Lord of the Night

Chapter 284 The wise star [Added 3 updates to the Silver Alliance Dragon Tooth Order]

"Now that you are doing this, I have already seen what will happen next."

Starlight Helmsman said with a sad face: "Next, Deacon Fang announced the affairs of the World Escort Bureau. And our World Escort Bureau suddenly became very famous. And it was so famous that it became purple! And our World Escort Bureau After the news came out, it basically became the target of public criticism. Even if you don't go out to report it, you won't take revenge, let alone go out to fight our Solipsism."

"But people from the head teacher and major branches will still come to our door in a steady stream."

Starlight Helmsman vomited blood on his face: "If you don't kill them, they will kill you. If you kill them, it is basically tantamount to apostasy."

"Tell yourselves, am I being forced to become a traitor by you? And a traitor... who didn't rebel at all! I didn't do anything. I rebelled while eating white rice at home... Who am I looking for? Are you going to reason with me?"

"Now you ask me to find a way, what do you think? Am I a god? The shit you pulled out has already turned into shit. Can I turn your shit into steamed buns for you?"

Starlight Helmsman walked around very quickly.

Like a trapped animal in a cage.

"It's fine if you go back to the family... No... You'll die if you go back. Why, so many people have been reported by you and they don't know you, and you've been exposed. If you don't die, who will?"

The star helmsman said this.

The faces of the young masters and young ladies could not be more miserable.

"But what does it have to do with me whether you die or not? Do you love me to death? Even if you die, it will be your own fault."

The starlight helmsman said angrily: "But what have I done? Why should I be unlucky with you? I have been a devil for so many years, and I have been yelled, beaten, killed and scolded like shit. I have never I don’t feel like I’m innocent!”

"But you guys actually made me experience this novel feeling today, innocent! I really feel like a mother."

"Following you, all kinds of weird things will happen."

"I've seen it, everyone. It's really awesome!"

Starlight Helmsman clasped his fists tragically: "Everyone, you are awesome!"

Everyone is ashamed and helpless.

I was so ashamed that I couldn't be more ashamed.

Zhao Wushang and Zheng Yunqi even had the urge to commit suicide to apologize.

This thing is really too fucked up!

What the Starlight Helmsman said makes sense: What does today's matter have to do with teaching Yixin, sharing the helm with others, or having the Starlight Helmsman?

Who did they provoke?

You came, you were reported, you took revenge, you also reported others, you vented your anger, and then you messed up the matter.

And then... I'm going to suffer the same fate as you!

"I just want to do a good job at steering..." Starlight Helmsman groaned.

Want to cry but no tears.

"How should I explain to the leader..."

The star helmsman is in mourning.

"How can I serve the grandparents of these aristocratic families?"

The Astral Helmsman is going crazy.

Everyone lowered their heads.

A look of shame.

Too embarrassed to speak.

I have an inexplicable feeling that Starlight Helmsman is a very pitiful person.

After several years of hard work, I saw that I and others were ruined all at once. I'm so sorry...

Zheng Yunqi coughed and said: "Captain, I thought about this matter for a long time on the way back. We made a mistake, and this matter is irreversible, but this matter must be resolved eventually."

"Even if we commit suicide to apologize, even if you chop off our heads now, it will be of no use when things have reached this point."

Zheng Yunqi mustered up her courage, even though her face was hot with shame.


He still said: "So, what exactly is going on, we really need to make an idea quickly, otherwise, once the matter expands and our reputation becomes public, we will be more passive and the situation will be more dangerous."

Starlight Helmsman looked at him with the look of a 'waning hungry wolf, a desperate devil' and said, "What can I do? My head is buzzing right now, and I can't think of any solution."

Everyone: "..."

I feel the same way.

Like you, we are all buzzing.

After a long time, the starlight helmsman stood up and said fiercely: "Wait!"

Then the starlight helmsman went out.

I could only hear the sound of water rushing outside, and the starlight helmsman was washing his hair.

Use cool water.

This kind of weather...

Everyone was not washed with cold water, but they were all excited.

Then I saw the starlight helmsman coming in with his head wet, and said: "You should go and wash up too, and try to be clear-headed. What Zheng Yunqi said makes sense. The thing has happened, and it is inevitable. Therefore, everyone is using their brains to discuss how to deal with it.”


Everyone is excited!

A swarm of bees ran out to wash their hair.

Finally some snacks were served.

What they feared most was that the Starlight Helmsman would get angry and kill people.

But now it seems that although the Starlight Helmsman is furious, he has obviously calmed down.

Now that I think of a way...

Then think about it.

After a while.

Men and women came in wet.

I have to say that washing my hair and face with cold water in the winter really stimulates my spirit. Everyone is now more energetic.

The Starlight Helmsman was sitting on the throne, and his face was as pleasant as ever before, so everyone sat down.

Everyone was trembling and sat down with their butts wet on the chairs.

I don’t know what the helmsman is going to do.

"Do not worry."

Starlight Helmsman said dejectedly: "Things are like this, what's the use of killing you? Maybe the person I killed in anger can come up with a good idea...right, everyone, sit down and think about it." Method."

Everyone felt relieved and sat down with their heads lowered in shame.

Starlight Helmsman said: "Let's deal with this matter and the possible consequences."

Everyone's spirits were lifted.

"To put it simply, don't worry about the reason. Anyway, it's that Deacon Fang who recognized our escort agency, and then wants to put our escort agency on the bright side, as a role model."

When Starlight Helmsman said the word 'model', his voice was very strange: "Tsk, tsk, model, I never dreamed that a demon could be a role model in guarding the main hall."

So everyone's expressions were very strange.


I want to laugh, but I really don’t dare.

"This is the antecedent. As for why... don't even mention it. What we need to consider is the consequences after this fact has been formed."

Starlight Helmsman reminded.

Zheng Yunqi said fluently: "The consequence is... once it is brought to light, the power of our sect in Baiyun Continent cannot be offended by others guarding the main hall. If we are forceful, we are now under their absolute control." The territory is just right."

"So...their targets will be directed at us. Wave by wave, they must first eliminate us, the 'foreign forces that help the defenders' in their eyes. This is inevitable."

"So we will face countless enemies."

"In this case, even if Master Liu and others from the Night Demon Sect testify for us, it will basically be of no use."

"And they also know that this is the branch of Yixin Cult. If they kill us, they will naturally come forward, so they won't even explain to us."

"The situation is very dangerous. This is one of them."

"The second is that our future darts will be hundreds of times more powerful than before. It is foreseeable that the darts will be lost and people will die. And it will all be done by our own people. This is conceivable. "

"The third thing is that you, Starlight Helmsman, will face the censure of the Yixin Sect. You still have to explain this matter to the sect, and after you kill someone, you may not be able to explain it clearly."

"The fourth consequence is that after our family knows these things, we will be unlucky, and our family will also be unlucky."

Zheng Yunqi has obviously thought about these things countless times.

The possibilities he has raised now are all definitely going to happen.

"Yes, the current fact is that this is the case. And our biggest weakness is that we have killed fifteen people through reports! Those fifteen people cannot be relied on."

"So, with the established facts in front, no matter what we say, we reported it because we were reported, people will not believe it; because although we were reported, no one died, but they all died after we reported... So this is also a huge flaw.”

Zheng Yunqi said while everyone nodded.

Zheng Yunqi listed a dozen possible consequences in succession.

Basically, everyone's heart can't help but sink, and they have almost reached the bottomless abyss.

Judging from what Zheng Yunqi said, everyone is basically in a certain death situation.

There is absolutely no chance of anything being left to chance.

"And the people who come are getting higher and higher. It's impossible for us to be able to resist them all the time."

Zheng Yunqi sighed: "Master, this is all the things I think of facing."

Starlight Helmsman smiled as if he were crying: "You only think about what might happen? How to solve each of these things that are about to happen, and you don't want to use your brain at all?"

Zheng Yunqi lowered his head in shame.

It's not that he didn't think about it, but that he really couldn't find any way to break the situation.

"I hope the helmsman can come up with a solution."

Everyone requested together.

I and others are all young people who are just starting out, and they are seriously inexperienced. Now they are counting on this resourceful old devil Starlight Helmsman.

The starlight helmsman stood up, his face was like sinking into the water, he put his hands behind his back and walked slowly.

Said: "First point, this matter is inevitable. In other words, whether we are active or passive, whether we are willing or unwilling, we will fight with our people. Fight, and it will be a life-and-death fight."

Everyone nodded heavily.


"So, there is a group of people who must die!" Starlight Helmsman made the final decision.


Everyone nodded again, and there was no objection to this point.

Since it is a life and death fight, how can there be no death?

"So, at this point, we have to look on the bright side."

Starlight Helm said.

"good aspect?"

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