Lord of the North

Chapter 421 Scandal

But after he reminded him, Jason suddenly remembered the time when Gwendoline came to the north to reconcile with him in person.

At that time, she also said that the magic swordsman was related to a scandal of the Holy See. Specifically, it seemed to involve the existence of the taboo of human experimentation. If this matter is made public, the blow to the Holy See will be very huge. .

It's just that Jason thought that no matter how powerful the Holy See was, it would not be against him because of such a thing. After all, he was a member of the royal family of King Lopez.

But seeing Lorca like this, he suddenly became less confident in his judgment.

So Jason said with a dark face: "It's just a human experiment scandal, and it's been so many years. It's impossible for a magic swordsman to have an impact on the Holy See, right? So they shouldn't have any reason to Hostile to me."

After a pause, he said maliciously: "And if they really want to harm me, wouldn't it be enough if I just hand over the magic swordsman to them?"


Unexpectedly, upon hearing Jason's words, Loka clutched his stomach and let out a loud laugh regardless of his appearance, Zola who was watching was stunned for a while.

The eldest prince of the Hallauia Empire has a good personality and is a bit... maverick.

"Holding... sorry... I didn't mean to offend, my dear Jason, it seems that you don't know much about the temper and conduct of the Holy See." Loka, who noticed that Jason was showing signs of losing his temper, quickly stopped his laughter.

He said to Jason with a serious face: "If you do this, those guys from the Holy See will definitely give you the honorary title of the Holy See just in case, and to silence everyone. Afterwards, those lunatics from the Inquisition Office will come to your gate, and then carry out the silence operation. Finally, those superficial and 'noble' cardinals will stand up and explain in sorrow that you were killed by Hundred Clans or Dark Blue Cross. murdered by the heretics."

When referring to the Holy See, Loka's tone was full of contempt, because the members of the Harauja royal family really knew the style of the Holy See too well.

Because for a long time, the government of the Harauya Empire was secretly controlled by the Holy See, and they could even decide on the emperor's choice.

Jason looked surprised, he exclaimed: "How?! They are the guardians of this continent!"

He stared at Lorca with the look of a liar, as if to say: You fucking lied to me, so I won't be fooled.

The corners of Lorca's eyes twitched when he saw this. He was really shocked by Jason's poor acting skills, exaggerated expressions, and his thick skin. Even if you want to pretend to be surprised, please be dedicated?

But he could tell that Jason was a guy who didn't see the rabbit and didn't scatter the eagle. It was impossible for him to express his opinion before he understood the real purpose of his father's invitation.

After thinking about this, Roca suddenly didn't want to talk, and he babbled so much about his feelings, the Duke Jason didn't listen at all.

So he had no choice but to sigh helplessly, and said: "Jason, I didn't mean anything malicious, I just came to invite you to visit the Imperial City of Xisar, and you will know when you meet my father in the Imperial City of Xisar." .”

He added at the end: "I come with sincere goodwill."

Jason curled his lips in his heart, I have already seen that your father just wanted to overthrow the Holy See, and then looked for allies or pawns everywhere.

He didn't believe that Lancelot had been promoted to the Sky Knight for so long. The emperor who controlled one-fifth of the continent's resources would not know about it, that is, the eldest prince, who was not very well informed, didn't know about it.

It's just that Emperor Harauja sent his eldest son to invite him. If he didn't go, he would definitely feel ashamed. He didn't want to offend a behemoth like Master Ha.

And if he can get in touch with Emperor Harauya, his reputation in the kingdom will be greatly improved,

Some vacillating or neutral nobles may also change their attitude.

"I will go to the Imperial City of Caesar to meet the respected Emperor Harauya. His deeds have always inspired me, so when shall we go?" Jason made a decision after a little thought. Arthur, Mo Dred and Cu Chulainn followed, even if something happened to him, he wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to escape.

"If you don't want to... eh? You said you agreed?" Loka asked in surprise?

What a poor child, deaf in his thirties? Jason thought.

"That's right, when will we set off and which way will we go? You know, there is a little friction between me and my brother Wang. If we go directly through the Lopez Kingdom, I'm afraid he will act irrationally." Of course, these are small things, but if I bump into you, I will feel sorry." Jason said a little "embarrassed".

After a short exchange, it was obvious that Locke, who was a bit thick-skinned in Jason, was very wise not to entangle him with this detail too much, but said directly: "We will not go to the hinterland of the Lopez Kingdom, we will go directly by boat." It will take about four months to cross the Doran Kingdom by the Morning River, and then return to the Halauah Empire by sea."

"Probably not quite right either."

Jason said with a slightly tangled expression: "My elder brother just married the fourth princess of the Dolan Kingdom last year..."

"You really have made a lot of enemies." Loka choked on him for a long time before uttering a word.

But Jason himself also felt very wronged. In fact, when he first arrived in the northern fiefdom, he just wanted to be an idle nobleman.

On weekdays, I took a group of guards and dog legs to wander around in my own territory, and then married a beautiful daughter of a small nobleman as my wife, and my whole life of idleness was over.

But there are many people who don't want to see him live so comfortably and comfortably!

"But it doesn't matter. King Dolan won't be so stupid as to oppose us, and it's just a daughter. He can even give up his own son for the benefit. What is a daughter?" Luoka pondered for a moment, then whispered.

This has to talk about an incident twenty years ago. At the time, the king of the Dolan Kingdom was still a prince, but his son was already in his teens. He sent his eldest son to a small medium-sized country to propose a marriage, which paralyzed the king's mind. Vigilant awareness.

Of course, the king of the small country happily agreed, and when the engagement banquet was in full swing, the king of the Dolan Kingdom personally led troops to capture more than a dozen cities on the border of that small country with ease.

The final result was very obvious. His Royal Highness the prince died at the banquet, and the small country was wiped out by King Dolan at a small price.

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