Lord of the Night

Chapter 283 A dead end?

"What's going on? What kind of heroic model? Are you two sure you didn't say anything wrong?"

Some people couldn't hold their breath anymore, feeling vaguely that a disaster was about to happen, and their tone became irritable.

Zhao Wushang's facial features were wrinkled together and he was extremely speechless: "The thing is like this... When we went over, Deacon Fang recognized our voices, and then... and then... and then Deacon Fang was moved, and then... …and that was it.”

After Zhao Wushang finished speaking, he turned to the sky speechlessly with a face vomiting blood: "Oh my God...how could it be like this?"

Zheng Yunqi lowered her head the whole time beside him and never raised it.


The collective stare was silent. Everyone couldn't believe their ears: This kind of thing could happen in this world?

Everyone has a sense of fantasy: Let you two act in a play, and then you two acted so well that you got us involved?

There were more than a dozen people in the room, and everyone looked like they had been struck by thunder.


At a loss.

Doubt life.

Like sleepwalking.

"What kind of magical brain circuit does this Deacon Fang have?"

Zhou Meier collapsed, and she was immediately confused: "We retaliated against the whistleblower and caught the Demon Cult monster, so we are naturally on his side? We should all work together? Even the sects have to come in to fight? What kind of god is this? logic?!"

Zhou Meier couldn't figure out anything, how could Deacon Fang's handsome head with a blind angle of 360 degrees hide such a magical brain circuit?

"This doesn't match up! It's completely irrelevant, okay?"

"How could there be such a magical transformation?"

Zheng Yunqi sighed with despair, and said feebly: "Yes, you are right, that's what this deacon Fang thinks. Since we have reported the people of the Solipsism, we are his fellow travelers, that is, Iron-blooded comrade. He is a fighter himself, so of course he regards us as fighters."

"And he also feels like... he has found a soulmate."

"Bosom friend... what a piece of shit."

Everyone vomited blood collectively: "But we are the solipsistic ones!"

"So here's the problem... If we are people who really have nothing to do with our sect, then it doesn't matter. Moreover, Deacon Fang's request is even reasonable."

"But the biggest problem is...we are! We are the devils they call us...such a thing!"

Everyone was collectively speechless.

Let's go out and take revenge on those who reported us.

No one expected that such a big mistake could be made.

And there is nothing to stop it now. The general force guarding the main hall is coming!

what to do?

"The most important thing is not here...the most important thing is how to explain this matter to the Starlight Helmsman."

Zhao Wushang showed a sad smile: "Everyone, I seem to have guessed the reaction of our Starlight Helmsman..."

Everyone looked like they were about to cry without tears: "You don't need to say this, I guessed it..."

"Get out! Get out of here right away!"

as expected.

After Starlight Helmsman heard this, he was stunned for a long time as expected.

The thick body stiffened, and the ugly face suddenly became dull.

He actually sat on the throne and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

After finally coming back to his senses, Starlight Helmsman's first reaction was to chase them away. He jumped up and said in a voice like a ferocious wolf that had been taken away from his den: "Don't leave any of you behind! Get out! Get out of here all of you!"


Zheng Yunqi and Zhao Wushang knelt on the ground, their knees were almost broken, and they said without tears: "Now it's not a question of whether we can leave, but... what should our escort agency do, and what should we do... …”

Everyone else knelt with them.

Many little devils still look confused and dreamy, feeling dizzy: Hey, how did I get involved in such a bizarre thing? Damn... I don’t know.

My head is muddled, and I always feel that nothing in the world is more wonderful than this.

Suddenly, a big black pot fell from the sky. Damn it, how could anyone drop a black pot like that?

Facing everyone's confusion, Starlight Helmsman also looked like he was about to cry: "What should I do? If I knew what to do, would I still let you go?"

"Pilot, think twice, even if you tell us to get out... Our World Escort Bureau is still... the one who moved the mountain gate. Deacon Fang, don't you still have to proceed according to the original plan? Captain. This matter is to avoid It won’t fall off.”

Zhao Wushang burst into tears.

The starlight helmsman suddenly woke up, and his ugly face suddenly became even more distorted: "Oh my God! That's right! If you leave, won't you be the one who takes the blame? This blame... I have such a small body, How can you carry it?!"

Then he got furious and started yelling at the top of his lungs: "I knew you guys from the headquarters were unreliable, but I never thought you could be so unreliable! What the hell!" You went out to take revenge, and you actually made me rebel?!"

"..." Zhao Wushang and the others buried their heads, not daring to say a word.

They felt that they were not unjust at all when they were scolded, and they couldn't even bear the scolding...

"What did I say before? I don't care about your business. You can make your own decisions, as long as it doesn't involve the helm. Is that what I said? Is that what I said?"

Starlight Helmsman asked almost vomiting blood.

That's indeed what you said, you don't care about anything, let us do it ourselves. It is true that we did it ourselves, but...it just happened to be like this...

Everyone's heads hung lower.

"You have been reported, and you want to vent your anger. Well, I will let you vent your anger. There is only one request, and it does not involve the helm..."

The starlight helmsman started to jump, and it was obvious that he had collapsed: "The words are still ringing in my ears, geniuses! I finished speaking on the front foot, but you damn... stepped out on the back foot, and the breath he made turned into farts and started again. Not to mention swallowing it back, I actually brought back a whole load of fresh and hot shit!"

The Astral Helm was furious.

Everyone lowered their heads deeply and looked speechless.

They also felt that although the Starlight Helmsman’s words were really unpleasant to hear.

But...it feels like this is really the case!

Everyone worked hard and went out to report and vent their anger, and they actually reported it.

I really felt like I had taken a breath.

But what happened next was really... the breath he let out turned into a fart and then he swallowed it again.

Then he actually brought back a piece of shit and shared it with everyone.

"Young masters, you young masters! You geniuses..."

The starlight helmsman looked miserable: "I am just a small sub-ruler of the sect below! You...you don't want to trick me like this, do you?"

"May I ask what kind of hatred I, Xingmang, have against you all? Are you trying to trick me into death like this?"

"I've been telling you over and over again, wipe your own butts, wipe them clean. But now it's a good thing, not only did you not wipe them clean, but you came here covered in shit and didn't even wipe them!"

“And you did it on the spot after I said ‘wipe your ass’!”

"Excuse me, what benefits will you get for yourself besides cheating me?"

"Isn't this hurting others but not benefiting yourself? You must have a purpose and get something, right?"

Starlight Helmsman was immediately furious: "Now this fucking basin of shit is falling directly from the sky!"

"This shit basin is bigger than the sky! You can't even run out, it's just trapped inside! Even if we are all dead, this shit basin can still close the Yishan Gate..."

Starlight Helmsman said with full of malice: "Do you believe it or not, the people from Yishanmen definitely want to kill your eight generations of ancestors now?!"

Regarding this, everyone can only say: Believe it!

Believe it beyond belief!

If he were the one who moved the mountain gate, he would definitely fight to the death with him now!

It's not that deceptive!

He was living in the mountains, living aloof from the world, and suddenly he became a pioneer fighter fighting against the solipsistic orthodoxy!

And he is a solipsistic person to begin with!

"Helmsman, we accept the punishment!"

Everyone was crestfallen.

They did something wrong this time, and they did such a huge and shocking thing. Even if the Starlight Helmsman killed themselves, they all felt that they should do it.

So special...I am speechless.

"What's the use of accepting punishment...?"

Starlight Helmsman said with vomiting blood on his face: "I am really afraid of you now. I can't afford to offend you, and I can't afford to serve you... But I can't let you go now..."

"Blame it on me! I am also confused and lost my mind. Why the hell am I just a sub-ruler of a sect below, and I want to get involved in the headquarters... That's why I recruited you guys, young masters and ladies. I'm thinking Take care of it for a long time in the future..."

"What the hell is there in the future? Even now, you have tricked me!"

The starlight helmsman broke down and said: "I was wrong! I was really wrong! I am such a fool!"

"It turns out that you spent so much money on me a few days ago to set up an escort bureau. It was just to trick me. You damn... stick to your standards!"

Everyone's face turned pale after being scolded.

But this time I was scolded, and I deserved it!

Really...I feel like I deserve to be scolded!

"Helmsman, helmsman... But, no matter what, things are already like this... Let's share the helm, we can't live without it."

Zhao Wushang crawled forward on his knees, with tears streaming down his face: "Captain, you are the backbone, you have to find a way."

The starlight helmsman kicked Zhao Wushang out with one kick: "I have a weak heart, and I can't think of a way... What the hell can I think of? In this situation, you can tell yourselves, a piece of shit is stuck in the I have a sore throat, what else can I do?"

There was collective silence.

There were also faint sounds of sobbing, and everyone was in despair.

There's really no way around it.

A dead end!

If there was a way, everyone wouldn't be kneeling here collectively now.

I'm extremely devastated now.

Since it was put on the shelves, it has been more than 10,000 a day. I want to get that badge with daily updates of 10,000 words. You can get it if you write 10,000 words in a row for thirty days.

But I haven’t updated it for forty-two days now.

Check it out. After the double ended, three chapters were updated on the 8th, totaling 9,300.


That's it...it's seven hundred words short, which completely wiped out my more than twenty days of hard work from 915 to 107...

I have to start counting from 109! This horse is simply confused!

The key is that there will be ten updates on the second day, and there will be six updates on the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh days. Even if they are evenly spaced out...

Dead, dead, dead...

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