Lord of the Night

Chapter 317 Xingguang takes back his heart, asks Ji Beihan, and murders in the dark [10,000 words]

But the Starlight Helmsman was sitting on the throne, thinking in his heart, how long can the emotional respect and admiration they have for me last?

Human beings cannot remain on the throne of God for long.

Because if one day they are knocked down, then the illusion they have woven will be shattered.

Instead, it is a kind of turmoil.

Therefore, the Starlight Helmsman is thinking that the third part of the Concentration Plan should be ready to start. The Night Demon came to kill people, firstly to get rid of those annoying guys, and secondly to pave the way for the third part of the plan.

"The Night Demon has been here, what do you think of him?"

Starlight Helmsman asked.

"I'm very scared, I don't dare to get close, I don't even dare to speak."

Zheng Yunqi expressed the truest feelings on behalf of everyone.

The Starlight Helmsman gave a bitter smile and said with some disappointment: "Before, when you saw me, you might have thought that I was quite majestic, and my cultivation was not bad...right. But today I saw the Night Demon, so I'm here Let me tell you, in this world, there is a kind of person called the proud man of heaven."

"And today, you guys have seen the proud man of heaven."

With infinite complex emotions, the Starlight Helmsman sighed sadly: "The Night Demon is the proud son of heaven!"

This sentence is really not denied by anyone.

Night Demon is indeed the proud son of heaven!

Compared with the Starlight Helm, one is the bright moon in the sky, unattainable, while the other is right in front of you, a very real person.

"We accept what the helmsman said."

Zhao Wushang said: "Lord Night Demon is indeed a proud man of heaven. Whether it is in terms of opportunities, fate, qualifications, or speed of cultivation... he is a proud man of heaven. This is really incomparable."

"But you, the helmsman, are also a genius. We can't reach people like Lord Night Demon, but we can finally reach the helmsman."

What Zhao Wushang said was very simple, and you could tell that he said it from the bottom of his heart.

Starlight Helmsman squinted his eyes and said with a strange smile: "Why, after seeing Lord Night Demon, you have no idea? Following him is much better than following me."

"That's different! We can't keep up with people like Lord Night Demon, and we don't dare to follow him."

Zheng Yunqi smiled bitterly: "How dangerous is Lord Night Demon? Moreover, Lord Night Devil doesn't take human lives seriously at all, and he won't think anything about us. In the eyes of people like Lord Night Devil, perhaps only Lord Yan Beihan, There are only a few people like Master Chen Yin who can compare with us, so who are we? To put it bluntly, if we want to compete with Master Night Demon, I am afraid we will be directly rejected or killed directly."

"But you are different, Mr. Helmsman. Although you also have a bad temper, we can feel that you are really good to us. And you are still paving the way for our future. Maybe you also have selfish motives, but just because you have selfish motives, We just feel at ease.”

"So, if we were left to choose, we would not choose to follow Lord Night Demon. Instead, we would only choose to follow you and be a little escort leader."

Zheng Yunqi's words expressed everyone's feelings.

Every one of them felt like they spoke to my heart.

Yes, that’s what I thought!

Everyone nodded wildly.

Including the girls who regard Night Demon as their idol, they all nodded wildly.

Yes, Night Stalker is an icon.

After seeing her tonight, this sense of idol becomes clearer and more solid!

When you meet anyone, you can say: Night Devil is my idol!

There is no doubt about this!

But... if you want to follow your idol... haha, forget it.

I want to live a few more days.

This is the truest psychology of this group of people!

Starlight Helmsman smiled faintly, with a hint of bitterness in his smile.

Looking at everyone, he smiled and said: "Today, Lord Night Demon came, but he also completely destroyed the majesty I had maintained for so long. Today, let's just treat each other as friends and have a good talk."

He stood up and walked around with his hands behind his hands, his voice full of vicissitudes of life: "You must not understand why I am so good to you."

Sure enough, Zhao Wushang and others became interested in these words.

Isn't it because you have selfish motives?

Didn't you say this before?

"Speaking of selfishness, that will happen for a long time. Whether I will survive until then is still undecided. Even I have no confidence that I will live long enough to talk to you about selfishness..."

Starlight Helmsman smiled faintly: "Thousands of rivers and mountains, endless years, countless fights, life and death at every step. Everyone, please don't mention selfishness for now. It's just a reason."

When everyone thought about it, this was indeed the truth.

If it goes on like this, when it comes to the selfishness described before for decades or even hundreds of years later...it's really slim.

The Starlight Helmsman smiled lightly and said: "Because, in my opinion, we are all concubines and collateral descendants."

One word is like thunder.

Hit everyone on the head.



This is everyone's pain. No matter how talented he is, he is blocked from the family's inner circle by these four words.

Moreover, the more genius you are, the more you will be controlled and suppressed - because when you grow up, the main line of the family will inevitably be changed.

Once a concubine from the sidelines is astonishingly talented and soaring into the sky, the entire family will suffer a bloodbath.

Because...blood repulses!

And this kind of thing is more common among families within the Solipsistic Orthodox Church.

Therefore, there is a saying: "Collateral geniuses are easy to perish."

But because of this, when the collateral geniuses grow up, they will become even more ruthless! Because if he wants to take power, he must remove the obstacles from his direct lineage!

"I teach in one heart, just like you in your family. We don't have orthodox channels. Your thoughts and feelings when you look at the direct geniuses in your family are just like how I feel when I look at Night Demon."

"Strong and majestic, I don't dare to provoke him, but I am jealous and want to get close to him, but I am not willing to be humble."

"The Night Devil is high above me, but I can only bow my head and obey orders. He won't take me seriously at all, but I must take him into my heart."

"I have a high self-esteem and feel that I can do everything very well, no worse than him. Even if he does the same thing, he may not be as good as me. But...when I see it, I instinctively feel that I One head lowered.”

"Wherever he goes, he is always the center of attention, with all the stars applauding him. Hundreds and thousands of people gather together. He must be the one at the center, while I can only watch from the side, one of the group applauding or flattering. Or you can’t get close, you can only watch from a distance.”

"The eyes of the senior management are always on him. He will receive praise and awards for whatever he does. And I have worked a hundred times a thousand times to do things perfectly, and in exchange I only get a faint reply. Okay, even... you can’t even exchange for these two words, you can only be ignored.”

"When something happens, when there is danger, the person who is pushed to block the knife, who is pushed to take the blame, who is pushed to sacrifice, will never be him, it will always be us. Push it out.”

Starlight Helmsman sighed softly: "You know, we are just such a group of people. We will never be valued, never be reused, and will never... reach a truly high position! But we have to pay dozens of times more than others. Live hard!"

Immediately, everyone in the hall lowered their heads, and there was a sense of deep pain on everyone's face.

Many people even had tears in their eyes.

Especially the girls, some had tears streaming down their faces.

As a woman with a delicate mind, this feeling is even more profound.

The direct sisters of the main line are the princesses of the family, and they have been the apple of their eyes since childhood.

And the one she waited for was... not even as good as a maid.

The Starlight Helmsman’s words simply spoke to everyone’s hearts.

Even...this is my own voice. Many people almost think that these words are what they said.

These words have been hidden in everyone's hearts for who knows how long.

Now, the Starlight Helmsman has spoken out!

Even though he was a cold person, his heart was a little touched.

Starlight Helmsman said calmly: "Perhaps some people will say that you were born in a big family. You will be well-dressed and well-fed from the moment you are born. You will not have to worry about food and drink. You don't even have to do anything. You can lie in peace until you grow old and die. What else do you have? Something to complain about?”

Everyone smiled bitterly.

Yes, people who say these words will never know what people think in their hearts under different circumstances.

My present is the life that countless people dream of; but...

"So I always ask, why? Why?"

The Starlight Helmsman's voice was very soft, but it struck everyone's hearts like a muffled thunder.

echoed loudly.

"Why should I be inferior to others? Why should I be servile? Why should I always be dependent on others? Why can't I have formal promotion channels!?"

"Why do I have to be sacrificed? Why do I have to be married? Why do I have to go out to block the knife? Why do I work hard for so long and no one takes a look?"

The Starlight Helmsman walked by with his hands behind his back, looking at everyone's faces, but didn't seem to notice them.

But he clearly felt that there was a flame beating vigorously.

"On that day, I saw you."

The starlight helmsman said softly: "Then I want to see if these people who are not valued in their respective families and sects are gathered together. I wonder... can they change the world? Can they change their destiny? Can you... change the situation?"

“So, we made it all the way to where we are today.”

"What the future holds, I don't know."

"But I, including you, are different from before."

The Starlight Helmsman's words were not very loud, but everyone present felt a bit deafening.

I just felt a rumbling sound in my head.

Something I have never seen before, something I have never imagined before, is sprouting in my mind.

"So I stimulate you every day, I whip you every day... Sometimes when I see you not seeking to improve, you want to kill someone."

Starlight Helmsman smiled bitterly: "What if some of us succeed...even just one of us?"

Everyone bowed their heads in shame.

"My biggest dream, my biggest selfishness, is that in the future, we can do something together. Together, we will help each other, together, as an alliance... we will fight against the wind and rain. The best, we all live, and the best, we all reach high positions."

"But I also know that that is impossible. Even I can't guarantee that I will still be alive by then. Maybe I will be dead before I get halfway through this road."

Starlight Helmsman smiled: "But you are different. When you were here in Baiyun Continent, the dragon was trapped in the shallows and the tiger was trapped in the sun. But when you leave here and return to the headquarters... at the very least, your lives are in danger, you are Basically none.”

"So you all have the opportunity to grow gracefully."

"At that time... for the sake of our ambition, we hope that you can help each other when we encounter difficulties."

The helmsman of Starlight said calmly: "If someone can successfully ascend to a high position, if I, Starlight, are no longer here by then, I hope you all can go to my grave, burn a stick of incense, and tell me. Someone of us has succeeded!"

Zheng Yunqi suddenly raised his head.

However, the Starlight Helmsman raised his hand to stop him from speaking, and said softly: "The night demon came here tonight, which aroused the injustice in my heart, so I want to express my heart to you brothers and sisters. These words will not matter after today. I’ll talk about it later.”

"So you don't have to say anything."

"If you have anything to say, keep it to yourself."

"It's useless to say it now."

The starlight helmsman smiled faintly: "Everyone, after today, I am still the moody and mentally ill starlight helmsman. Because I am a devil! So... let's all disperse and go to bed!"

Starlight Helmsman waved his hand, suddenly feeling uninterested.

Leaning on the throne and lying down diagonally, there was an indescribable feeling of exhaustion that just radiated out.

Everyone wanted to speak, but when they saw the Starlight Helmsman like this, they didn't dare.

Zheng Yunqi bowed deeply, then quietly stepped out.

Then Zhao Wushang did the same thing.

Then everyone suppressed the sourness in their hearts, bowed deeply, and exited silently.

Walking to the door of the hall, looking back, I saw the Starlight Helmsman leaning on the throne. He was alone in the silent hall. Although it was magnificent and luxurious, everyone felt that the current Starlight Helmsman, It's so lonely, so helpless.

It was a kind of powerlessness after an exhausting struggle.

I have put in all my efforts and will work harder in the future, but I am destined to be lonely and lonely that no one will take me seriously.

Everyone was silent.

Thinking of his situation, his heart trembles.

Everyone walked towards their accommodation in silence. That night, almost everyone had no sleep.

Everyone opened their eyes, looking at the roof, looking at the darkness, thinking about the words of the Starlight Helmsman, and thinking about their own situation.

My heart is racing.

Some people, especially girls, thought about it all night long and cried silently all night long.

That night, the fragility that Starlight Helmsman suddenly displayed, as well as his heartfelt words, and the sincerity revealed almost captured everyone's hearts.

The image of this ugly, vicious, vulgar, and moody devil suddenly became three-dimensional and vivid in the hearts of a bunch of little devils.

And very kind!

Although he seems to be declining from his position as a god, he is actually more stable in that position!

More real and reliable. ——This is our own people. This is our leader!

He is just like us, but he can do better than us at any time.

After this night, all respect and admiration turned into support!

Even being beaten again, scolded again, punished again, beaten and scolded again by the starlight helmsman for no reason... it all became a matter of course, it was all his own motivation!

It was just beating and scolding, but they did not discriminate against me or ignore me.

From this moment on, the starlight helmsman's light has almost replaced Night Demon, Yan Beihan, and Chen Yin in the hearts of these little devils from aristocratic families.

Because they...are all the proud sons of God, they will never know what we are thinking in this life.

But the star helmsman knows.

He knows me!


Deacon Fang, who had been in class all night and had been posing for half the night, came on duty.

Full of energy.

He was thinking, will what he said last night have any effect? What will these people do after they return to headquarters?

What will happen in their respective families?

With such stimulation, can everyone reach a certain position in the future?

How many of these people will be able to come in handy when the Solipsistic Orthodox Church rises to the sky?

What I said last night was definitely heart-warming and touching to these people, and it will definitely ferment in the days to come.

Slowly, these three to four hundred people will be affected.

"It's not much. Of these three to four hundred people, five or six will be available in the future... Even all the efforts during this period have been in vain."

Fang Che thought secretly in his heart.

Walking into the Deacons Hall, the stars twinkled.

Everyone nodded and smiled in a very friendly manner.

Cripple Hong Er quickly lowered his head.

Fang Che nodded and returned to his seat. There was something strange in my heart, since I had never seen Zhao Ying'er since he was attacked last time.

It seemed that this person disappeared silently.

But it doesn’t matter, there are know-it-alls around.

When he went out to patrol the streets, Fang Che asked, "How is Deacon Zhao's injury doing now?"

"Deacon Zhao Yinger?"

"anything else?"

"After Deacon Zhao was injured last time, I heard that he was taken back by his family to recuperate." Tang Zheng was indeed a jack of all trades.


Fang Che was surprised: "Where?"

"I don't know. Deacon Zhao's origin has always been a secret." Tang Zhengdao said, "I have been asking for a long time, but I still haven't found out."

"You don't even know?"

Fang Che was shocked.

"I don't know." Tang Zheng was a little depressed.

"But Deacon Zhao has been guarding the main hall for so many years, so it's amazing that he can keep secrets like this."

Fang Che was somewhat impressed.

"So many years?"

Tang Zheng was immediately shocked: "Why so many years? Deacon Zhao has made great plans and has only been here to guard the main hall for only half a year. For example, Deacon, you came here three months earlier. Not even that!"

Fang Che suddenly stopped and turned around: "Less than three months?"


"you sure?"

"I don't know this myself, everyone knows it."

Tang Zheng was surprised: "What's wrong?"

Fang Che frowned and thought.

He remembered it clearly.

On that day, when Zhao Ying'er wrote to herself, she once said something.

"The last time I experienced this kind of battle, I was a sixth-grade general..."

But the shortest interval between such battles is three years.

And Zhao Yinger has only been here to guard the main hall for less than three months?

Then why did she say that?

Either she was lying, or she was guarding another hall before, and was only transferred here before she arrived at the guarding hall.

Fang Che's eyes turned dark and gloomy. If Zhao Ying'er was lying, then why was she lying?

If Zhao Yinger was transferred from another guard hall, then why was she transferred here?

What's behind her?

Why is her family so mysterious?

Fang Che suddenly had a mystery in his heart.

With the mystery, Fang Che continued to patrol the streets.

During this period of time, the destruction of the Night Demon Sect was a major event.

The chief rudder is gone and all are dead.

The people in the branch below are basically in panic and have become a bereaved dog.

The guards guarding the main hall are constantly killing people; while the Yixin Sect, the Light Sect, the Three Saints Sect, and the Tianshen Sect are working hard to absorb the remaining forces of the Night Demon Sect.

On the Baiyun Continent, Fang Che used various methods to find the remaining Xiangtang stronghold of the Night Demon Sect. Based on the limited information that Zhao Wushang and others learned when they stayed in the Night Demon Sect, they followed the clues bit by bit.

There were seventeen shops that surrendered, and there were more than twenty people who were removed from the main hall before they had time to surrender.

Deacon Fang's merit points increased again by one thousand and fifty.

It is said that this time it was all the channel through Deacon Zuo Guanglie.

For a time, Captain Zuo's fishing and nest-making skills were well-known in the Baiyunzhou Guard Hall.

"Master Yan, are you there?"

Fang Che activated the Five Spirit Gu and sent a message through the communication jade.

Yan Beihan replied almost instantly: "Night Demon? Are you looking for something from me?"

"Well, I need to ask Mr. Yan for two things. I hope you can give me some advice."

Yan Beihan suddenly became reserved and said calmly: "Tell me, I'm very busy with my time. I just broke through to the third level of king level. Cultivation is quite time-consuming. Night Demon, how many levels of king level are you at?"

Fang Che suddenly didn't want to talk.

I'm such a bitch, what message should I send her?

Is there anything I can't deduce myself?

This woman simply enjoys hitting people.

He swallowed his anger and said: "I would like to ask Master Yan, how long will it take for the beauty effect of Shuiyuntian fruit to disappear? It is a good thing to increase your cultivation level, but the skin is getting smoother and more delicate, which is very embarrassing for me. After all, I am a Man, this is so bad."

Yan Beihan also started gnashing his teeth over there.


Night Stalker!

I know damn well that you, bastard, will never get my way every time!

Over there, a message came from Night Demon: "I regret it so much now. I shouldn't have robbed Master Yan at that time. Master Yan, what you have on your face now...isn't it rough?"

Yan Beihan's explosive news came immediately: "Ye Mo! You are such an interesting person! So interesting that every time I see you or talk to you, I want to cut you into pieces. You guy What the hell is going on in your head!"

Night Demon replied: "My mind is full of Master Yan right now!"

Yan Beihan was furious: "You called me shit?"

Night Demon was very surprised and replied: "Master Yan, where do you start with this statement?"


Yan Beihan's communication jade fell to the wall.

No reply for a long time.

Fang Che had already collected the communication jade, thinking that this girl would be very angry this time and probably didn't want to talk to him anymore.

So I frowned and thought to myself, whether to go or not, the pros and cons.

Who knew there was news from Five Spirit Gu.

Yan Beihan sent a new message: "What about the second thing?"

Fang Che was overjoyed and hurried back: "The person sent by Obsidian has arrived and wants to send me resources. Now I am thinking about whether to see him or not, and how dangerous it is."

Yan Beihan said: "That guy is giving you something, so just go and see him openly. No matter what he gives you, just accept it. That guy is very rich, and there is no need to worry about safety issues. The people he sends If I really want to kill you, I only need to make sure that you are in Baiyun Continent, and I can even kill the entire Baiyun Continent just to kill you!"

Fang Che felt terrified all over.

That Obsidian background is so powerful?

Just a person sent here to deliver medicine, so powerful?

After pondering for a while, he said: "I understand, thank you Master Yan."

Yan Beihan's emotional news came: "The people he sent have only arrived now? Did they crawl there?"

Fang Che suddenly felt the same and said: "I think so too, this speed is a bit slow."

Yan Beihan laughed and said, "Go ahead, it's reliable."

Fang Che immediately replied: "Then I feel relieved. It seems more reliable than Mr. Yan. Thank you, Mr. Yan."

"Night Stalker!"

Yan Beihan roared in the room, and the communication jade fell to the wall with a bang. This time it broke into pieces!

"Night Devil! You bastard! If I say one more word to you, I will be a dog! I want to kill you, I must kill you..."

A woman's voice came softly: "Xiaohan, what's wrong with you? What are you shouting for? Who are you going to kill? Girls, don't shout and kill every day, keep a peaceful mind... Otherwise, the five spirit poisons will corrode the mind. It’s not cute anymore. Even if you want to kill someone...it will only happen after you get married..."


Yan Beihan sighed and opened the door: "My communication jade is broken and I need to replace it."

"Broken again?"

A beautiful woman walked in, frowned, and said, "Don't throw the communication jade when you lose your temper in the future. Isn't it better to catch Ling Kong and the others and beat them up to vent their anger than throwing the communication jade?"

She said earnestly: "If you beat them, they can recover quickly; but if you drop the communication jade, they can't recover."

"What you said is right..."

Yan Beihan puffed up his mouth.

Along the way, Fang Che kept looking for a place where he could meet with the people sent by Obsidian.

Although Yan Beihan said so, Fang Che still instinctively wanted to find a safer and more reliable location.

The final decision was made not far from the helm.

If there is a serious stalemate, I will have to drag the whole crew with me to death.

So he sent a message to Obsidian: "How about we meet at... tonight at midnight?"

Black Yao replied: "Brother Night Demon is really cautious. As far as I know, there is a branch of your Yixin Cult not far over there, and the helmsman is very capable. No wonder Brother Night Demon chose that place."

Fang Che's back felt numb and he smiled and said, "Yes, I have a good relationship with the helmsman."

Hei Yao laughed and said: "You two are incompatible, haha, understand. Tonight, I will have someone wait for you at the place you designated. His surname is Ye, and his name is Yeyun. You two can talk about seniority, hahaha... …”

Fang Che replied: "How dare you discuss seniority with your seniors. Besides, this is my code name, not my real name."

Hei Yao replied: "You are really cautious. Okay, that's it. You practice hard and make progress as soon as possible. We will meet in Jianghu in the future."

Fang Che's heart moved and he asked, "Brother Hei Yao wants to come down too?"

Hei Yao said: "Same as you, if I go down, no one will know."

Communication is down.

Fang Che blew a breath, causing the black hair on his forehead to float.

"This Obsidian... a short phone call struck me, and it didn't make people feel disgusted. He revealed some information about the future, but it was vague. Start investing in me now and plan for the future... and he is definitely It’s not just me who invested.”

"Such a person has some signs of a chess player. I am afraid that in the future, he will be a big enemy of the righteous path."

Fang Che's heart was heavy.

On the Demon Sect's side, through this plan to raise Gu to become a god, it can be seen that there are many talents.

At least among the younger generation participating in the plan to raise Gu to become a god, there have been a large number of people with strength, background, scheming, means, and future plans.

Yan Beihan and Obsidian are naturally the best among them.

But the others, Ling Kong Lu Yuan and others, cannot be underestimated!

Just seeing how tight-lipped Lingkong Lu Yuan and others have been until now, and not even revealing any information about themselves, we know how strict these people are.

If a person has a strict reputation, that's fine.

But if six people keep secret together, then... the future plans are not small!

Because as we all know: if three people know a secret, it is no longer a secret!

If you calculate it this way, wouldn't the six people on the other side be considered very scary? The scariest thing is that they are all young people in their twenties.

As we all know, even after being tempered and beaten by the world, a person's thoughts will not become fully formed and mature until he is about thirty years old.

Fang Che sighed softly.

On the other hand, look at the defenders.

Geniuses from major martial arts schools...

It's not that there's no growth, it's just that... it's not as fast as the other party.

Whether it was his conduct as a person, his martial arts skills, or his scheming methods, compared to the other party, they were all slightly inferior to each other.

Someone on the other side is already learning to play chess.

But here, the vast majority are not even qualified to be chess pieces.

“There’s still a long way to go!”

Fang Che sighed softly.

Ended a day of patrolling.

Fang Che was still elusive, walking on the road with all kinds of changes, avoiding all possible tracking.

But... when they walked to a street, four people walking out of a teahouse caught Fang Che's attention.

The four people walked out of the teahouse, chatting and laughing, and walked relaxedly to an inn not far away.

"Lingyun Inn!"

Fang Che watched the four people disappear into the inn, feeling a burning fire of hatred burning in his heart.

Li Mengyun!

Li Changhe!

Li Changbo!

And the secret guard!

Fang Che could recognize these four people even if they turned into ashes.

"Didn't these four people leave? When did they come back?"

Fang Che walked through the inn easily and normally, heading into the distance, but he kept thinking in his heart.

"How did you come back? Oh... By the way, the news that Night Demon appeared in Baiyun Continent a few days ago and carried out attacks in Baiyun Continent brought these four people back."

Fang Che figured it out instantly.

Then a storm began in his mind.

"You're back... Just back like this? Are you just watching them leave?"

"Get rid of them!"

Fang Che is murderous!

An inexplicable emotion surged in his heart, and this murderous intention was almost unstoppable.

"The master of the main hall, or the master of the Baiyun Martial Arts Academy, and others... can take them down! And this is in Baiyun City. As long as they are surrounded, they will be dead!"

"Or just transfer this inn..."

Fang Che instantly thought of more than a dozen strategies in his mind, each of which could put these four people to death!

But considering the opponent's high-level imperial cultivation, Fang Che felt his heart slowly grow cold.

"No way!"

"This won't work either!"

"When these four people die, civilians will inevitably suffer, and... there will definitely be many people who die. At least hundreds or thousands of people will be buried with them!"

Fang Che sighed softly, feeling his heart calm down like ice and snow.

"Walking in the dark night all year round, wandering between life and death...for what reason, isn't it just for the stability of the world? If I put thousands of people in danger for my own revenge, and tens of millions of civilians died for it, then I would still use an undercover agent ? Then I am not directly the real devil?"

Fang Che sighed softly.

Force yourself not to think about it, just think about the meeting in the evening.

This Obsidian has a very high status, and the things he sent are definitely not ordinary things.

What will it be...

Suddenly, it seemed as if a light from heaven and earth suddenly struck Fang Che's mind!

In an instant, a clear idea emerged.

A word that echoes in my heart.

That's what Yan Beihan said: "If the people he sent really want to kill you, they only need to make sure that you are in Baiyun Continent, and they can even kill the entire Baiyun Continent just to kill you!"

It was this sentence that suddenly connected with the murderous intention in Fang Che's heart.

In an instant.

Fang Che's heart was bright.

In the night.

The golden horned dragon came out quietly, carrying a folded black note, and left without a trace towards Lingyun Inn.

Li Mengyun and three guards have been staying at Lingyun Inn for more than a month.

Every day, we are carefully investigating the news about the Night Stalker.

However, nothing was found.

Moreover, every bit of the Demon Cult branch in Baiyun Continent is gone. The efficiency of guarding the main hall is simply outrageous.

Although the four of them are all emperor-level masters, they dare not make any mistakes in Baiyun Continent.

Once discovered and besieged, even if a large number of people can be taken away to be buried with him, he will definitely die in the end.

So very cautious.

Almost all the rudders of all subordinate sects were removed.

Li Mengyun and others are increasingly losing their source of information and are already preparing to leave.

But just today, I contacted the juniors from the headquarters and asked when they would go back. If possible, it would be safer to take them back.

But I learned an unexpected news.

The Yixin Sect actually has a branch in Baiyun Continent!

And it was done impressively.

And he also has a clear identity.

Moreover, the other party has already contacted these juniors and is planning to contact them to see if they can be absorbed.

At that time, you will naturally know where the helm of Yishinjiao is.

Li Mengyun and others are waiting for the juniors to meet in three days. As long as they know where the branch of Yixin Sect is, they can press for the whereabouts of Night Demon.

It's late at night.

But Li Mengyun was in good spirits.

"All the hard work pays off, and we finally have some clues."

"I'm just afraid that the one who takes the helm of the Heart Sect may not know where the Night Demon is." Li Changbo said.

"That's not necessarily true. It's really possible that the helmsman is the Night Demon." Li Changhe said.

"It's all possible."

Li Mengyun sat on a chair, sipping tea leisurely, and said: "So, we will find out when we go there in three days. If we can find the Night Demon, that would be the best. If we can't find it... then just kill the helmsman directly. "

"I want to kill every one of the people who teach Yixin!"

Li Mengyun snorted coldly: "If it weren't for them, how could my brother die?"

"The plan to raise Gu to become a god..."

"Don't mention the plan to raise Gu to become a god! Judging from the current attitude of the Yin Shen Palace, the leader of the One Heart Sect, is there any possibility of reconciliation between this Heart Sect and our family?"

Li Mengyun said angrily: "That Yin Shen Palace thinks of itself as the leader of a sect, look at the airs it puts on! He was so rude and even reported us... Isn't he just a leader of a subordinate sect? The leader of a third-level sect is gone. A night devil was transported and a champion was promoted. What qualifications do you have to compete with us?"

"I can't wait to kill all the Yixin Sect!"

"Third Miss, it is said that the recent collapse of the Night Demon Sect is also related to the Yixin Sect."

"It's the one who reported it from Yin Shen Palace. This person is really an old silver coin. He doesn't dare to do anything with open swords and guns. He only reports others!"

"What a despicable person!"


Everyone was speechless.

The third lady’s words are flawed.

We are solitary sect members... are there any decent people?

"My brother Li Mengnan... Hey, Mengnan, my sister is going to avenge you."

Li Mengyun stared blankly at the night sky outside the window, as if his young and handsome brother was smiling at him in the night sky.

"Mengnan has been a genius since he was a child, and his cultivation is faster than others. When he was born, I was already seventeen years old; I have always taken him with him, from a little thing who didn't understand anything, to a handsome and handsome man... The child who fell down and cried for his sister to hug him has grown up to the eighth rank of a military general, and he has not even taken a single pill to increase his cultivation!"

Li Mengyun's eyes turned red: "This is the most talented person in the history of the Li family! But just like this..."

Her voice broke.

"I close my eyes every night now. When Mengnan was two years old, she fell on the ground and cried and asked me to hug her...but I pushed her away cruelly every time..."

"Countless times I dreamed that my brother was covered in blood and said to me, sister, take revenge. It was like when he lost a fight with someone when he was a child, he came back to me, pointed at the other person and said: sister, beat him!"

"His blood-refining magic skills have reached the bottleneck of improvement. As long as the plan to raise Gu to become a god is launched and suck the blood of ten pure yin virgins, he can directly break the bottleneck, break through the military commander in one fell swoop, and hit the military commander within three months. At the peak, you can become a Marquis of Wu in four months and reach the king level in one year!"

"This is the path he planned!"

"In fact, I have prepared those ten women for him. Now, those ten bitches are still alive and well, but my brother is gone!"

"Why! Why!"

Li Mengyun was mumbling in his sleep and said hysterically: "Why is God always jealous of talented people?!"

"Why can such a mediocre person live, but my brother, who is such a genius, died?"

Li Mengyun's eyes turned red: "I can't figure it out! I can't figure it out no matter what I say!"

Li Changhe and Li Changbo were both silent.

At this moment... something was floating in the air, and something seemed to fall.

The four of them were stunned at the same time.

This is in an inn room. What is this?

Under the suspicious gazes of four people and eight eyes, a black piece of paper fluttered down.

It fell on the table in front of Li Mengyun.


[I’m looking at your names and thinking about them carefully. Many brothers are very serious, and some are more outrageous. They even have "machine guns" and "machine guns"... I have to say that they are awesome. 】

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