Lord of the North

Chapter 423 Most Likely to Unify the North

"His Highness, his new follower?"

Hassan watched the seven ships slowly leave the port, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

At the same time, he also felt the majestic power in Arthur's body, but he didn't feel fear or powerlessness. As an assassin, he has many means to kill people by leapfrogging.

The reason why he was beaten so badly when he besieged the giant snake Adrian was entirely because some of his methods were not suitable for targeting this kind of creature.

He just felt a sense of urgency. Now Jason has more and more masters and talents. Some of them came to this continent like himself, and there are also top talents from the local area.

"My lord bishop, have you found anything?" Just as he was thinking to himself, a flattering voice sounded behind him.

It was a short, fat middle-aged man, and he was also the bishop of the Zombie Sect who was in charge of preaching in Laian City before Hassan, but he made a mistake before, which almost caused the stronghold of the Zombie Sect in Laian City to be exposed in Lanmaloc now.

So the Zombie Temple decided to revoke his bishop position and let Hassan replace him.

And this former bishop named Ammon was not sanctioned because he had made a lot of contributions and had a good relationship with some high-level temple officials. Instead, he stayed by Hassan's side to help him.

Before Hassan came to take office, he thought that the bishop of Ammon was just someone who knew how to plunder property and provided a huge amount of money to the Snake God Cult, but after she got in touch with it, she found that it was not what he thought.

This Bishop of Ammon was a very shrewd person, and Hassan felt that he might have shown signs of intending to leave the Zombie Sect.

The revocation of the post of bishop for this mistake may be his first plan, and then step by step to marginalize himself, minimize his sense of existence, and then reduce him to ordinary congregants. The final goal is self-evident.

Hassan still remembers what he said at the banquet just after he arrived in Laian City. He was too drunk and said a word unintentionally: "Alas! Now the army in Laian City is getting more and more powerful under the management of that shit Lan Mallock. Strong, many of our 'friends' have been deposed from their positions and their titles have been deprived, and he still refuses to enter, if this continues, Laian City may not have a foothold for our Snake God Sect."

"It's nothing, let's go back." Hassan shook his head slightly, then turned and left without talking to him.

Amon scratched his hair in some distress. He felt that his new boss seemed not easy to get along with. What made him tremble most was the pair of eyes that had always been as calm as water.

Being stared at by him is like being stared at by a beast.

Then he looked at the direction Hassan had been staring at before. Ammon didn't believe his words at all, and he must have read his dodge just now.

It's just that Ammon didn't know what Hassan was thinking. At this moment, Hassan, who had already walked away, stopped, turned his head and said calmly: "Also, don't stand behind me and call I."


As expected, the speed of leaving from the Morning River was much faster. After more than a month, Jason left the Kingdom of Lopez and entered the Kingdom of Dolan.

After entering the territory of the Dolan Kingdom, their fleet was interrogated by the Dolan Kingdom Navy, but the apparent leader of the fleet, a thin middle-aged businessman, showed a pass, and they let go.

This was never encountered in the former Lopez Kingdom, because before Jason, the Lopez Kingdom did not have a fully organized navy.

Only some armies attached to the port cities will be equipped with some ships, and most of these ships are transformed from merchant ships.

Jason, who was standing at the bow of the boat watching the scenery on both sides of the Morning River, couldn't help but said, "The gap between Dolan Kingdom and Lopez is really obvious."

Arthur, who had been standing next to him, nodded in agreement, and then said, "Indeed, compared to your city, Your Highness,

The cities of this country seem to be too prosperous. "

"Because the Doran Kingdom and the Lopez Kingdom focus on different aspects." Loka walked over alone, and the guard who had been by his side did not follow this time.

He first greeted Jason and Arthur, and then continued to say: "The Kingdom of Lopez dominates the north with military power, but it doesn't pay much attention to production. This kind of country's model is destined to not last long."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Jason and found that he showed an expression of approval before continuing: "Although the military strength of the Dolan Kingdom is not as strong as that of the Lopez Kingdom, the combined military strength of the entire country is only more than 400,000. But this country's emphasis on production in the fields of commerce, agriculture, and handicrafts is unmatched by the northern countries."

"To put it bluntly, today's Lopez Kingdom is in constant civil strife, the Lion Kingdom is weak, and the Suxin Kingdom itself is hard to protect. After a hundred years, it must be the Dolan Kingdom that will unify the north." Luoka said very simply.

Jason glanced at him, and said lightly: "Military, this is the situation before the Lopez Kingdom fell into civil strife, my father also gave Garcia the old wounds accumulated in constant fighting, no, It should be said that it was Gwendolin's chance that Phil came to power later."

"Gwendoline? That lioness? It is said that she is so beautiful, if she can conquer such a woman..." Loka showed a look that a man could understand.

Although he has a lofty status and outstanding abilities, it is difficult to get rid of a common problem that exists in all people in this era-the desire to conquer, whether it is for power or for women.

But Jason didn't like this femme fatale woman with weird personality at all. Although he cooperated with her for a short time and had a truce, Jason felt that they were destined to fight again.

So he simply smiled, and then said to Luoka: "Then I wish His Royal Highness Luoka the beauty in advance, but I have to remind you that this woman is not simple."

"The background of the dark blue cross star can't stop me." Lorca looked confident.

Jason didn't say much when he saw this, but gave him a self-seeking look: "Good luck."

Although Gwendoline is not very old, he always has a feeling that this girl will play with Loka in the palm of his hand. It may be that when Loka is by his side, he is always harmless to humans and animals, and a little funny look.

Suddenly Loka's guard ran over in a hurry, and said with an ugly expression: "Your Highness, we may have encountered some small troubles."

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