Lord of the North

Chapter 420 Could it be a fake?

"Your Highness, be careful of that man wearing two long swords." Just as the group of people got along very well and walked towards the governor's mansion, the guard master who had been following Lorca without saying a word whispered in his ear.

"Badis, what happened to him?"

Lorca glanced at the mighty Arthur suspiciously when he heard the words, but he didn't feel threatened from him, thinking that he was just a great nobleman with a high status.

The guard named Badis is also an earth knight, but his strength and eyesight are obviously higher than that of Lorca, and he has just inadvertently spied the tip of Arthur's iceberg.

But under the pressure of the tip of the iceberg, he actually lost the courage to draw his sword, so he said to Luoka with some anxiety: "The energy in his body is as vast as an abyss, and the two of us may not be able to escape from him together." .”


It is said that Lorca is calm on the surface, but there are huge waves in his heart. Badis's strength has reached the peak of the earth knight, but this one feels powerless even him. Doesn't it mean that he and Ha Is the one in the palace of the Laotian Empire a strong man of the same realm?

In a place like the north where resources are poor and not suitable for cultivating extraordinary power, how could there be such a strong person staying?

You must know that long ago, after the Hundred Clans moved to the Talun Mountains, most of the strong human beings on the mainland went to the south. Part of the reason was to resist the Hundred Clans' counterattack that might appear at any time.

Another part of the reason is the fertile social environment in the south and the geographical conditions rich in resources.

Later, because the Holy See built the holy mountain and the holy city in the south, a large number of masters joined the original Holy See, and the masters and talents in the north were even more withered. In order to seek challenges and breakthroughs, more and more masters left up north.

Gradually, there were not so many superpowers in the north, and there were not even a few earth knights, and the inheritance of superpowers became even fewer.

Gradually, more talented people were buried.

But Lorca did not expect that there would be such a strong man under Jason's command. He thought that the several earth knights in the information surprised him, but now he is even more uneasy.

And his father seemed to want to train him as an ally, so Loka had some other ideas in his mind.

Because he is not of pure Molodan blood in his body, but also has half of Haiwei blood, so many nobles in the empire do not recognize him. No matter how outstanding his achievements are, those pedantic guys never willing to admit him.

Some people even advocated depriving him of his status as the commander of the Withered Leaf Legion.

But if he can build a good relationship with Jason, and with Jason with the help of himself and his father, there may be a chance to become the overlord in the future. At that time, if he can get his support, maybe he can...

For a while, Lorca's attitude towards Jason became more enthusiastic.

Arriving at the reception room of the Governor's Mansion, after everyone was seated, Jason pondered for a moment, without too many greetings, and asked Loka directly with doubts: "Respected His Highness Loka, your father, the wise Halauja Why did His Majesty the Emperor suddenly invite me to visit the Imperial City of Xisar?"

He made up his mind that if Lorca's performance was wrong, he would immediately order him to be arrested, and he would be courteous for nothing. Don't be cautious.

Seeing Jason's slightly wary expression, Loka was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly burst into laughter. He didn't expect his father to show kindness to a teenager for the first time, but he was misunderstood.

But it's no wonder, after all, he didn't even want to understand why his father did this, because there was no reason at all.

Before that, he had never even heard of Jason's name. He only knew that the two princes of the Lopez Kingdom in the north were fighting for the right of inheritance.

Because in his eyes,

The half-orc alliance and the Holy See are the most worthy of attention, plus a black skull pirate group that has been threatening the survival of the Haiwei people recently.

This pirate group suddenly appeared in the West Sea and defeated a Haiwei fleet consisting of six warships.

Seriously threatened the maritime trade between the West Sea Islands and the Harauia Empire, and escaped the encirclement and suppression of the Harauia Empire Navy four times in a row.

Luoka smiled and replied: "This is not a serious occasion, you can call me Luoka in private, I know you care, but I have to say a fact, if we want to harm you, there is no need to go to such trouble Yes, it is enough to directly assist your brother."

After he finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and continued, "And if we want to hide from the eyes and ears of the Holy See and send an army of tens of thousands of people to the north, we can do it."

The amount of information contained in this sentence is a bit large, which makes Jason a little surprised and annoyed. Is this threatening him?

"Of course, I didn't mean that. What I want to express is that the Holy See is not omnipotent." Seeing Jason's face change slightly, Loka knew that he had misunderstood what he meant, so he hurriedly explained.

"I don't want to go against the Holy See."

When Jason heard the words, he immediately understood what the emperor of the Haruah Empire wanted to do. He didn't want to fight against the people of the Holy See.

At least not yet.


Lorca didn't expect Jason to be so straightforward, but he still persuaded patiently: "But what you have to admit is that several Templars from the Holy See died on your territory."

Immediately, Jason was in a bad mood. Not many people knew about it, and it was impossible for it to be leaked, so he asked in surprise, "You all know this?"

"We also have spies inside the Holy See."

Luoka is also a real person, and he actually had a showdown with Jason directly.

"We didn't kill people. I can hand over the magic swordsman. He is living comfortably in my prison now." Jason squinted his eyes and replied.

"You captured the magic swordsman alive?" Unexpectedly, Loka shouted in surprise: "Then the Holy See will not let you go, he is involved in a secret of the Holy See, or a scandal !"

"Great, you are destined to be a partner in our camp!"

Are you really so excited?

Jason's face turned dark. This prince Luoka seems to be different from the rumors. Isn't it that he is wise and full of majesty?

Is this person in front of you really the eldest prince of the Harauya Empire? Could it be a fake?

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