Lord of the Night

Chapter 316 Starlight creates a god, and the night devil takes action [Please vote for the monthly t

Zhou Meier's words made everyone else fall silent.

For a long time, they all sighed deeply.

Infinitely lost.

Yes, Zhou Meier is right, but... it is impossible to achieve.

I and others will eventually have to go back, go back and swallow my anger, go back and nod and bow, go back and linger.

And the Starlight Helmsman is destined to stay here.

Thousands of miles away.

After the Starlight Helmsman received the news of the destruction of the Night Demon Cult, he was not as excited as everyone imagined.

There was no excitement at all.

"Oh, the Night Demon Cult is destroyed. Not bad."

Starlight Helmsman said calmly, "Your families finally did not disappoint me."

"It is only normal if it is destroyed. If it is not destroyed, everyone, your family will be so useless. They have already paved the road in front of them. It will be surprising if they will not go away again."

Starlight Helmsman faced everyone's shocked eyes and spread his hands indifferently: "Why are you looking at me like this? Are you all shocked? The result that you could have expected a long time ago has appeared. I won't let you be like this. Are you making a fuss?"

Zhao Wushang, Zheng Yunqi and others looked at the dull expression of the Starlight Helmsman, and they all felt that they had suffered internal injuries.

Is the gap between people really that big?

When we received the news, our eyes were so shocked that our eyes popped out several feet. As a result, Starlight Helmsman actually...

Don't you care at all?

"Captain, could it be that you...had anticipated this step?"

Zheng Yunqi said.


Starlight Helmsman rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not a god, how could I think of it in advance?"

Everyone: "...What about that?..."

"All the arrangements have been made, and they are aimed at people's hearts. The decline or decline of the Night Demon Sect is all within speculation. So it is not a big deal. But this helmsman did not expect it to be so fast."

Starlight Helmsman said calmly: "I originally estimated that it would take half a month or a month of brewing to fully push things to this point, but it turned out to be so much earlier. It is really surprising."

Very surprised!

Zheng Yunqi and others felt like they were vomiting blood. When you said you were surprised, could you show your emotions? Saying these three words so plainly makes it difficult for us to believe that you were really surprised.

Are you trying to comfort us?

"But I still want to congratulate you guys." A smile appeared on the ugly face of Starlight Helmsman.

"Congratulations to everyone, the scapegoat against you is completely gone. From now on, you are clean and can return to the headquarters without worrying about any enemies. This is the first congratulations."

Everyone stood up straight.

"Thank you so much, Captain, for the reinvention!!"

Everyone said this sentence extremely seriously. Extremely serious.

Completely from the heart, from the heart. Because they know. If it weren't for the starlight helmsman turning his hands into clouds and raining over and over again, planning again and again, and flipping over again and again.

It's impossible for them to cleanse themselves.

It is even possible that many people have died now!

This kind of kindness, it is not an exaggeration to say the kindness of rebuilding.

The starlight helmsman smiled and said: "The second congratulation is...congratulations on seeing your own energy, seeing each other's energy, and even seeing the combined energy. The road and direction for the future are now there. "

Everyone bowed at the same time.

He didn't say anything, just stood there with a bow.

I just feel the shock in my heart, which is indescribable.

At this moment, they had a clear feeling, or impulse.

We are willing to bow before this person forever!

The Starlight Helmsman laughed and said: "I know you are shocked by the Night Demon Sect. However, the past is the past after all. Even if all the sects disappear at the same time, the past is nothing to the living people. It’s just over. Don’t worry too much.”

"Seeing yourself clearly is the most important thing."

The starlight helmsman's voice suddenly became serious and said: "Your crises have all been resolved, and you have also obtained the benefits that belong to you. The future that belongs to you is also clear. So, now, I should get it for myself. That’s some benefit.”

"No matter what the helmsman orders, as long as the helmsman gives the order, we will go through fire and water, even if we die!"

Everyone said with gratitude from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hey... it's so serious. My advantage is my branch, my world escort agency!"

The starlight helmsman smiled and said: "I hope you will use your heart to develop the helm and recruit more people. The helm will truly grow."

"Laying a foundation for the possibility of becoming a church in the future."

The star helmsman said: "This is my benefit. I hope you all can fulfill it!"

"I am willing to die for the helmsman!"

Zheng Yunqi put her left hand on her chest and said solemnly and piously.

Immediately, everyone also acted in the same way, and said at the same time solemnly and piously: "I am willing to die for the helmsman!"

Next, the work enthusiasm of the little devils simply rose to the sky!

To give the most trivial example, you have to trot even for a distance of several feet.

Regarding the work of the escort agency, the proactiveness is even more staggering.

Countless people who have gone out to escort escorts have been brainwashed and educated by the people who stayed in the escort agencies for the first time. And in the process, I couldn't help but add some of my own understanding and bragging...

The image of the starlight helmsman became more and more radiant.

Everyone in the entire World Bodyguard Bureau seemed to be secretly launching a god-making movement.

The starlight helmsman comes every day to beat and curse people, using rude words and rough actions, but the little devils are becoming more and more submissive and respected and loved more and more.

Starlight Helmsman himself was almost praised on the altar by everyone without saying a word.

Even the starlight helmsman's ugly face, which hates people, hates dogs, hates ghosts, cries and howls, seems to have become unnoticed.

Several girls chatted privately and said that the helmsman is so manly...

He even blushes when he mentions the Starlight Helmsman...

Then there were a few brave ones who started to move closer to him, regardless of how cruel and brutal the Starlight Helmsman was.

He couldn't be beaten or scolded, but he even started acting like a baby.

Starlight Helmsman suddenly felt dizzy and became embarrassed.

And after the girls discovered the embarrassment of the Starlight Helmsman, they actually started to get worse.

Slowly, a feeling of 'teasing the helmsman' arose.

Every girl feels: Oh, it’s so strange. The helmsman is actually shy... The helmsman's face looks really good when he's embarrassed...

Starlight Helmsman is numb.

Some even dare not come.

Oh my god... I'm really afraid of being eaten by these female goblins...

The days passed.

The World Escort Bureau has developed rapidly, like a dry sponge, constantly absorbing water, swelling visibly to the naked eye, and has grown to a size of 500 people.

The little devils who went out to do business were all running like crazy as if they were beaten to death.

As a result, the business volume is growing day by day.

Every day, escort cars come in and out in a constant flow.

And it has already expanded.

The seven or eight large courtyards and thirty or forty residential houses in the surrounding area were all bought, bulldozed and rebuilt. Until it was fully formed, Starlight Helmsman didn’t pay a penny.

That’s it!

A prosperous scene.

Other escort agencies were dissatisfied and protested, and there were signs and actions of joining forces to stop it.

Zheng Yunqi sent people to visit these escort bureaus: they were here to discuss and learn martial arts.

In one day, all the other escort agencies in Baiyunzhou were beaten up by the little devils, including the head escort and the chief escort.

Instantly honest.

It doesn't matter if there are malicious slanderers or traps. I'll compensate you for the goods and then give you three times the price of the goods. You tell me who instigated you.

If three times is not enough, then ten times!

Under this powerful money offensive, no one can resist giving in, especially businessmen.

But after they said it, they would immediately be suppressed by the World Bodyguard Bureau.

Then they will also find that... the money they just received has disappeared inexplicably, and they don't know why.

And when I wanted to ask the World Escort Bureau to escort me, the charges of the Tianxia Escort Bureau changed: "Now the fee is 70% of the goods."

"It's okay if you don't accept it. Please find another one."

"How can it be possible to treat everyone equally? Others still have the original price."

"Sue us? Go ahead!"

"Sue us for theft? Go ahead and sue us casually! As long as you show us the evidence, we will go directly to the guard hall and surrender."

"Let's go? Okay, let's go slowly without seeing you off."

The demons are unscrupulous.

We dare not act recklessly, dare not commit crimes, dare not oppress good people, dare not...

There are many things we dare not do, but we will never tolerate others framing us.

We just want to clear all obstacles for the helmsman! Solve all problems! All those who are against the World Escort Bureau are against the Starlight Helmsman.

We can't stand going against the Astral Helm! Eight generations of our ancestors cannot bear it!

As for these little devils, they can use basically any means to do so.

To deal with evildoers, they are simply... like natural enemies!

A big businessman who was against the World Escort Bureau had his son get married. When he went up to give a speech as a happy father-in-law, he was standing on a high platform. Suddenly his pants fell off and his clothes turned into butterflies and flew away. He stood naked on the high platform!

Suddenly the whole city was in an uproar.

Everyone knows that this is being framed and plotted; but the problem is...that kind of social death is really not something ordinary people can bear!

At my son’s wedding!

This kind of narrow-mindedness to the extreme, and can even be called evil means, makes all businessmen obey and dare not have any other thoughts.

The world's escort agencies are becoming more and more prosperous.

The chief escort basically didn't need to show up, and the two deputy chief escorts basically did everything properly.

Even the codex exams are organized voluntarily, and the punishment is even more severe than when the Starlight Helmsman organized it!

The reason is: Not only did you fail to complete the task and memorize the code, you also failed the Starlight Helmsman.

So, teach him a lesson!

Not to mention anything else, at least every one of the bodyguards in the World Bodyguard Bureau can now memorize the entire code of law!

No matter how you ask questions or take exams, everyone gets an absolute perfect score.

It seems that the codex exam is useless.

The star helmsman thought of a way and started another exam: the professional exam.

And the martial arts cultivation test.

For a period of half a month, those who ranked last and made the least progress were stripped naked, hung up, and whipped.

Everyone watched as a humiliating punishment.

In the southernmost part of the yard, there are eighteen large willow trees with the required shape.

Every tree has a huge branch extending this way.

It's just right for people to be hoisted up, and the view is wide.

Therefore, Starlight Helmsman stipulates that only the last eighteen players will be played each time.

But what Starlight Helmsman never expected was that... in his opinion, this inhumane day would actually become the most anticipated day for a group of little devils.

Because...it's so cool that I'm not being whipped!

Even these eighteen willow trees were euphemistically called by the little devils: Eighteen levels of hell!

Every day on this day, the small benches are not collected after the exam.

They lined up neatly in a square formation, waiting expectantly to see others being whipped.

When the person was hoisted up, everyone cheered together.

It's like watching a play.

Then everyone strongly demanded that the executions should not be carried out together, but one by one - this way everyone can enjoy themselves for a longer time.

Every day on this day, the little devils are extremely diligent, first wiping the eighteen levels of hell clean, and then waiting for the exam...

Even every willow leaf is polished and shiny.

Of course, everyone wants to see the show, but everyone doesn't want to be hung up.

Under this kind of pressure, everyone is practicing hard and even taking medicine to help. No one wants to be among the eighteen places; but they are looking forward to others quickly entering the eighteen-person list!

And...hehehehe...it's best if a woman enters this list, sucks...takes off her clothes and whips her...

Oops, I feel like I want to fly just thinking about it.

All the male escorts are looking forward to this day.

Even one is fine.

As for this situation, a total of seventy-two female escorts known as Disha Jinhua are all well aware of this situation, so they grit their teeth even more and practice.

No matter what, you can't be hung up!

Being beaten is second, the key is the shame. That was so embarrassing that I had no shame in living.

Especially being embarrassed in front of the Starlight Helmsman is something that girls cannot bear!

So all the girls just put their lives on the line!

I have to say that this measure is really effective!

Everyone's cultivation level is like bamboo shoots after the rain, rising rapidly.

Naturally, the one who grows the fastest is the Starlight Helmsman, um, the head escort Yin Xiu.

"Master, I have broken through to the ninth level of handsome level."

Fang Che sent a message to Yinshen Palace to announce the good news: "And now, the sub-rudder has been fully formed. Even if I don't care, it can operate independently. It's just that there are a lot of darts... there are more than 500 people. This is too big to lose. Ah Master."

Yin Shen Palace said: "You continue to work hard, the inspection from the headquarters will be here soon."

"I understand, Master. I will definitely earn face for Master."

Fang Che hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

During this period of time, Fang Che had a vague feeling that the attitude of Yin Shen Palace was slowly becoming a little cold.

Fang Che didn't understand the reason at all.

What did I do wrong that caused the old devil's indifference?

He reviewed everything about himself many times, but he still couldn't find the reason.

But this feeling is always there.

Therefore, Fang Che has become much more honest during this period of time.

Over there, the Yinshen Palace sent a message: "What are your plans after the rudder is formed?"

"I listen to Master."

"Would you be willing to change the head escort?"

Fang Che was stunned.

The words "Yin Shen Palace" are unusual!

This is testing.

Why test? Does he want me to say I'm happy? Or do you want me to say I'm not happy?

Fang Che thought nervously.

The old devil probably doesn't know what's going on and is suspicious of me. That's for sure. If I follow what he says, I'm afraid my suspicions will only become more intense!

You obey me in everything, what are your intentions?

Fang Che thought about it a few times and finally decided to take a risk.

"Master, why?"

"There is no reason, I just ask if you are willing and which branch do you want to go to?"

"Master, I'm not happy!"

Fang Che quickly replied: "Master, I have spent almost all my efforts to build this branch from scratch, bit by bit. Now that it has grown in scale, I am asked to quit. I can't figure it out!"

"Why should I quit? I have given my hard work to others to manage. I have worked hard for so long, only to be picked off by others. My disciples can't figure it out and feel uncomfortable!"

Night Demon's reply was quite harsh.

And with a lot of emotion.

But a smile appeared on the face of Yin Shen Palace, so he continued to say sternly: "Presumptuous! What kind of attitude do you have! What do you mean by picking your peaches? What peaches do you have? This is what we all taught! No matter whose hands it is It’s all taught by us! You can’t even figure this out?”

Fang Che immediately replied: "Disciple Dao can figure it out, but I just can't figure it out to remove me!"

Yin Shen Palace even laughed with his eyes: "You really want to be the helmsman? You are so arrogant, disobeying your boss, Night Demon, you are even willing to do such a treasonous thing?! Do you still have it in your eyes? As my master, am I still the leader?!"

Fang Che bit the bullet and replied: "If the master asks me to hand it over, I won't hand it over even if you kill me! If the leader orders me to hand it over, then I will hand it over!"

This sentence seems to be a contradiction, but it is very clear.

Yin Shen Palace sighed contentedly, his eyes flashing with relief.

The Night Devil is still a Night Devil after all.

The little temper is really big!

Humph, you are worthy of being my apprentice!

"What the hell! I'm giving you a hall master, but you won't turn it in? Do you still want to continue to be the helmsman?! Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Yinshen Palace cursed.

Fang Che felt relieved.

My bet was right!

So he immediately replied in surprise: "Master, when? I will hand it over, I will hand it over right away! I will hand it over now!"

"What a wonderful idea you have! The helmsman has not yet been accepted, but he is actually going to be the hall master! Just wait, it seems that I care about you as the helmsman. You are so miserly that I feel disgusted."

"Master, I don't have a miser. I can pay it now. I wonder what hall Master wants me to be the master of?"

"Get lost! With your current level of cultivation, can you be the leader of the hall? What do you mean by being the leader of the hall? Practice well!"

"Then master...when will the acceptance come?"

"I don't know, get out!"

"Master, my disciple has reached the ninth level of handsomeness! Please give me a reward!"

"Go away! No!"

"Master, I miss you..."


Yin Shen Palace put down the communication jade, and couldn't help but feel a little sad. He sighed softly, I also missed this little monkey...

Even though we have met, we still need to test it.

Yinshen Palace sighed in his heart, but his decision did not change.

As a member of the Demon Cult, it is really not possible to never kill the defenders.

Because if things go on like this, they will be seriously assimilated, and after they become emotionally invested, they will not be able to bear to kill.

That's the Achilles' heel.

"It's not that Master is cruel...but as an undercover agent, you can't have feelings!"

Yinshen Palace sighed softly: "Only if you have killed their people, can you truly realize clearly in your heart that you and them are not the same kind of people! You and them are enemies!"

"It's a dividing line."

"If you stay with the Righteous Path for a long time, you will feel that the people of the Demon Killing Sect are just and right. This is even worse!"

"The Night Demon values ​​love and justice, and is the easiest to be assimilated. Therefore, this level must be handled well!"

The old devil was in a good mood, so he summoned Mu Linyuan: "Old Mu, come and drink with me."

Mulinyuan arrived soon, along with Qian Sanjiang and Hou Fang.

The three of them were a little surprised.

Since the last quarrel, we haven't had a drink together for more than 20 days. What's wrong today?

Yinshen Palace said: "I'll make a few side dishes and have some drinks later. The ban should be lifted soon. I sent a report. Master Mei also said a few days ago that it's almost done. I'm just waiting for the order to come down."

"This is a good thing and should be celebrated."

Yinshen Palace was all smiles.

Mulinyuan and the other three were a little suspicious.

How is this going?

I told you a few days ago that it's almost done, why don't you come to celebrate with us today? Don't you think it's a little late to celebrate?

Seeing the red face of Yin Shen Palace again, Mu Linyuan suddenly realized something.

He couldn't help teasing him: "Leader, was it your disciple who coaxed you into being good?"


Yinshen Palace's face turned red and he became angry with embarrassment. He slapped the table and said angrily: "Nonsense! Mu Linyuan, what do you mean? Look down on this leader? If you want to coax, it's me who coaxes him!"

Mulinyuan repeatedly admitted his mistakes: "Master, I was wrong...I am fined with alcohol, I am fined with alcohol, I voluntarily drink as a fine."

Qian Sanjiang and Hou Fang also felt a big stone fall in their hearts, and said with a smile: "We will also drink as a fine, and we are willing to drink as a fine."

Yin Shen Palace squinted and said, "What the hell, are you celebrating without me? Are you even punished with a drink?! To save face!"

The four of them laughed together.

The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Here, Fang Che just continued to patrol the streets.

But suddenly I received a piece of news.

"Brother Night Demon, the person who sent you something has arrived in Baiyun Continent. He is currently in the south of Baiyun Continent... The specific location is..."

Fang Che was startled.

This is Obsidian!

Fang Che was confused.

It's been a month since you last said you would give me something, right?

Only now?

Did the people you sent come crawling?

So he replied: "I won't be able to return to Baiyun Continent until tomorrow. Can your people wait?"

Obsidian immediately replied: "No problem. Where do you think I can give it to you, where you feel more at ease?"

Fang Che was a little shocked.

There is something about this Obsidian. You can actually figure out my psychology.

So he immediately replied: "In Baiyunzhou City, not far from the guard hall, I can betray him at any time and he can't escape."


Chen Yin's face suddenly turned dark.

Damn... do you want to be so real! ?

Chen Yin said with a dark face, "Then tomorrow, I will wait for your news?"


Putting down the communication jade, Fang Che began to think about it.

Are you really giving something away?

Or are you testing yourself?

Where is the safer place to pick up?

Fang Che patrolled the streets with questions and thought in his mind.

The Night Demon has disappeared again for a long time, should he appear again? Recently, among the new arrivals in the World Escort Agency, there have been about ten or so, which makes me very bored.

He obviously practiced evil arts.

But there is no reason to clear it out yet. Do you want to do it?


After Zhao Wushang, Zheng Yunqi and others were assigned to watch the night, they all felt a little relaxed after seeing that it was almost past the point where the helmsman came.

"It seems that the chief escort is not coming tonight."

Nowadays, under the subtle influence, almost no one mentions the word ‘rudder’.

Even at night, when the Starlight Helmsman comes, everyone still calls him: Chief Escort Chief.

Gradually it has become a habit.

"Actually, you are just too nervous."

The speaker was a yellow-haired guy who walked into the hall with eight or nine people and said with a smile: "Although Starlight Helmsman is fierce, he still has some scruples about the people in our headquarters; although the rules are a bit strict, they are still I’ve never seen him kill anyone.”

These guys were the last to arrive. On the surface, they were submissive to the escort agency's brainwashing, but in their hearts, they were a little scornful.

They have no idea how powerful the Starlight Helmsman is. I always feel that Zheng Yunqi and the others are making a fuss out of a molehill and boasting that the Starlight Helmsman is too awesome.

Zheng Yunqi's expression changed and she said angrily: "Cheng Yunfeng, if you want to die, don't hold us back!"


Cheng Yunfeng sneered and was about to walk out: "Find a place to have a drink."

Zheng Yunqi warned: "Cheng Yunfeng, I'm warning you, don't mess around. Once you mess up, no one can protect you. Once the helmsman gets angry, you can't afford the consequences!"

Cheng Yunfeng said calmly: "I have already told my family that if I die, it will be at the hands of the Starlight Helmsman."

He turned back and smiled: "Do you think the Starlight Helmsman is a night demon?"

At this moment, a voice said coldly: "What a star, what a night devil, why can't I understand?"

Zheng Yunqi and others were shocked and looked up.

I saw a man with a beard on his face, holding a sword, appearing silently in front of the hall door.

The moment this figure appeared, I felt the murderous aura swaying in all directions, the evil aura stirring up and evacuating, and the entire escort agency suddenly seemed to be frozen!

Zhao Wushang and Zheng Yunqi felt that their hearts were frozen.

Can't even speak.

That evil spirit will suffocate those who hit it!

I couldn't help but tremble all over.

Everyone was trembling.

Look at the person in front of you.

Not tall, very strong, with a curly beard and a long sword, full of evil aura and murderous intent!

There is only one such person in legend!

Everyone knew who this person was.

The world-famous God of Killing, the one who single-handedly killed more than 30,000 people in the plan to raise Gu to become a god, the one who came out on top!

Night Stalker!

The most vicious person among the younger generation!

Lord Night Demon glanced at Huang Mao and others with some boredom, and asked directly: "Where's Xingguang!?"

There was a chill in the voice.

He opened his mouth and said the name of Starlight Helmsman, confirming his identity even more.

Zheng Yunqi regained her courage and said tremblingly: "The helmsman is not here, are you the Night Demon?"

In front of him, Lord Night Demon snorted coldly, his voice giving off a light and airy feeling, and said: "Is this what Xingguang has done with the helm? So unruly!"

Immediately, everyone in the hall and outside the hall knelt on the ground in order: "Subordinates, please see Lord Night Demon!"

Everyone has the same feeling: Lord Night Demon feels completely different from Lord Xingmang. Lord Xingmang has a bad temper and is moody. He yells and curses like a psycho.

But the impression given by this Lord Night Demon is that he is very quiet, a bit calm and carefree.

However, the pressure brought by this kind of light and calm atmosphere is several times that of Master Xingmang.

Because although the Starlight Helmsman likes to curse people, he doesn't seem to have killed many people. But this Lord Night Demon gives people the impression that... everyone's lives are nothing in his eyes!

Not worth mentioning at all.

Lord Night Demon said coldly: "I have nothing to do with you. There is no need to kneel down. I just want to ask Xingmang what his purpose is in asking about my whereabouts? Is he seeking death?!"

The last five words were sprayed out with surging murderous aura.

Suddenly it was freezing cold.

Zhou Meier and others, who were separated by dozens of feet, had lumps all over their bodies, and they didn't dare to breathe.

What did the helmsman do to offend the Night Demon?

And those people whose families had someone who died at the hands of the Night Demon during the plan to raise Gu to become a god were even more trembling.

What the hell...it's a shame that I wanted to kill the Night Demon when I came here.

What the hell...

He just showed his face and I knelt down, so why talk about killing him?

Fortunately, we didn't really find it. If it were... I'm afraid the grave would be covered with grass by now.

"The helmsman rarely comes here, and we don't know what he is doing... Lord Night Demon, you..." Zheng Yunqi took courage.

Night Demon glanced at him indifferently, and said calmly: "Tell Xingmang that if he dares to act recklessly again, this will be his fate."

The sword light suddenly flashed.

Among the people kneeling in front of them, ten people suddenly fell down silently.

It was Cheng Yunfeng and ten others who were still arrogant just now.

Everyone was covering their throats with both hands, their throats were rattling, and the light in their eyes gradually dimmed. Then there was no sound.


Let go.

Revealing her fair neck.

Just a tiny red dot.

Killing without blood, just a little red under the sword!

Zheng Yunqi and Zhao Wushang were kneeling with their heads lowered, feeling cold sweat breaking out all over their bodies.

Just kill someone?

Just kill someone so lightly?

From his tone, I thought we were chatting with friends... but ended up killing ten of them with one sword?

"Tell Xingmang to stop checking me."

Lord Night Demon said very kindly.

"Yes. Respect your order!" No one even dared to raise their heads.

Everyone's heart is cold.

What if I look up and Lord Night Demon doesn't like me?

A brush sound.

Zheng Yunqi, who was kneeling, looked sideways and saw that Night Demon cut Cheng Yunfeng's body in the middle with a sword, and his internal organs immediately flowed to the floor.

The tip of the sword scratched the corpse, as if to check the degree of damage to the Dantian and brain caused by the sword energy.

After a while, Lord Night Demon said gently: "Sorry for disturbing you today. Help Xingmang clean up the door and tell Xingmang, no need to thank you too much."

A hissing sound.

Lord Night Demon was nowhere to be seen.

It wasn't until a few breaths later that anyone looked up.

"Lord Night Demon is gone...?"

Then everyone stood up tremblingly, and everyone felt that they had truly escaped death.

This feeling is even more obvious than when he was reported.

"Oh my god...is this the Night Stalker?"

Zhou Meier's voice was still trembling.


Others don't want to talk.

In fact, now my upper and lower teeth start to chatter whenever I open my mouth, making it difficult to speak.

It took half an hour before he finally recovered a little and then had the courage to check on the body.

"A little red...it's really Lord Night Demon's signature."

"This Cheng Yunfeng... was talking nonsense just now... and now he is like this."

"Lord Night Demon also cut his head open and looked through it. What are you looking at?"

"I do know this. Lord Night Demon's seven swords of blood and spirit hit the throat with one sword. The sword energy is divided up and down. One sword destroys the Dantian and the other reaches the sky."

"Yes, Lord Night Demon is checking to see if he has mastered his sword energy."

"Ugh...this is too cruel...using living people for experiments..."

"Haha... This is called cruelty? Lord Night Demon slaughtered more than 30,000 people of his level in one battle! Isn't it more cruel than this?"

"Come and take a look, why don't I see anything different in my brain? It's not all red and white...but I can tell if the dantian is scummy..."

"You'll know if you cut your brain open Bibi..."

"Go away! Why don't you cut Bibi open?"

"I didn't say that!"

During the discussion, everyone became relaxed. Lord Night Demon is gone and the crisis is over.

Quickly collect the body.

"Ten more people have died now, and everyone has to continue writing letters." Zheng Yunqi sighed.

"This letter is easy to write. They were killed by Lord Night Demon. Is there any reason for this? When has Lord Night Demon ever needed a reason for killing someone?"

"That makes sense."

Many people still have lingering fears: "I have to say that Lord Night Demon is really... so terrifying. He could kill ten people just by talking to Feng Xiaoyu."

"The voice even sounds a little gentle."

"It is said that Lord Night Demon had a bad temper when he went to raise Gu to become a god. He started killing people before he even entered."

Someone raised an objection.

"Tch, you know what the heck, that guy was provoking Lord Night Demon, and Lord Night Demon killed him with one strike; and then he directly challenged the 160,000-level general with one strike, shouting: Who can kill me!"

When Wu Lianlian talked about this incident, she was very happy: "Until now, many sisters in the family are discussing it. I wish I could be there to see the majesty of Lord Night Demon!"

"Hey, and you guys...haven't your family been killed by Lord Night Demon? Why didn't you stand up and take revenge just now?"

Zhao Wushang looked at several people with a smirk.

"Oh shit..."

This sentence made a guy sit down on the ground with his legs weak, and said with a grimace: "Brother, please don't mention this... I just thought of this and almost scared myself to the point of peeing... Now This sentence cannot be heard. When I hear it, my legs cannot use any strength."

The others also turned pale: "Don't ever mention it... In the future, whoever wants to take revenge will come. Anyway, I don't dare. I just felt the impact from the front and back of my lower body... Really, just Almost a little bit, both the front and the back came out..."

"Looking at Lord Night Demon's cultivation, he should be at the level of Lord Wu, and the level is not low. He is much higher than our helmsman."

"...Tsk, this is Lord Night Demon! What do you think?"

"That momentum...oh my god..."

While everyone was talking about it, the Starlight Helmsman finally descended from the sky.

"What are you all doing here? I... this is... what's going on?"

When he stepped forward to look at the body, he couldn't help but take a breath and took three steps back: "Night Demon? The Night Demon is here?"


Zhao Wushang said: "Master Night Demon came here just now."

Suddenly, the starlight helmsman's eyes were a little panicked, and he quickly looked around and said: "What is this killer... doing? I didn't offend him!"

Starlight Helmsman's words refer to his fierce appearance and inner lust.

Everyone can see this clearly.

But it does not affect his image at all, because no matter who he is, he will be afraid of a murderer like Night Demon.

"Lord Night Demon came just now..."

Zheng Yunqi explained the whole process in detail and said, "That's all...then I killed ten people to see how to use the sword."

The starlight helmsman was furious: "When did I investigate him? I just asked if Night Demon is still in Baiyun Continent, why did he become an investigation? Is Night Demon crazy? Come to my point The helm kills people based on their swordsmanship? Why doesn't he kill the guardian? This killer!"

Everyone also completely understood.

It seems that our Starlight Helmsman and Lord Night Demon are two completely unrelated lines.

Although they both belong to the Yixin Cult, Lord Night Demon seems to have a much higher status than Lord Starlight.

And the force is much higher.

Hey, the helmsman is so pitiful... The girls suddenly felt a little distressed.

"Ten people died at once. How can I explain this to their family?"

Starlight Helmsman frowned and said in distress.

"Don't worry, helmsman, this matter has nothing to do with you. The people Lord Night Demon killed... Even the headquarters thinks that Night Demon kills people as he pleases, and he should kill everyone."

Wu Lianlian said with relief.

The starlight helmsman's eyes lit up: "The Night Demon actually has such a reputation in the headquarters?"

"Of course. He even dares to kill people in the headquarters hall. What else can he not dare to kill?"

Starlight Helmsman snorted and said: "You should report this matter to your respective families. If a person dies, you must let them know no matter what."

"Okay, helmsman, we can handle this matter."

"The matter of escorts must be strictly investigated in the past few days. See if there is anyone who is not obeying the law outside."


As it was cleaned up, the bad smell disappeared.

Starlight Helmsman led everyone into the hall and sat on the throne, deep in thought.

Zheng Yunqi and others were below, while Wu Lianlian, Zhou Meier and others felt extremely energetic after what happened. They couldn't sleep when they went back anyway, so they just stayed here to chat.

Since he went to the guard hall to complete the formalities that day, Zhao Wushang came back and talked about how the Starlight Helmsman's legs were weak, and everyone laughed...

Inexplicably, I felt a lot closer to the Starlight Helmsman.

Will be afraid too.

Will also be arrogant.

Also timid.

This is very real.

Coupled with the overwhelming efforts to solve the crisis, the understatement of the Night Demon Cult... and the brainwashing during this period, everyone is no longer afraid of the Starlight Helmsman.

There is even a strange sense of intimacy about "facing a stern father".

Although this person is strict, fierce, and sometimes unreasonable, I am very scared, but I can die for him!


[Please give me a name. What would be a good name for Fang Che’s gun? Adopters will be rewarded with a jade birthday peach pendant. 】

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