperor instantly with one holy light!

territory! resource! Beauty! I want them all!

From a little orphan in Ping’an County to the leader of all races in thousands of realms!

When the God King of the God Clan was violently tortured and angrily spat at Chu Hao for cheating.

Chu Hao just taunted lightly: “Practice more when you are good, and don’t play if you can’t afford to lose! The past was before, and the present is now. If you always regard the past as the present, brother, why don’t you compare it with when you were just born? “


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