Lord of the North

Chapter 422: Zombie Sect in the Darkness

"Okay, you've convinced me, when are we going to leave?" Jason thought to himself, thinking it made sense, and with the strength of the Halauah Empire, how could it be impossible to pass through the Dolan Kingdom secretly.

"Of course, the sooner the better!" Loka seemed in a hurry.

It can't be blamed that he is too anxious. You must know that many brothers and sisters of him are staring at his position as the commander of the Withered Leaf Legion, and they can't wait to replace him.

Moreover, he is not in charge of the Withered Leaf Army alone, and his sixth brother is also serving in the Withered Leaf Army now. If he does not return for a long time, something he does not want to see may happen.

And it has been more than five months since he left the Withered Leaves Legion.

Let me mention here that the current Emperor Harauya has married fifteen wives, and has nineteen children under his knees, eleven sons and eight daughters. The oldest is Loka, who is 32 years old this year, and the youngest is Bilo. Ka's sons are young, only two years old.

And he himself is over sixty years old, which makes Jason sincerely admire his physical fitness.

Jason thought about it for a while. In addition to arranging various affairs after he left, he also had to prepare a gift for the emperor of the Haruah Empire. Although he was invited to go, such things as gifts must not be ignored .

Because Jason's status is not high enough, if he also has the strength comparable to the Ludian Empire, then he doesn't have to do these small things.

As for what to give Jason, he had already thought about it, a fine steel long sword forged by the elders of the ice field dwarves.

The group of dwarves who migrated from the ice field to Francis City brought Jason a lot of gifts, including several sets of armor and various weapons forged by the dwarf elders himself.

The quality of the best works is already very close to the epic weapons produced by the system.

As for the truly epic-level equipment, even the legendary-level equipment is no longer something that the current dwarves can forge.

Not only is the technology unreachable, but also the scarcity of precious minerals and materials.

"Okay, then come to Laian Port to find me after you make arrangements. Our fleet is there." It has been delayed for several months, and it will still take about four months to sail in the future, so Loka will not In a hurry, he nodded and agreed.

And said that he went to Laian Port to arrange the fleet first.

This made Jason somewhat agree with what he said before, that he could quietly transport an army to the north.

After all, his fleet was able to carry him away from the surveillance of the staff at Laian Port and the black crow, which meant that they could use the same method to transport an army.

Sure enough, the tentacles of this profound empire are everywhere, like the minions of the Holy See. It is very likely that the person who lives next to you is a knight of the Inquisition.

Seven days later, Jason finally arranged all the affairs of the three northern provinces under his control in Lucca City, and made arrangements for the people who would accompany him to the Haraua Empire.

It was the three who had just arrived, including Arthur, and the guards of one hundred and fifty Spartan soldiers.

This lineup is already comparable to the diplomatic activities of the emperors of some great empires, and even worse.

In fact, he really wanted to take Lancelot with him, but Lancelot had too many tasks at hand, and he couldn't get away from being so busy.

Even if there are other people to cooperate, it is still very busy, because the legion is newly established, and the things that need to be prepared are too complicated.

After stepping on Lorca's boat, Jason suddenly felt a little uneasy, because strictly speaking, it was Jason's first time on a boat.

Even when the Chenhe offensive and defensive battle was going on, Jason didn't step on the boat once, and he always commanded on the ground, so it's not known whether he would get seasick.

It's just that with the strong adaptability of the superpower, this kind of small problem shouldn't be difficult to solve.

On the way, Lorca has been looking enviously at the Spartan soldiers following Jason, an army composed entirely of superpowers,

This kind of extravagant behavior was not even done by his father.

It's not that they can't find so many people, but they feel that these people should have better development opportunities and places to show their abilities.

Probably only the Holy See can do such a extravagant thing, after all, they have great achievements and thousands of years of history.

Now there is one more person on this list, Earl Jason Lopez from the north of the continent.

Soon the fleet left the dock, and the seven warships disguised as large merchant ships were hardly in danger on the Morning River, and they were a force that could not be ignored even in the West Sea.

It's just that when they just left the pier, Arthur had been sitting in the corner with his eyes closed and meditating. Arthur suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards a corner of the pier.

He just felt like someone was watching him.

It's just that this feeling is fleeting, so he can't be sure whether his feeling is true or not.

But Cu Chulainn, Loka and others didn't notice it, not to mention the weaker Jason, but Mordred looked around the dock with some doubts.

Then he shook his head and continued to follow Jason.

At this moment, on the wharf of Laian Port, a man in black was standing there quietly, and no one around seemed to notice him.

This person was Hassan who had been away from Jason for two years.

However, his originally young and handsome face was full of vicissitudes at this time, and there was even a scar at the corner of his eye. It seemed that his mission after sneaking into the Zombie Sect was not very smooth.

And the truth is the same. He originally belonged to the Snake God Sect, a dilapidated evil god church that was struggling to survive, but only after he really got in touch with it did he realize that this organization is not so simple.

It is no exaggeration to say that one-eighth of the nobles of the Lopez Kingdom are involved with the Snake Sect. Of course, the name they use when they contact the nobles is not the Snake Sect.

It's an organization called the Fellowship.

But in fact, the top leaders of this fellowship are the bishops of the Snake God Sect, and those nobles have always thought that they have found a group that has the interests of all the nobles.

Little do they know that they are just parasites of the Zombie Cult and a source of information.

Two years is not short, and during this time Hassan finally climbed to the position of the white-clothed bishop of the Snake God Cult step by step with his own wrist and wisdom.

And was sent out to take charge of an area, this area is Le'an City, but taking advantage of this opportunity, Hassan did not carry out the task safely, but heard about Jason's actions.

So he couldn't help but slipped over to take a look, but he was suddenly discovered by Arthur unexpectedly.

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