Lord of the North

Chapter 424 Little Trouble

But the truth of the matter is not a small trouble as Lorca's guards said, because when they were searched by another Dolan Kingdom water fleet, they found three corpses on a ship behind.

The death was so miserable that even executioners like Cu Chulainn didn't want to take a second look. It seemed that they were tortured inhumanely before they died.

If it’s just like this, it’s okay, and the fleet of the Dolan Kingdom will turn a blind eye if it’s packed, but the identity of the deceased is actually the three Lords of the Saiyan City that the Dolan Kingdom just disappeared a few days ago.

And eight days ago, Loka's fleet had just resupplied in Saiyan City.

Jason came to Lorca, who had a slightly ugly expression, and asked softly, "Are you saying that we were calculated maliciously, or was it just a simple coincidence that we were taken as scapegoats?"

Luoka finally put away his harmless expression, but said with a sneer: "I don't believe that such a coincidence will happen in this world. It seems that there is a traitor under my command."

At the same time, there was a sense of urgency in his heart. No matter what the outcome of this kind of thing happened, it would undoubtedly delay his return to China and smear his name.

And the one who has the motivation to do so is of course his "shy" sixth brother!

He turned around and said to the guards of the Earth Knight standing behind him: "Badis, find that person, I want him to know what will happen if he betrays me!"

"Yes, Your Highness, but before that, I think we should appease the anger of the Fleet Governor first. I think DuPont is in trouble." Badis replied respectfully.

"I see." Lorca waved his hand and let Badis back down.

Then he turned to look at Jason and said, "I'm very sorry, my dear friend, I hope this incident won't affect your mood, excuse me."

After speaking, he turned and left.

After watching him leave, Arthur said to Jason: "Your Highness, it seems that our trip to the Haruah Empire may not be as smooth as imagined."

"Ah, it looks like this. I hope it won't be too troublesome." Jason also had some headaches. Getting close to a group of people is destined to offend a group of people. There is no way around that.

It's just that if this trip can get the support of Emperor Harauja, these so-called enemies are not unacceptable.

After all, the old emperor is not dead yet, and his body is very strong. A man in his sixties is the same as a middle-aged man in his forties. It will take more than ten or twenty years for these dancing princes to take power. Year.

"Your Highness, I went to see it. The wounds of the three corpses are still fresh, and the death time will not exceed three hours."

At this moment, Cu Chulainn came over and said calmly, "That means there must be a lot of traitors or spies on this fleet, otherwise it would be impossible to hide three living people on this ship without being discovered."

Jason felt that things were getting more and more troublesome: "Then do you think that the fleet governor is also a participant in this conspiracy?"

"It's almost the same, otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence." Mordred also said.

The guy hadn't spoken much since he got on the boat, and Arthur was silent most of the time.

On the other side, Loka has already found the fleet governor, and saw the beaten and inhuman leader of the Chamber of Commerce, the ostensible owner of the fleet.

Moreover, he is one of Loka's confidantes, serving in the Withered Leaf Legion. He is a marching staff officer, a civilian, and fighting is not his strong point, so he appears so vulnerable when facing a group of wolf-like soldiers.

"General, I think you may need to explain to me." Loka endured his anger and faced the burly and rugged fleet governor.

The terrifying pressure of being an earth knight also radiated out without any concealment.

"You... who are you?"

The fleet governor only felt as if he was facing a ferocious beast, and the extraordinary power in his body also seemed a little stagnant at this moment.

After saying that sentence, he may feel that his momentum is a little weak,

Immediately bit the bullet and said: "Murdering the nobles of our country, no matter who you are, this matter cannot be good!"

"My name is Loka Harauja, the first heir to the Harauja Empire, the leader of the Withered Leaf Legion." Loka finally showed the courage of his great prince, and pulled out the weapon he had been hanging on. The long sword at the waist is engraved with a two-winged flying snake.

In the unspoken rules of this era, this kind of decoration is only eligible to be used by the royal family of the Hallauia Empire, and others dare not go beyond it, because this is a symbol and has witnessed the history of the Hallauia family.

"This... this..." The fleet governor of the Dolan Kingdom opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

"Do you think it is necessary for me to come all the way to Dolan Kingdom to kill a few little nobles whom I have never met?"

After finishing speaking, he sneered again: "To put it bluntly, even if I want to kill this kind of person, I don't have to come in person at all. As long as I reveal a little bit of wind, many people are willing to take it for the sake of teaching me well." their heads."

Standing from a distance to observe the situation here, Jason couldn't help but said to Mordred who was on the side: "It seems that he didn't participate, and he is also a poor guy who took the blame."

"My lord, please forgive me. I'm afraid I can't decide this matter, and I don't dare to confirm whether your identity is true, so I hope you can come with me to the capital to meet our majesty the king. Explain this matter clearly." Although the fleet governor almost believed it in his heart, because he didn't think anyone was willing to risk being hunted down by the Halauia Empire to pretend to be a member of the royal family, but this kind of thing is no longer just like him. The governor of the local fleet can decide.

This involves the relationship between the two countries, as well as the face of the two countries. It has to be said that there is nothing wrong with the governor's behavior.

It's just that this kind of result is what Lorca's opponent wants, because this time will delay Lorca's fleet for almost a month.

This made Lorca unable to attack at all. After all, three nobles from the Doran Kingdom died on his own ship.

Just dying for no apparent reason is slapping Dolan Kingdom in the face.

"Okay, arrange for someone to take me to see your majesty the king immediately." Luoka's expression changed, and he could only reluctantly agree in the end.

His identity meant that he could not be willful.

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked towards his room, and said to Badis while walking, "Find out those damned traitors, I want them to die without a burial!"

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